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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. Go back to school! The Electoral College decides the election of POTUS. Not a CNN round table.
  2. Tiberius posting in a thread about having class? That is too much irony for me.
  3. I don't walk around with a gun, Goober.
  4. You are free to make that observation but I think quite a number of people would disagree with it.
  5. Kamala's half sister? Feel threatened much? Why is that? hyuk hyuk hyuk? WTF is that? Auto correct don't like it.
  6. There is fraud. Sorry to interrupt the lefty circle jerk already in progress here.
  7. Yeah, like there has never been fake driver's licenses..................................................
  8. Yeah, that was no town hall he walked into. It was somebody's outhouse.
  9. You heard wrong but you are getting better at this. Now apply what you have learned towards your political thought and surprise you might just change your view.
  10. Well, at least you are trying with the modifications. Do you walk around with a pacifier in your mouth all day? Do you have any idea as to what Tiberius uses it for?
  11. No, fool. I am skeptical of your accusation. If there were a stronger character available as to doubting you I would have used it. Even a thumbs down would work here.
  12. If any oxygen was truly reaching your brain cells you would realize that you seriously embarrass yourself with such statements.
  13. You make it very obvious as to how much you feel threatened by Trump. Trumpies?
  14. Tiberius gets paid ten bananas per day to post his nonsense here.
  15. No, you don't see. That is the entire problem here.
  16. One example but far from the only one. Trump has not started any new wars and has tapered down the Middle East. Important if you have kids serving in the military. Historically, it has been easier for a POTUS to start a war with a possibility that said war would benefit the POTUS's cronies. You are a sad piece of whatever you are.
  17. More liberal fantasies spurting to the surface.
  18. You are a gluten in terms of embarrassing yourself. I'll give you that. No doubt your mom is putting down the rubber sheets for tonight in your room as an accident is bound to happen regardless of the results.
  19. Hopefully, somebody recorded Hillary having a fit that night so it can be viewed at some point during the future where Hillary is dead so the poor person in question is not murdered for their contribution. Heck, even old Bill might even have a laugh over his wife's meltdown.
  20. It's only childish to a poster if it cuts against the beliefs of that poster. By the way you forgot the FIFY. At least you are getting the hang of it and I am too tough for your words to bother me unlike a couple of your liberal brethren who would run to daddy over it. Be serious now. I know that the illustration above is just another fantasy that you maintain but it will never happen. Prosecuting a former President only opens the door to be done in the future maybe to a lib icon. So Chuck and Nancy and Schiff can tug your happy gun over the possibility but they don't want it coming back to bite them on the butt at some point during the future.
  21. He's a broken poster.
  22. My word is my proof.
  23. I'm not the guy who fears Trump jumping out of his closet at 3AM in the morning. By the way my take on sock accounts is very much on the mark. Sorry that your brain will not allow you to see it.
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