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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. You are broken beyond help.
  2. That you still do not accept the results of the 2016 Election and most likely never wrote your congressperson or Senator about it. A faint heart never won a fair maiden.
  3. You make a lot of bizarre comments for somebody who never accepted the results of the 2016 Election. If you felt that the election was coopted by Trump then why did the Dems not lift a finger to contest the results?
  4. You are another PPP lib dullard that did not push himself in school. I never said that they were coming after me. I actually lead an extremely low profile out side of these boards. I give very little reason for people to chase me down. Heck, I don't even have an avatar any place I go on the internet so my footprint is extremely light.
  5. Notice how Warcoded opened his OP by making reference to the presidency as opposed to the Presidency. Maybe he thinks Biden will be the next leader of the school's book of the month club. Or photography club. I would have said chess club but I did not want to sound ridiculous.
  6. Denial is deep with this bunch.
  7. If you are talking about yourself as you stare into a mirror then yes.
  8. Shouldn't you be picking out your spot in the re-education camp? You have shown a willingness to subvert a duly elected administration. You will be perceived as dangerous to Biden/Harris IF the Electoral College confirms their ballots.
  9. The cellblock captain said that you did not clean up after yourself last night. You might lose internet privileges. This whole thread is a pile of manure. Biden's? Hillary? You prosecute Trump and it opens the door for the Biden's and the Clinton's to get their turn the next time the Dems are out of power. Unless you are admitting that the Dems will fix elections into eternity like they did in 2020. Interesting that you claim in 2016 that elections can be fixed with the basis being no real evidence but in 2020 there was absolutely no fixing. May God have mercy on your soul.
  10. Enough of Covid! You have your head so far up Biden's butt that you have a new set of problems. You know that there will be crime and corruption IF the Electoral College comes through for Biden and Harris. There will be plenty of enemies to root it out. You need to worry as to how you are going to squirm through lackluster economic data and new foreign actions. I will be here to watch the Biden house of cards fall flat!
  11. Nonsense. I distance and use a mask while in public. Anyways, why is there lots of standing room for the taking there?
  12. I just want you in a warm and dry place that feeds you on a regular basis this winter. The beer can mansion along the creek don't cut it during January in WNY.
  13. You are a person who believes that the media can call an election official? Why should I listen to you? Enjoy Cattaraugus County Correctional Prison this winter! Or you can call it CCCP for short.
  14. If you mean open like the 1950's era Soviet Union then you are quite right. Comrade. By the way I thought SDS expressly forbid telling posters they had to leave without reason.
  15. Enjoy your normal evening activities but kindly use a wet mop and disinfectant when you are done as a courtesy to others in your cell block.
  16. It's got nothing to do with any statement by any person. Go away. You bring nothing useful to the conversation.
  17. Does it not bother you that nobody takes you the least bit seriously. I only respond to you so maybe some sort of self realization will occur with you where you go from posting to lurking.
  18. Looks like lots of elbow room in Times Square. Social distancing at liberal events has been near non-existent so I wonder what is up.
  19. You feel threatened by my presence here. By the way I would like to hear from someone who knows something about statistics among other things. Explain the probability of a batch of ballots into the 100's of thousands going to only one candidate? I would not buy that if they were all going to Trump. Poster known as Logic please explain this.
  20. I think that you need a longer vacation.
  21. You seem a little shaken as though all is not well in your world.
  22. And then you woke up from your nap and realized that the courts nor anybody else bows to you.
  23. FIFY. Won't need them when this thing wraps up.
  24. Another lefty that does not understand that the Electoral College and not the media makes the decision as to making the final call. As to where your fork can go....................................................
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