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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. What would be the point? It will never be verified one way or the other. Even if I gave you a line of reasoning you would never believe me. I have every right to believe that there are sock accounts until it can be proven otherwise. By the way you jumping out of your hole recently does not make you a tough guy nor will it impact my decision to post here. My beliefs be mine.
  2. I'm sorry that you feel so threatened that you had to reduce my post to a few bland words and a poorly disguised F bomb. The least that you could try to do would be to at least use some humor if you are going to employ a FIFY. But then again you can't distinguish between eliminating what a person has said and a thread designed solely to call someone out. Your mom will be home from work soon to give you some milk and cookies so you can feel safe again.
  3. The "hmm" tells me you have a hard time figuring things out. I'll explain it to you. Kemp has been here longer because he historically has had fewer places to go. My brief time interval here would suggest that I have more options. Kemp having under half the posts of myself suggests that he has less to offer this board. The example of which being he can't carry the conversation past his paranoia about Trump. I hope you don't have to make a living based on making observations as you would surely starve.
  4. You mean that you and the dozen or so Tiberius socks fear a long term presence of me here. You win because some of the pressure is lifted off of your shoulders in terms of presenting quality posts. Otherwise, everybody loses. I reserve the right to come fully back here if it is just to annoy you. But the bottom line is this board is your life while for me it is one stop along the way each day. Your dependence on this site is much higher than mine.
  5. There is no way to verify a permanent ban so what is the point? A big part of the schism that resulted in the creation of a new site was a lack of transparency in terms of sock accounts. That aside I am part of the way out the door for good here so that de-intensifies the bet does it not? You make a lot of brave noise for a person of limited intellect. But in the end it is just that. Noise. As to my friends they need no convincing. As to you? I doubt anything I do will convince you. I would not be surprised that you spend most of the day placing your hands over your ears to tune out what you do not wish to hear. At the end of the day you are quite unimportant to me.
  6. Please get the help that you need. I do not want any human being to commit suicide but I worry about some people. At least I care.
  7. Yes, "Kemp" is a very troubled person. The authorities in his area should be alerted so Kemp does no harm to him self if the election does not go the way he wants. Some people need enemies and to have running feuds so I could see Kemp pulling for a Trump victory so Kemp can maintain the fire inside his mind. Kemp might lose his purpose for living if Biden won.
  8. He is only speaking about Trump when he fantasizes about dictators. Let's not pretend he is talking about anyone else. I believe that he would pay 500 bucks per hour for some "dungeon" somewhere in WNY to act out his Trump is a dictator fantasy. Sad. Just like you.
  9. The fear is obvious in all you lefties.
  10. I did not put a timeline on that if you would remember back. No skin off of my nose if you choose not to believe it. Want to be dictators? He is going to be more than one dictator? How is he going to do that? Not that I believe you at all. As to wagers I don't believe that you would follow through such as permanent exile from this board so there is no point in it. Why are you worried about my balls? THAT scares me!
  11. Reportedly? Supposedly? What are you going to do for paranoid fantasies once the election passes? Trump is hiding in your closet and jumps out during the middle of the night to scare you?
  12. 'Arghhhhhhhh!!!!" Just wondering if ST has lost his passion for this thread.
  13. Your fear is obvious in your attempt to diminish me which has failed by the way. It will be alright in the end as there will be a place at the table for you if you are willing to earn it.
  14. You still will be working in the laundromat even though it will be state run if your "dream" comes true. Along with posted guards and a wall to restrict movement in and out of there. Enjoy.
  15. Up in the air at this point as to what specifically but some kind of gathering will occur. Just not the same as it was years ago with certain family members gone.
  16. I guess that I would be bothered by what you said if I thought you had any brains. I'm not bothered by you so what does that say about you?
  17. Don't make a promise that you won't keep. See ya in a few minutes no doubt you barbarian you.
  18. FIFY. I only hope you that live long enough to harvest the "fruits" of your labor. I have a feeling that they will not be sweet.
  19. I don't worry about them. I am more concerned about the elected seditionists in the halls of Congress. Also, the paid agitators who frequent this board as well as the unpaid useful idiots who ask us to ignore our own good senses.
  20. I can handle 10 degrees F. I am just stating my preference for performing work. If you feel that you work best at 45 degrees then so be it. We are all different in that respect. My father loved to work when the thermometer hit 80. If I normally crap at 8 in the morning and you crap at 2 in the afternoon then so be it.
  21. You're quite dumb. So Tier is blatting about something that really is not a violation. All his posts can be seen unaltered. A call out thread such as what you posted is a violation. Be nice to me as I do not have to be here. If the money was in place right now I would be throwing up a nice little out building on the property. 55-60 degrees temps with mostly sunny skies is prime weather to be outside and I enjoy it.
  22. He does not know how to fight these battles so he runs to daddy to defend him.
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