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Everything posted by BillzFreak

  1. What about our defensive coach especially, fires these guys up? He literally just kept playing the same defense after they got up by 14. They didn't force a 3rd down until the 3rd drive. Yes that's on the players to but old Leslie didn't help out at all by trying anything different. Let's just back off every receiver that has any sort of skill in this league time and time again. I'm sorry his time is up on this team. Hopefully Bean and McDermott have the testicular fortitude to make a change, a needed change none the less.
  2. But we never play aggressively to even know that with this team. You can blame the players all day if you want but watching the Bengals do what they did yesterday shows a lack of creativity on defense. Romo was even saying how awesome a job the Bengals defense was doing and when then sent pressure and disguised there looks.
  3. Again I wouldn't say undermanned because those teams run different looks and try things on a week to week basis to try and stop the opposing team. We Trott out the same nickle defense and refuse to get out of it. And when we do bring pressure we play so far off of the receivers the pressure means nothing. I'd like to see this defense with a guy who has the sack to actually attack on defense, not sit back and play soft.
  4. And that stay the course mentality mesaage he preachs on this team has worn thin imo. To do the same things over and over and watch a team especially yesterday just have there way with us has to put doubts in players heads on if what he is selling they should still buy. And if the team can't buy into that message why should we fans?
  5. Exactly and I honestly can't stomach another season of that defense. It's so frustrating to watch and teams take advantage of it time and time again. This was playoff football and instead of trying to play with intensity he was fine with letting Joe Burrow smack him in the face over and over again. And we wonder why players on this team fold quickly when it's going bad. There is nothing from that coach that says I'll fix it next drive, instead we go out and do the same dam vanilla crap we always have.
  6. We don't ever try that. The one time we put all the guys at the line to try and rush they played 7 or so yards off of chase on a 3rd and 2. All Burrow did was flick a quick pass to him and he easily ran for the first down. So instead of bringing that pressure and forcing burrow to make the tougher fade pass we just let him make a quick one for the easy first down. Bringing pressure while playing that far back defeats the purpose of said pressure but that's the Frasier way.
  7. It's Frasiers mindset and it's bad. He plays his defense scared. We don't throw anything exotic out there for a team to even consider a problem. We can have the best defense in the league for all we know but he plays so timid it's frustrating. So scared to get beat deep he rather let Burrow take all the easy throws which he can make 99% of the time instead of trying different looks to at least make him put a ball over the top which is harder to do in the weather we had today.
  8. No problem, you do what you gotta do. If you want you can explain more on how bad of a Qb Josh is little buddy I'll listen
  9. Sure bud I understand, I'm with you. Troll as much as you need to, I just want you to be ok
  10. Trolls gonna troll, at this point let him. This is his superbowl rightnow, he got what he wanted a Bills loss. It's very disturbing he does this to get his kicks but his life might be that depressing he needs this to feel better about himself.
  11. You're right if Josh could of stopped the Bengals on defense today we had a shot lol. Ofc Josh had a part in the loss today but you're acting like he is the main reason we lost. Honestly how you come to that conclusion after watching the game today is absurdity at its finest.
  12. As always lol, But the fact of the matter is without Allen we back to the drought era.
  13. I wouldn't say he is into his own press clippings but I agree we need a better offensive system in place. We can't just run plays and have Josh make it up on the fly all the time. Structure is good and needed imo, and that goes with Dorsey as well. He needs to be able to scheme guys open sometimes, I mean watch the tape of our offense even compared to the Lions it's night and day.
  14. By the media lol, honestly if you're here to flame Josh Allen go ahead but he isn't to place all the blame on. Dude at worst is a top 3 Qb in the league and you act like it's a problem, but hey you have you're opnion but you know how that old saying goes about opnions.
  15. Ok so he is possibly the 3rd best Qb in the league then, and were going to complain about that lol. So two gm's wouldn't take allen over who they have, there are 29 other teams who'd take him in a heartbeat.
  16. He can take all the check downs he wants no one outside of Diggs scares any defense we play. The league is about coaching and playmakers, we have the softest D Coordinator in the league and no other weapons then Diggs. Plain and simple, so now it's about business and the team. No more were family talk because as much as a family this coaching staff has been it's time to put the team above personal feelings, if pegula can't see this after this game especially, then we're in for mediocrity for another season.
  17. I feel you have to rebuild the offense first this time. We have to be able to score and take pressure off of the Defense. I feel like all this defense needs is a better coach because the soft way we play stinks on ice. For once it's time to put pieces on offense and do what the Chiefs and Bengals have been doing.
  18. Honestly they all should be pissed and embarrassed, but that being said I love stephs competitiveness but he and the whole offense need to take accountability. They all played liked crap today and changes for sure need to be made. No more of the same old same old, no more talk, for us to be among the elite it's time for action. Because whatever that was on the field today will never get the job done.
  19. Hoping and grasping at what exactly? He has a ankle sprain he will play through, but it will most likely cause him some issues next week. So either team he plays will have at least a slight advantage if he can't scramble as well. So continue with you're trolling, it's such a great look on you sir.
  20. Well if you look at the Bengals last few weeks of the regular season not including the stoppage against us. They struggled against Tampa until Brady started turning the ball over, they almost lost to the patriots if not for a fumble almost at the goal line. And had two weeks of struggling against the Ravens. So if that's playing with a chip on there shoulder I'll take my chances Sunday no doubt.
  21. Just wondering how come I hear the Bengals have a chip on there shoulder but never hear the Bills do as well? We have 13 seconds from last year that has been talked about to death. Both teams have something to prove and both will come out fired up ready to play. There isn't any less motivation for the Bills then there is for the Bengals. And I'm confident we will show up and win on Sunday, might not be flawless from start to finish but at home we have the edge.
  22. It's Nick Wrights gimmick, and he plays it well. Honestly we know what Josh is capable of and that's all that matters. If the Bills win this game he will still spin it in some sort of negative way. It's for clicks and the more we give those clicks to him, the more he will continue to do what he does.
  23. The bengals starting left tackle dislocated his kneecap
  24. In all reality this game can go either way. But I'm not worried or scared at all. This team has won games in blowout fashion and in close nail biters. We can play just as good as any team in the league and win, and we can play well and lose just the same. But seeing so many people who take on a defeatist attitude towards this team is very very odd...have a little faith people just a little. The Bills aren't some lucky team who backed into the playoffs like we did years ago, we're actually quite good. Does it mean we will win for sure, not at all but in no way are we out of it before the game even starts. I'm no better or worse then any Bills fan on here or anywhere but I'll never conceeed a loss before we even play the game.
  25. Make him feel better and point him to this board, he will feel better knowing all these supposed Bills fans on a Bills fan board think we have no shot.
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