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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. In days gone by only Al Davis might have done something like that but I think that would be a tad low even for him. I hate just to pile on Kraft because the Pats have been highly successful but you have to wonder about owners who have wealth to the point where a multi-billion dollar NFL franchise is a toy and millions of dollars for such a move is pocket change. The league might have been better off in the days of Ralph Wilson, Art Model, Billy Sullivan, etc. when such actions would not be contemplated nor would a few million dollars not be valued elsewhere. If true about tampering the league could be headed into a steep decline as the fans of the other 31 franchises will tire of the WWE type shenanigans.
  2. I think that in the case of the Bills as well as most other NFL locker rooms you hope that your roster is strong enough at its core to carry a couple of diva's. It's a business and a sport that is driven by ego or far fewer would be playing the game. The players by and large don't have the meek personality of a cart chaser at Walmart.
  3. The trouble is it won't be for the contract he just had. At best it would be heavily incentivized which Brown would never accept. Brown will never see himself as even 1 percent at fault so his ego will not let himself accept smaller than what he just had.
  4. The Amish work considerably cheaper plus deliver quality in the process. Having said that it is important to know the background of a prospective contractor. The Amish have their share of shody craftsmen. Also, people like the bragging rights of having something Amish built like they are in an exclusive club. Amish product is getting fairly wide spread nowadays so I don't know that it carries the bragging rights like it did 10-20 years ago.
  5. I don't think that Ralph Wilson's problem was ego other than in a few isolated instances. Ralph believed in the bottom line over field performance. He also as others pointed out believed in filling the larger pocket being the NFL versus the right pocket being the Bills further believing that the trickle down would fill the Bills' pocket.
  6. I would go into a place such as a Tractor Supply and check the business bulletin board. Clarence may not be close enough to an Amish community. for them to offer their services. They are more prevalent in the Finger Lakes and Southern Tier. Of course they eschewing modern conveniences such as computers makes it all the more difficult. If nobody here can offer a suggestion take a ride down to Penn Yan in the Finger Lakes and you will find plenty of them along with old order Mennonites. Somebody will be able to help you.
  7. This demonstrates the need for continuous hitting on the draft. You can maybe have on average half on your starting 22 on big money deals then the rest need to be on rookie deals. We soon will be at the point where we will hit the ceiling in terms of what we can have in big contracts. But for now the decisions will not be too tough.
  8. He spends a lot of money on blow on a monthly basis. He may need the money.
  9. Wasn't me. Unfortunately.
  10. Once again I will remind you to use your time wisely.
  11. Remember as I told you before that all your nonsense is water over a duck's back. Use your time wisely here.
  12. If his mother had remained a virgin it would have saved us all a lot of problems. Anyhow, I feel sorry for her as she surely knows that she gave birth to a village idiot. Worse yet an idiot without any self awareness who goes beyond the village limits to express his idiocy. She reflects in irony that in the information age her son is anything but informed.
  13. Nope. There is a special square dance switch up at reunions down in Kin-tucky for that.
  14. Unless career forces you to I would not leave either. Not even for a ritzier neighborhood. To have people in such close proximity get along so well is very rare. My neighborhood is not perfect but I know I could do far worse overall. Nobody here revs their car at 11PM. Nobody here has kids that ride their ATV on the back of your property without permission and give you the finger in the process. Nobody here has a wife that leaves her bra in your car as a way to make their hubby jealous. You get the point.
  15. Probably was growing there or nearby as well. Lots of MJ planted in open spots in woodlands and the edges of cornfields around WNY. One year there was a plane that flew around and around a couple of cornfields up the road from my cousins. Probably DEA and their infrared. No missing persons during those few days.
  16. This. The fudge room starts running out after 4 losses most years. This means winning 12 games to take the division most years and 12 wins does not guarantee first seed in the playoffs. If we go 0-2 (not saying that will happen) before the home opener then it will already be an uphill battle. The Jets and Giants don't look elite to me but with a lot of new pieces for the Bills it may take a week or two for everybody to find their groove.
  17. Two hours one way for a booty call? What did he do to the local ho's? Pay them with Monopoly money which they found out was not worth anything only after trying to use said Monopoly money at the neighborhood convenience store?
  18. The Queen is not writing any rep checks nor is parliament. Thus the lack of interest of hounding mother England.
  19. You sir are an artisan. The crust is by far the most critical element of a pizza. I do prefer an outer crust that is plain. The sourdough or Italian taste of the crust has to come through for as many bites as possible for me. Corn bread sounds appealing.
  20. I doubt that he will be back this afternoon. It's hammer and sickle day at the cubicle farm and the festivities call for tepid water and grilled tofu for the afternoon picnic.
  21. For a minute I thought that Tiberius was trying to say that his clown pants and laundry detergent was going to be affected by tariffs.
  22. They have asked me not to quote you so........... I know how tariffs work and there will be a fair amount of short term pain in order to correct some long standing problems. Nothing is ever static in the field of economics.
  23. I really don't see your pay being affected at all.
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