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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. 10,000 BC. The language filter will not let me say what I want to say but to put it another way Julie reveled in her womanhood which was ultra appealing. Kind of like a girl I recall from high school who coincidentally had long flowing dark hair and was fairly tall.
  2. She set impossible standards for young boys such as myself back in the day. Every girl I looked at I measured against women such as Julie which was totally unfair on my part. Girls also thought would have thought that I was very strange to want to see them in a Catwoman costume. Other girls in a Batgirl costume. Not too much at times. Nichelle Nichols was rocking a few times if you know what I mean when they showed the Enterprise taking a hit.
  3. Julie in terms of looks was fantastic during the 1960's but to me she did not age well past the age of 40. Probably too thin which made her face look older than what she was. I've seen 50 year old women just out and about such as this morning that I would take over Julie at age 50 and above. Just the way I see it.
  4. Sorry but Julie started to lose it quite some time ago. She was on a Buck Rogers episode back around 1980 and while still very fit she just seemed to have lost something in terms of magnetism.
  5. Economics will change over time. Where that goes is anybody's guess. Was not that long ago that the concept of Keynesian economics was unheard of. I used to worry about the deficit in terms of repayment but have come to the conclusion of regardless of Democrat or Republican it is not getting repaid. Like I said earlier today it is a Brave New World out there. For much of mankind's history the value of currency has been tied to things such as precious metals hence the concept of scarcity. Humanity is taking the move of uncoupling currency from scarce items whether that is readily seen by most of the population. In part this most likely had to happen since population is growing faster than currency with no respite from long term inflation.
  6. I've got perhaps the weirdest comment to make on her but it's worth putting out for comment. Going by that picture she is not a bad looking woman. Which leads me to think if she is up to her neck in Epstein's crimes she must be fairly dark inside naturally. My feeling is while a person's appearance does not always correspond with their character there is more weight on an unattractive person to do things that go against societal approval such as committing a crime. Correspondingly, an attractive person has an easier time surviving society without succumbing to crime. I remember a couple years ago that a couple in their 20's was apprehended north of Syracuse in the murder of two Amish girls. The guy looked like a typical dirt bag while the woman was borderline hideous. Any picture of that woman looked like she was and had undergone pure torment inside to get to where she was. It don't excuse what she did but her appearance made her more prone to be around the less desirable in society. People should not be weak to the point of committing crime but it often is something that can't overcome to do what is moral and ethical. Again, the whole point is to wonder how dark Maxwell is inside. Not weak but evil. The whole thing stinks including Epstein's lawyers. One has to wonder if they were compromised by other figures in this mess.
  7. Supposedly, Epstein's attorneys had something to do with this. Assuming that they in fact had legal standing to do so or filed a motion with a federal judge.
  8. The bondage bench complete with concrete stains will have more impact if sitting in the courtroom as an exhibit versus a picture.
  9. I guess that the Feds are going to have fun chipping out any new patches of concrete looking for evidence.
  10. Then deploy a platoon to Manhattan to "assist" watching Maxwell or whoever else gets charged in this. As it stands their lives are not worth a penny based on what we just saw.
  11. Any place where a serious error or criminal misconduct is dealt with via court martial.
  12. This needs to be dealt with ASAP by Barr. I don't want to see Maxwell if charged head down the same path. Barr needs to see if it is within his authority to utilize a facility such as Leavenworth for "the next time."
  13. Yeah, but that was more or less the first rodeo for dealing with an offender of national status in a non-military prison situation. The Epstein episode makes the antics that happened at the Gotham State Penitentiary (1960's Batman) look like semi-competent law enforcement work. Is El Chapo escaping via a giant spring placed under the pitcher's mound into a circling helicopter?
  14. "Every article I've read....." is not the same as knowing the policy at that particular facility. We are not talking some street level felon but was the highest profile inmate possible for such a facility. More precaution is taken than what is ordinary.
  15. Seems improbable that a 66 year old man in at best average health could do that. Cut off air, yes. But to create sufficient force to break a bone? I have my doubts.
  16. Show me chapter and verse where it says a prisoner's clothing and bedding issue change when off watch. The most I have seen in regards to going off suicide watch is monitoring the prisoner. Just because a prisoner is off watch does not mean he gets his country club PJ's and bedding to use. Don't tell me to go find it. You want to make a point so give me a link as it pertains to that facility. Not some line about in most cases................................
  17. Doubt it. As has been mentioned any clothes and bedsheets provided to Epstein in his cell have virtually no weight bearing capability so hanging would very unlikely do what he wanted it to do. Sure, he could use a broke off finger nail to slit himself or ram his head into the wall but we are not talking about bleeding to death or death by blunt force trauma. Still has not been proven that the corpse is Epstein.
  18. It's a Brave New World out there economically. We have spent many decades trying to outrun inflation but the end result is always the same. The bottom 95 percent of America has its pay raises wiped out by other activity in the general economy.
  19. Is it too much to ask for that when these prisoners such as Epstein come through the facility is not run like the Mayberry jail when Andy is out of town?
  20. It is fascinating. Go to the SE shore of Seneca Lake near Lodi and find shale several inches down. Go to Naples and find deep topsoil along with permeable subsoil on a valley flat that probably gets two hours less direct sunlight per day due to the terrain.
  21. I've been told that it's in the soils. I know where the vineyards are in the Finger Lakes and Chautaugua Regions so maybe I will check a soil map or two out as I know how to read them. Also, a lot of breeding has been done over the past several decades including research at Cornell and private growers such as Dr (Konstantin) Frank near Hammondsport. Cornell was integral in the Concord and its role along Lake Erie.
  22. In any event such a facility should not be run like the Mayberry jail while Sheriff Taylor is out and about.
  23. At the very least Barr could use this episode to alter the procedure for handling VIP prisoners.
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