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Everything posted by Kaz

  1. Are we losing to Tennessee or Miami? I just want to make sure before I phone Delaware Park to place my wager.
  2. I wonder what the rhetoric on this board would be if we were 0-4 instead of 2-2?
  3. He's on a roll, let him go. For his next post, I predict he'll accuse Fitzpatrick of running towards the wrong endzone.
  4. I'm on board with this. I don't see either game as a definite loss, especially the Cardinals game. We'll all be feeling pretty good if the Bills are flying east with a 3-3 record and a home date with the Titans on deck. This is a strange league, after all: -- The Panthers, who got absolutely destroyed by the Giants on home turf two weeks ago, nearly pulled out a win in probably the toughest home field in the NFL (Atlanta) yesterday. (Still don't know how Ryan completed that 50-yard heave.) -- New Orleans is 0-4, including a home loss to a Chiefs team we pounded like a Pop Warner squad. -- The freakin' Cardinals, who didn't know who their starting QB was as of the days prior to the opener, are 4-0! It's a long season, put on your big boy pants and let's see what happens.
  5. I know this is a tired line, but did you actually watch the game? Neither of Fitzpatrick's first-half INTs resulted in points. As a matter of fact, the Pats got just one first down combined off those. The two second-half INTs were the result of trying to press the issue once the horse was already out of the barn. There is enough ammunition out there to assassinate Fitzpatrick, you shouldn't have to make up crap.
  6. Every game matters. But I get your meaning. This team is allergic to winning divisional games. No one is immune.
  7. This board is so predictable. An embarrassing 600+ freaking yards allowed by our defense. Allowed two 100+ yard rushers and a pair of 100+ yard receivers. Our D-line didn't get close enough to sniff Brady's expensive cologne, and Wanny apparently fell asleep in the coaches box. And we're ragging on our quarterback. Party on, guys!
  8. Kinda. Though, Adam Schefter is a complete waste of space. So I do agree with their movement on that front, at least.
  9. Yes. You ever heard about a man named Jesus? Wow, I go away from this thread for a week or so and the whole world suddenly gets smart. You wanna bring Brett Favre into the discussion, too?
  10. Have I knocked Cutler in any other way than pointing to facts? If nothing else, we've seen some of the same people who blame Fitz for just about everything emerge from slumber to apologize for Cutler in every which way. But, why? Because they really like Cutler, or they really hate Fitzpatrick? I've pointed to Cutler's poor game from last night, and how his career has featured a good number of these. How, even teams with lofty playoff aspirations might have their wagons hitched to a horse that isn't all that it's cracked up to be. In response, I've been informed by assorted people that Cutler is head-and-shoulders above Fitzpatrick, and how his career has been hampered by bad OL play or lack of weapons or Mike Martz, etc. If not for any of these factors, we could plug Cutler into the Patriots offense and it wouldn't skip a beat. I've asked for explanations and data to back these claims, and have barely gotten anything. Except for the guy who is talking about yards per reception. I guess you can come to your own conclusion in regards this thread. Maybe I thought a dose of reality outside of the Buffalo Bills bubble that some people live in would be something to spark conversation. So maybe I've accomplished that. By the way, I'm not sure who or what you're referring to in terms of the post blowing up and "reading comprehension" etc.
  11. When are some of you going to stop equating "caring" to acting like a cranky toddler? I think pretty much every player who puts on an NFL uniform cares about winning, but not all of them stomp around and shove their teammates when things get bad. Except, that headcase (Marshall) and the other headcase (Cutler) hooked up for 15 touchdowns in the three years they were teammates in Denver. But, I know, he dropped a pass last night so he sucks. I get it.
  12. I don't know, professor, are you? I assume you can read, and I know you can count. I guess you're confused that someone posted something other than, "Fitz blows! He's stealing the team's money! 'Fitzsucky' is more like it!" There are plenty of other threads out there that will quench your thirst for that. OK, thanks for the thought-provoking contribution.
  13. Big Ben is the best example to use when talking about a QB who gets the stuffing beat out of him regularly, but actually plays smart most of the time and makes plays in spite of it. The argument I keep seeing in favor of Cutler is that he would suddenly play smart and cut down on his INTs if he played behind a good OL. And I don't think you can extrapolate that conclusion from anything Cutler has done in his career to this point.
