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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. Let this be a lesson that in future incidents where high profile prisoners are involved that maybe they should be housed at Leavenworth while awaiting trial.
  2. Not sure what the protocol is between reporters and teams and practices but they may have inquired and have yet to get a reply.
  3. Just never know when your card will get punched but 62 is too young.
  4. Coaches will look at players in terms of how a player will perform in their system and not be overly influenced by previous production.
  5. If we knew the truth in regards to teams and trades most reporters would realize that they are not getting the gospel truth until the matter is resolved. Nothing personal and nobody is being worked as a reporter can always decline to comment on a possible trade. Further, there is a difference between saying that the Bills have announced that no trade is in the works and saying that the Bills have made no comment regarding a trade. Sounds like these reporters are speaking from reading the normal "tea leaves" while such "tea leaves" may not have commented or lawyer parsed "the Bills at this time are not pursuing a trade" which does not invalidate the notion that the Bills could be pursuing a trade at another time even if that time is only ten minutes into the future.
  6. I think that he was kidding but around here you never know.
  7. Maybe they expect Ford to start at RT opening day. Also, as others have suggested they anticipate an O lineman from another team getting cut that they are high on.
  8. Not to give IB any credit but to keep the bidding down in a silent auction you always deny your interest until the auction closes and you are announced as the winner of the item.
  9. In New York and how many acres?
  10. What's Beasely Reece up to these days?
  11. I think that DOJ and FBI credibility is only damaged by actions taken down the road to steer efforts away from the truth. Such as having concluded an investigation declaring Epstein dead after accumulated evidence says he is alive. At this point Epstein being alive is only a theory before somebody forwards information that says he is so it can be checked out and verified.
  12. Supposedly, his lawyers pushed for that but I will admit that I don't know all the ins and outs of that. I don't know if it has to go before a judge so in turn the judge can grant the motion by the lawyers. Could be if the lawyers were in on a conspiracy to get Epstein out alive that this was done to grease the skids towards that end.
  13. I don't look at it that way. I think that they have to approach it as anything being possible so as to leave no stone unturned. Further, they may have informants versus being corrupt that might start them off in terms of Epstein being most probably alive.
  14. I've written both professionally and as a hobby. Never got published but was asked to contribute on a couple of articles concerning economics and land values.
  15. I'm thinking that she is being protected but can't prove it. Further, that she is aware through the intelligence community that there is a bounty on her and by who.
  16. I'm surprised that she is still in the US if true. But then again if it is true that the British royal family among others have their collective breasts in a wringer then she might be safer here than other parts of the world. Parts of the world that are less concerned with verifiable charges and due process of the law. This could be very telling as to how far and wide Epstein affected the world's powerful people. That even Putin could not keep her safe in Moscow.
  17. Nothing has been proven relative to Epstein being dead or alive. Right now we have the statement of a system that has already failed in terms of watching Epstein while in jail. Epstein could have killed himself, been whacked by any number of people, or moved alive to a different location by his own money or somebody with an interest to keep him alive. Who knows.
  18. Which also means knowing how to work idiots and idiocy to your advantage. Using idiots helps throw investigators off of the trail. Back to the reports the idiocy lays in a slap on the wrist punishment that when somebody offers you several million dollars to falsify a report you happily oblige them. The worst you have to endure is a stare down with prison officials, your name being raked through the mud on Fox News for a week, and after that you happily live your life in retirement.
  19. If you are going under the assumption that the guards are part of the conspiracy then that is not necessarily true. Instead they are treating their superiors as idiots to think that falsifying reports is acceptable and most likely know that such an offense means very little in the way of consequences.
  20. Sidenote : I hate autocorrect but there is nothing I can do about it at this time. I guess my fingers were a half step slow hence autocorrect producing lead instead of leave. Yes, I am aware of the conduct noted but the outcome still is administrative leave. I don't know that falsifying records under those circumstances is a felony. The worst in my mind that can happen is that they are fired from their jobs and it goes no further. OK, I noted firm rules and falsifying records should be a firm rule but I doubt that carries a felony charge. I'll wake up soon. I promise!
  21. It's Wednesday morning and we have a warden reassigned and two guards on administrative leave. While the talk is of breaking protocol there is nothing at this point suggesting firm rules have been broken much less laws pertaining to a felony. Hope on that front is evaporating like the rain that fell several hours ago. Don't know about Trump having strings pulled and have my doubts on that front. That was the whole point of trying to install Hillary in 2016 so the status quo with these ultra-high level abusers would go unchallenged. For the kind of money we throw at other investigations we could throw a 20-30 million bounty at bringing in Maxwell alive and unharmed. For that kind of money people will go looking in the jungles of Thailand and Myanmar for her. The next step is not pissing around with corruptible institutions but put her in Leavenworth awaiting trial. Let the staff know that a screwup means getting your own most likely permanent cell there.
  22. It's a reflection of coming of age. Me and my friends in high school enjoyed talking about new cars and those cars were what was new at the time. IMO they were no worse than a lot of vehicles made in the early 1970's and what came in the 1980's or 1990's. Chevy Celebrity? Lumina? 1972 Impala?
  23. There are a lot of people that I have never gotten to know all that well. Sometimes income or space are limiting factors but still a person would be inclined to start a conversation about something they might want to do. I don't do what I want to do with the brochures in terms of hanging onto everything. Also, sometimes my passion for a given piece diminishes so I sell it to purchase something else. I envy the people who need so much space that they devote a whole room to their hobby.
  24. Football is good, too. The only thing is that is a lead in to snow and cold weather.
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