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Everything posted by Kaz

  1. Take it easy, clowny. Obviously you and J.J. Watt went to the same school of P.R. and public speaking. It's called a back-handed compliment. And, I don't believe I twisted anything in my presentation of the article and video (PFT did a good enough job of that on their own; if you watched the video you would see that the host basically goaded Watt into the cherry-picked quote). I'm merely pointing out that everybody has something to say about Mario Williams -- and it ain't exactly positive -- after just one game under his belt. From analysts to ex-teammates to goofballs with keyboards, and so on.
  2. Like a scene out of the movie "Airplane!", everyone is lining up for a chance to smack Mario Williams. Former Houston teammate J.J. Watt is the latest: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/09/11/watt-says-texans-wont-miss-mario-williams/ I'm waiting for Richard Simmons and the Pope to chime in by week's end.
  3. But that's extreme overreaction to one Sunday. Can we let Mario and the D-line play half a season -- heck, a month! -- before calling a pity party?
  4. So, after one week Rodney Harrison feels bad for Williams? And doesn't think the Bills are a playoff team. Fine. Is he on record with this assessment in the immediate aftermath of the signing, or he is basing it off one afternoon? If it's the latter, he should probably close his "mouf." And most of you guys are lapping it up, saying he's justified...
  5. "He'll prolly fall off da face of the da earf." May he be as prophetic as he is articulate...
  6. News Flash: NO ONE CARES THAT YOU ARE BOYCOTTING THE TEAM!!!!! These whiney threads get more and more absurd/pathetic/laughable with each passing game. You don't need anyone's permission to give up on a sports team. If, after 25 years, you have to resort to a "Dear John" letter on a fan message board, you have broader issues than the state of the Bills. I'm sure you wrote the same post last year and the year before. Please spare us. SEE YA!
  7. You're living up to your member name. I'll take that action and ask you to add a couple zeroes on the end of it.
  8. You just can't past the idea that it's NFL or bust, can you? Developing a QB to be a winner at the college level is also an accomplishment whether you agree or not. If it weren't, and if it were such a mundane act, then every coach would have a prolific QB. Life and college football aren't as black and white as you'd like everyone to believe. Again, I go back to the Coach K example, which you have conveniently ignored.
  9. Nothing you've written has in any way addressed my point. College football doesn't exclusively exist to serve the NFL. The vast percentage of players who participate understand they have little chance at ever being a Sunday hero, yet they still play because they love to compete and want a chance to win. To use a baseball analogy, Leach isn't a roving hitting instructor whose sole purpose is to teach hitters throughout the farm system to hit the ball to the opposite field...to eventually benefit the parent club. Leach -- or any other college football coach -- has one main job to do: WIN. Taking a quarterback and making him a 4,000-yard passer with 45+ touchdowns within the scope of a system is nothing to sniffle at. And whether that QB excels at the next level is incongruent to the discussion. Would it be nice? Sure, but it isn't the coach's sole job or concern to make his player NFL ready. It's simply a byprodcut. By your line of reasoning, Coach K is a failure because Christian Laettner and Danny Ferry aren't Hall of Fame basketball players.
  10. Seriously. Did you sign a contract to be a Bills fan and now you're stuck? The Bills' logo is not a scarlet letter; if they bring you so much shame, just stop watching them and move on. And...get a life.
  11. I hate to agree, but I agree. Though, the proper word (at least in the context of the early-to-mid 90s) was "complacency" amongst the fan base, no?
  12. No argument here. Wasn't intentional, I promise. Snake is such a badass dude, I can't help it.
  13. No, I wouldn't guess that. Because it wasn't.
  14. I guess it depends on what your idea of developing a QB is, and to what end. If you look at NCAA football as strictly an NFL factory, then you'd see Leach's QB tutelage as a failure I suppose. However, if you take NCAA football as its own entity and evaluate each of his QBs at Tech and the level of success they (and the team) had while he was in charge at Lubbock, you'd be singing an entirely different tune about Leach's abilities as a teacher and coach.
  15. LeBron just can't stand not being in the news and/or on SportsCenter. "Lebron's Flag Football Classic"? Really? That's almost as bad as the Obama Basketball Classic. Can anyone do anything privately or quietly any more?
  16. He's the only reason I became a Tech fan in the first place. I wish he was still there. Tuberville is doing a fine job of running that thing in Lubbock into the ground. Oh well, I guess this will be a good way to feign an interest in the PAC 10,12,14 or whatever it is called. May the Cougars first season under Leach be a masculine season...
  17. I'll bet Pouha is one of those guys who says "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas".
  18. Speak for yourself.
  19. Yup, the 11-1 Giants coincidentally lost three of their final four games following Burress' suspension in 2008 and then got booted by the Eagles (at home) in the Divisional Playoffs. No connection, right? Your "football outsiders" are just that; outsiders.
  20. That's like being satisfied with just smelling the pumpkin pie, and not actually getting to eat a piece. I love Stevie, and as long as he continues to wear a Bills uniform, I will root for him and support him. But, he screwed up big-time yesterday...twice. Just call a spade a spade and admit it. Accept it. I mean, this admission of "Oh, well, he abused Revis all day and he was wide open on that play because of an awesome double move" is absurd acceptance of the mediocre. The good, but just not good enough. That's what us fans are sick of (many of us, anyhow) after....hell, after a lot of years. Good, but just not good enough when it counts. Cheer on Stevie and pat him on the back when he does well. But, also call it like it is when he doesn't.
  21. I'm pretty sure you know that losing Burress completely handicapped the Giants for that season and thereafter. They haven't been the same since, and are just now starting to climb out of it this year, thanks to Cruz's emergence.
  22. Great post! It might be a blessing in disguise (a really ugly disguise; I'm thinking "Rob Ryan in drag" ugly) to finally let CJ sink or swim as an NFL player. At least we won't be left guessing when it comes to actually evaluating him...
  23. Umm, I gonna go out on a limb here, but I really doubt that Danny Batten pretended he was Deion Sanders when he was growing up. Circle gets the square...
  24. Man...that 80-yd touchdown run versus the Giants may as well have been 15 years ago. Does anyone else remember the good old days? Y'know, like, two months ago?
  25. What a wonderful Thanksgiving treat we have received!
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