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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. George Stephanopolous.
  2. That person would not be in my social circle from the time of learning about it going forward. You?
  3. I used catch his show on Empire Sports Network. Was a good way to wind down in the evening.
  4. Ogre (Donald Gibb) used to spend a lot of time in LV and would share a brew with fans upon occasion. He used to do a lot of henchman roles on shows like the A Team.
  5. I was going off of DR's comments and perhaps he has information that most people do not have access to. I also understand that images on Google Earth can get dated and what we might look at today might be altered or gone if we could actually be on site to verify. If I misunderstood any of DR's comments then my apologies. Why was the tennis court demolished? Don't know and if we are lucky Maxwell could shed some light on that. The cynical side of me says maybe the demolition was done as prep work to pour concrete to hide evidence. Maybe build a building over it so it is not so glaring.
  6. Not really. It would have been far easier to sweep it under the rug a few generations ago when the public did not have access to satellite images. Further, most people would not be able to comprehend the idea of a a pedophile ring because it never got mentioned even in the most private of settings. I would hope that the Feds turn that island upside down looking for evidence. Obviously, it is bad for the kids to be mistreated but is bad for society as whole to let pedophilia go unchecked. If Epstein gets forgotten about it will be a sad day for humanity and open the door for worse things to happen. We want to think that we have evolved beyond the need for harsh punishment for even rather horrendous crimes but my feeling is if somebody receives capital punishment out of this it will send a message that you run the risk of losing your life if you dare tread far outside of societal norms.
  7. So what? Maybe the guy had the tiniest amount of decency in terms of an earthen grave. Maybe he was concerned that if thrown in the ocean the chance was there that some remains would float to the surface? Don't know but maybe we will learn if Maxwell spills the beans on what took place there.
  8. Assuming that Epstein handled no bodies the more they are handled the more opportunities to be seen by more pairs of eyes. Until the last year or so Epstein was confident to the point that he felt nobody would ever see anything on the island in terms of bodies. So from his perspective why handle the bodies more than you have to especially when the island is private property owned by him? It's over a tennis court that does not actually exist in the spot implied by Google Earth. Why randomly impose an image over an open field?
  9. Tom Wilmot is totally out of the picture so current ownership may feel they have a freer hand. Or looking at it another way current ownership does not have to share the profits with any minority owner.
  10. ......so much money I have saved by saying goodbye to ESPN and NFLN................. Any billionaires on here that can revive the old Empire Sports Network? Maguire has gotten a little old for that so maybe Thurman can work the phone lines?
  11. Priorities my simple minded friend. Priorities. Sometimes people need reality to come down on them like a cold bucket of water. Take Golden Goat's post to heart.
  12. You're spouting uninformed nonsense. The notion of a soon arriving Ice Age was pushed very heavily back in the 1970's. I remember reading about it in the school provided science periodicals. Probably still got the darn articles someplace as I seldom throw anything out. The same periodicals that talked about birth defects due to electromagnetic radiation from high voltage lines. Did your mother live near a Niagara-Mohawk line while pregnant with you?
  13. Normally, I would be very skeptical about this but I could see certain members of this dark group visiting Epstein personally rather than through a messenger.
  14. I fear that the days of your presence here are numbered. Surely, your handlers are not seeing any return in your spouting nonsense here. I think that a transfer to the GangGreen Board is in your future.
  15. Glad you came along with the truth. Now Tiberius will have to towel off after that bucket of cold water hits him. At least he has Soros around to dry his back.
  16. Tiberius' girl Harris is sinking. I don't know why he is fighting the natural attraction for him to Williamson?
  17. Your kind of stupid. That's how stupid. Tibs has his air conditioner aimed out from his apartment hoping that the winds blow the cold north.
  18. Frankel will undergo a sit-down with National and Florida Democrats who will explain why that is a very bad idea as prominent Democrats will get mentioned in such an inquiry. But for the next 48 hours this story will stand as a news flash for the slow witted such as yourself.
  19. I guess that it is fortunate that our schedule formula does not mean playing the top 10 teams during the season. Fortunate for some of the top teams that they are not forced to play each other in some form of pigskin gladiating. The Bills just like any other team can only play the teams on the schedule and can't worrying about demoralizing schedules that don't exist. I do think that while facing a team such as the Patriots in the playoffs is daunting it certainly is not hopeless. A team such as the Bills could be the beneficiary of a timely fumble or interception from their opponent.
  20. I wonder if the photoshop person has gotten whacked by now?
  21. Improbable but not impossible as women have been known to get pregnant as late as their mid 60's.
  22. Modeling agencies that destroy the lives of young girls should be destroyed themselves. And the owners should not live long enough to reach a jail cell. No one needs to see an 11 year old done up as a 19 year old anyways.
  23. Don't have Sirius. You recommending?
  24. Watching women from my class reunion dance to Dancing Queen remembering them as 15-16 year olds was a treat. All the divisions in terms of cliques on suspension while that was going on and they did not care who was taking in the show. Are they at the end of the aisle?
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