  14. I love this argument, too. Because Fitz has always been on a team blessed with an obscene amount of receiving talent.
  15. What year do you think Jim Kelly retired, guy?? Secondly, the point of the post was not to excuse Fitzpatrick or make a comparison to Cutler. It's to jar people out of this whiny mindset that we're the only team in the league that doesn't have Joe Montana at quarterback. And, that even teams who think they have a "franchise" guy under center have to suffer through terrible performances from that player. Hey, I'm just calling it like I see it. I really don't think the guy is a bad QB, I really don't. But I think he gets elevated to loftier heights by some folks based upon some fantasy aura that is attached to his name. Well, I guess you get a gold star for reading comprehension. So what does this prove about Jay Cutler again?
  16. Yup, great. Manning, a sure-fire HOF quarterback with two Super Bowl appearances and one championship ring. I guess you missed the part where I said those type of players have at least a sliver of justification for acting out of frustration. Cutler isn't on the level where he can treat people like garbage and have it go down the drain the next day. And don't even compare the type of leader and teammate Peyton Manning is to Cutler. That's not a battle you will win.
  17. From what you've told me, the moral of the story is: Cutler can't beat the Packers. That's kind of a big deal for guy who plays QB for Green Bay's biggest rival. Not very good resume material. But, the vibe I'm getting from this post is that all of Cutler's sins are forgiven and none of his INT numbers are really legit because he gets pressured every down. Got it!
  18. Peyton Manning, Aaron Rodgers or Drew Brees wouldn't (and haven't) scream at a player and shove him out of the way like Cutler did. You aren't a good leader because you scream at someone out of frustration. And, even if they did , those guys all have Super Bowl rings and tons of personal achievements to back up their bark. What does Cutler have? I guess I'm still waiting for someone to tell me how or why Cutler is head and shoulders better than Fitz. Aside from ESPN hype and perception and how far he can throw a football.
  19. I don't think anyone is basing Cutler's career off last night's game. [Even though folks 'round these parts LOVE to do that to our own players **cough cough, Mario, cough, cough**, but that's besides the point.] Cutler has a history of making ill-advised throws. Consistently poor judgment is a pretty big flaw for a QB. That doesn't mean he is terrible. It doesn't mean he isn't a good NFL quarterback that can make some big plays and win games. What it does mean is that Cutler is in the same boat as most every other QB in the league not named Brady, Brees, Manning or Rodgers.
  20. This.
  21. Wow, you really love Cutler, don't you!? To say that the only thing keeping Cutler from immortality is a quality O-Line is a bit far fetched. Cutler has the same mentality that gets weaker armed QBs (like Fitz) in trouble. He's a gambler, and because his arm is so strong he thinks he can make every throw, regardless of coverage and circumstances. Thus the bloated INT numbers. Yes, yes, the line play in Chicago is troublesome, but that doesn't account for all the blemishes.
  22. Okay, it's fine to have that opinion. And maybe I don't disagree. But what facts are you basing this statement on? Other than perception, how has Cutler placed himself miles beyond anyone?
  23. I think Cutler has an amazing physical skill set, namely a big-time arm (so did Jeff George, by the way). But, between the ears is where he's off the track. Agree his line has been bad. But, for instance, the pick he threw late in the first half was not a result of pass rush, but just an awful decision. He makes a lot of awful decisions (both on the field and on the sidelines). Woodson's postgame comment alluding to Cutler's reputation isn't a throw-away.
  24. What are you basing that off? His career 42-38 record or his 120:91 TD-to-INT ratio?
  25. 11/27, TD, 4 INT "We understand that Jay is excited about his new weapons, but it's the same-old Jay. We don't need luck; Jay will throw us the ball." --Charles Woodson, after last night's game Cutler was the 11th overall pick in the 2006 draft. The Bears traded Orton, two first-rounders and a third-round pick to get Cutler. I don't know what my ultimate point is, but I think some members of this board need a reminder from time to time that Fitz isn't the only QB in the league who has shortcomings. Cutler's bio is a lot shinier than Fitz's, but, are the results any different? Only a select few clubs are set at the quarterback position. The rest of them are just trying to get by.
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