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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. Authortarian regimes also do not have loyalty and ethics dictated to them. No amount of goodwill is going to change them on this front. They are the Joe Dirt on the world stage of trade partners. A billion customers of who? Who says that China is bound to trade with the US? Go back nearly two generations when Japan chucked the US as a major trade partner for commodities. Japan found different sources for agricultural commodities such as soybeans such as buying from South American countries. Further, Japan used its own capital to solidify trade on agricultural products by purchasing inputs or financing inputs for these agriculturalists. China could follow a similar route by obtaining agricultural products from suppliers other than the US.
  2. Anybody that has been in business any length of time will tell you some individuals are just not worth the time to cultivate because the return is not there and such is the situation with China. Even before the electronic information age China has had issues in terms of copyright and patent infringement. China opened the doors to Western development for the sole purpose of pirating technology of companies who set up manufacturing there. Trading works best when a high degree of ethics by all partners is employed. On a small scale China is the problematic customer that sucks profits away from a business. The kind of customer that works the complaint counter of a small business to get a free appliance, lawn mower, or automobile on a periodic basis to the benefit of themselves and the detriment of the business they deal with.
  3. Given its history in recent times China should never be considered a reliable trade partner. While I empathize with farmers they have a habit of being their own worst enemies. They use boom periods in their industry to expand which has the side effect of being inflationary such as purchasing land. The price of land has been been uncoupled from historic measures to determine value such as productivity relative to a short term return or payment schedule. Return used to be figured on the net profit of growing a crop or raising livestock on a per acre basis with repayment along with RIO considered acceptable if accomplished within the career of one farm operator. Channeled foreign investment through US businessmen along incremental purchasing by farmers have elevated farmland prices where repayment would have to happen over two or more generations. Long term this will destabilize the industry and run the risk of of inadequate production possibly leading to political instability. While creating short term pain Trump's measures might have the benefit of cooling inflation of land prices. The most recent bout having started several years back when the Ukrainian wheat crop suffered extreme drought.
  4. Sad to think that the best of broadcast journalism was 50 years ago with Huntley-Brinkley.
  5. Heath has an incredible arm since the operation. Faster, stronger...................
  6. I've given very serious thought to this the past day. I've always felt that people like him need to be confronted to let them know that they can't operate in the shadows unnoticed but Q Moron is just here to take a crap on things.
  7. Yes, Tibs wants a one party system so his socialist heroes can implement their plan unfettered.
  8. Trump having forcible sex with minors have been reported? You've gone on and on about Trump being with a group of 20ish age wise females that were not there against their wills. Tacky but hardly illegal. No, in the context of the thread which is a man forcing underaged children to have sex with him there is no such report that says Trump had sex with underage children. Again, if you had such information from many years ago and did not report that makes you as much of a criminal as Epstein is. You are a very sorry piece of humanity.
  9. You really should be banned and I hope the Mods are here to see my request. You not only know I am not a rapist but just throwing that tag around indiscriminately for your sick pleasure makes light (ridicules) people who have been actual victims of rapists.
  10. The pressure is getting to you! If you know that they had sex parties together then why not help your buds in the media by exposing these parties for the media to have examples to cite? Your example of beauty pageant contestants simply does not matter because they were all above the age of legal consent. Do you understand the difference between having sex with a 22 year old woman of her own choosing and having forced sex with an 11 year old child? The reality is you know of no such sex parties and to indulge your fantasy of being a SJW you constructed specific instances of Trump and Epstein having sex with under age children in your MIND. You actually are hurting the cause in terms of exposing the problem of underage sexual victims by making wild and false accusations to smear Trump. God have mercy on your soul when the day comes.
  11. Since those states either have the poor or minorities or both then those states are chit hole states for that reason is what you are saying? People that normally vote Democrat? You'll never go far in the Democratic Party as even the most loyal and wild eyed Democrat realizes that they need the bogeyman to come out once in a while to point at. Without said bogeyman then the prevailing party becomes the bogeyman in the eyes of the average voter. The excuse of "things have not improved under our tenure because the other guy made it that bad" only plays with the voters for a limited time. Both parties need the other for their continued existence.
  12. I can't imagine that the most depraved high society type would be so desperate to touch Gator with his pole (or if a her then an artificial pole).
  13. In the words of the great George Costanza "It's all pipes!" For my house it all goes into the septic tank which in turn goes in the leach field. For something that will make you sit down and think many organisms share the water table or watershed that humans use. Some deer, bird, cow, dog, cat, etc. pee'd on the ground which hopefully in turn got filtered by the soil before the remaining liquid wound up in a creek, river, or lake. If you draw municipal water then you have the benefit of that water being treated and conditioned. I've been in the country for many years now and I have had no more illness or health issues than my city brethren.
  14. Which makes these kinds of threads somewhat ridiculous. All kinds of comment here in absence of a statement from the team specifying what the future is for Morse.
  15. The heat is making you delirious! You can't even make a proper sentence. "Trump's sex buddy" could mean any number of things as written not that I would believe anything you say anyways. By the way if you know so much that you can pronounce Trump guilty you must have been on the scenes of these crimes. Obviously not as a LEO but as a participant which makes you as guilty for not reporting it before now. Enjoy prison at the least or Clintoncide at the worst.
  16. The Meathead runs deep in him. Dead from the neck up............
  17. Another enormous letdown for Tibs coming on the morning following Election Day 2020.
  18. Sounds like Gabbard is serious about running for POTUS irrespective of her chances. I guess that her, Williamson, Yang, etc. were supposed to roll over for Harris or Warren or Biden. Somebody obviously forgot to send out that memo to the JV squad.
  19. Like someone else already said give him the Mark Kelso version.
  20. Valuation in good times has little to do with what happens when an entity is under serious financial stress. I should look up the details of Jones' finances pertaining to the stadium if available to see how many more years he has to go with payments. The point remains that there are no guarantees when it comes to the NFL as far as 5,10, 15, or more years into the future. As some have said here the sports books may well have the ability to make fans want to show up there versus the stadium on Sunday. Further, I suspect that future fans in many current NFL may not be as dedicated to buying season tickets as the current batch of fans are. What happens when the inevitable happens in New England when going deep into the playoffs every year no longer happens every year? Success often breeds its own form of damnation.
  21. At this point you might as well throw Kirok at it.
  22. Artist's rendition of a Sunday at Tibs' apartment?
  23. So the possibility exists that the Cowboy's Jones will have to panhandle to make the last few payments on Jerrah World? The Bills and Erie County could look like the smart ones by not joining in on the "me too" mentality of building a new palace and be struggling in ten years to make the payments.
  24. The NFL should take note but it most likely will not. Generations past had far fewer things to fill their free time but today the NFL is competing with a tech oriented and mobile society. It's not realistic for fans of any team to willing wait for decades for a championship in their lifetime. Even fans of teams like the 49'ers and Packers want their own golden era to revel in and not Great Grampa's from 1981 or 1967. Today's Dolphins fan will not lean on the crutch of Shula and Marino. Live by the snark of mocking others failures but now it is die by the snark as anything less than a SB is unacceptable.
  25. Nancy has that awkward smile like AOC is reaching for her bra strap.
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