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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. I guess somebody got their butt reamed when they got into work at the cubicle farm this morning. You behind on polling numbers or new registered voters for the Democrats?
  2. I'm guessing that one of the benefactors at the Soros Cubicle Farm seriously has their nipple caught in the ringer concerning the faux Russia Gate or Epstein and Tiberius has been given the job of helping free it up by influencing public opinion. Tibs has been shrill before but in the last two days he is pegging the meter. Coincidence that the heat is ramping up on some key Dem politicians as Tibs is here screaming that the sky is falling?
  3. Tibs is a paid clown by a liberal think tank to chip away at conservative blocks of the US. We should all be aware of these efforts so as to counter them.
  4. I wish that I could selectively ignore the world such as you do. Did any of your paychecks have a Clinton Foundation header on them? You could probably list it on E-bay. ?
  5. Now it is said Manafort has had ties to the Clinton's. The Putin love is all in your mind. That aside you could masterbate with like minded libs who attend area universities. Surely, it has to be unrewarding to come here day after day with no emotional reward even if you are getting 15 dollars per hour from some lib think tank to post here.
  6. So what do you propose? Spend nothing and assume humanity has evolved beyond the point of open aggression towards others?
  7. So sorry. We have had cats and dogs here and it is never easy when something such as what you had happen comes along. For the moment we are at one cat and she was very sick last week. Could not hold anything down for over a day and a half. Then she rebounded and we were grateful. She throws fits if we try to take her to the vet and during the worst of it we thought the trip might do more harm than good if she went there.
  8. Let's send in Michael Westen (Burn Notice).
  9. I don't know if that would do it and I have a great amount of doubt about it. A lot of people just don't believe in a sense of community anymore and have an entire belief system built around it. These neighbors were probably raised in a situation where their families did not interact with the neighbors. Mom and dad were too busy with their careers and considered people who did not think the same way as losers. A neighbor I had many years back inherited a bunch of money while fairly young so he and his wife had no use for the "poor" neighbors. People can be too competitive for their own good at times.
  10. Interesting. I can take a lot of sloppiness in terms of the plants but poorly behaved kids.....GGRRRRRR! Been pretty good of late but there was a period about ten years back I had ATV problems on the property. Had to go out and confront kids. I was always respectful and I think that helped resolve the issues. Back when I was at Cornell during the 1980's Carl Sagan was a neighbor. Go up the street two short blocks and make a right. Drove a black Saab as I recall.
  11. Yes, different eras. Kirk more a soldier as he put it and Picard more a diplomat. I just don't see Picard as a brawler. I see him handing off Khan or Korax (the Klingon from The Trouble with Tribbles who talks smack about the Enterprise and Kirk) to Worf.
  12. Picard would hide in the nearest bathroom if Khan were prowling about on the old "D."
  13. So much to say. I get along very well with the guy just north of me. No connection to the neighbor due south of me. Probably just as well. The older couple just south and across the road are great neighbors but they are getting up in years so somebody new will be there soon. Divorced 50ish lady across from the first north guy. Never was sociable while her hubby was there but once he was gone she was out in her lawn chair drinking and waving. Lady on the road a quarter mile down and on the right would come to the door in her bathrobe (once happened at 6AM) mid-30's and decent looking. I think she moved on several months back. She once stopped on her side of the road while I was coming from the opposite direction. I kept going as I am married and not looking for anything on the side. Guy around the corner I see in church and he can be Dr Jekyll-Mr Hyde depending on his mood. Today I got Mr Hyde. Lady just beyond the corner to the south had a thing for me in high school but too many years in between us so we never got together. The guy kind of opposite her I actually had to tell him to never stop by after a couple of meets (long story). Guy across from Mr Not Welcome Here graduated the same year as me from high school but he has his nose in the air. No development or Cul-de-sac just a neighborhood away from the city. Had some acreage nearby but sold it and miss the neighbors but at this point a lot of them have passed on or moved.
  14. Yes. Kirk >>>>>>>>>>Picard. Hell, even Janeway could hand Picard his arse. Picard should have become the Commandant of Star Fleet Academy where he could use his stern schtick to browbeat cadets.
  15. I don't know if Google is making donations public which is why I put that in a different sentence from the Google comment. No doubt some companies are not mandating who their employees are donating to but just publicizing the donations to candidates they favor.
  16. Correct me if I am wrong but did not Google "insist" on its employees make donations to campaigns and not to ones that were conservative's a several years back? Further, that some companies had a bulletin board up where dollar amounts and campaigns were noted for each employee? Of course an employee is "free" to donate to any campaign that they choose but not all contributions would be noted i.e. Republicans.
  17. As I feared. Maybe I am a relic but I don't like a carrier group as a protective escort. Last I knew it was a very expensive alternative in terms of crew compliment. The Brits probably without checking have something on the order of a Forrestal class carrier (I know that is an American carrier but probably close to what the subject at hand is) which requires a crew of 4,000. Probably a Iowa-class battleship could be crewed by maybe 2,000 for less than full operations. It's just a muscle flexer when needed while destroyers that would be in service anyways would provide the defensive screen to the task force. It's all moot anyways as the most ready battleships the Iowa's are not coming out of their moorings and the Brits are not building one. I just like the idea of a battleship because a three strikes and your out strategy could be used so as to give the Iranians a fair chance to withdraw (not that I care on a personal level). Two projectiles get dropped yards short of the Iranian dingy as a warning with the third as a designated hit. I can dream.
  18. We'll see but the Brits have not flexed their naval muscle since the Falkland War back in the early 1980's to my knowledge. A situation like this actually calls for a battleship for an escort along with a few other vessels. I know, I know. Battleships are very out of date but a ship of intimidating size is called for and I would like to see a drone capture the looks of the crew on an Iranian dingy as a projectile closes in complete with whistle.
  19. Sad to hear. A number of years ago on a day like today I was not keeping myself properly hydrated and wound up going in an ambulance to the hospital for kidney stones.
  20. They would probably have the racks. Which would probably give Anderson Cooper a woody.
  21. That episode was never the same for me once James Gregory (Dr Adams) appeared on Barney Miller as Inspector Luger.
  22. His career tapered off around the early 1980's. He played Renko's dad on Hill St Blues and was impressive. Then he could switch it up and do an over the top bad guy on the A Team. Worked for a long time in the industry. Contrast that with Skip Homeier who just up and quit Hollywood while still middle-aged around the same time. My understanding is that Homier became somewhat reclusive.
  23. A fellow I know moved to Allegany County 20 years ago to take a job at what was then Dresser in Wellsville. Pretty sure the facility is still going even though it is no longer Dresser. The colleges at Alfred have grown in the last few decades. Not much in the way of general employment that pays well hence the exodus of youth. Dairy farming has taken it on the chin as well. Used to be a cheese plant over at Friendship. Hurricane Agnes back in 1972 hurt the area economically as well.
  24. There are so many avenues for a civil war to follow who knows. I'm not talking about destroying the First Amendment but selected trimming at first such as blocking the letter networks.
  25. I see the progressives splinter into factions based on their personal objectives and an unwillingness to work with others under the auspices of a single party. Too divided to spark a civil war but who knows for sure.
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