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Everything posted by Kaz

  1. Raiders have zero to do with this equation. Though I'd argue that they are as much of an NFL brand as any other team. Anyhow, we've gotta remember that the masses are asses and most of the "I've got this guy on my fantasy team" population doesn't even know that Bills/Chargers is a more intriguing or potentially entertaining game. But, they know Tom Brady and they know by now that the Pats are usually good. Not saying it's right, but that's how it is.
  2. Well, there is a reason the Bills and Chargers aren't in national and primetime spots all the time, right? The Patriots weren't a coast-to-coast phenomenon when Hugh Millen was quarterback. Your franchise gets a national following after you've established yourself as a legitimate, perennial contender and/or champion. It doesn't just happen at the whim of the networks.
  3. Are you being dense on principle? The gates should not be an issue. It's what we were promised. That's the issue; not what I did or did not do. Additionally, was I supposed to know that every other gate wasn't a complete disaster as well? If I took a dose of blind faith and went one gate over and that was also a clusterbuck, that's another five minutes or so wasted.
  4. Was at the game last Sunday and attempted to enter the aforementioned "super gate" aka Gate 2. It was a nightmare. When your facility undergoes millions of dollars of renovations and improvements, with bold-printed promises of easy, no-hassle entry at all gates, I will not accept "dude, just go to another gate" as an answer or solution.
  5. Ditto for airport radar.
  6. It has nothing to do with the Bills not getting respect or the New England game being less exciting. Until proven otherwise, the Patriots are a proven winning team in the league and one that has a/the "face of the league" at QB -- not my opinions, but widely accepted. So, yeah, of course most of the CBS affiliates from coast to coast will pick up the NE/Oak game. Things are the same as they were a quarter of a century ago. For instance, when I was growing up in Central NJ -- right smack in the midst of the Kelly/Thomas/Reed/Smith golden era -- the Bills were on local Philadelphia TV constantly. Certain weeks, the local CBS affiliate in Philly would pick up the Bills/Pats game or Bills/Colts game...and that was when both of those opponents were dreadful. And why do you think that was? I can tell you it had zero to do with the expectations for a fair or intriguing matchup. So let's try to cool our jets in regards to the TV coverage. You can't expect the national affiliates to jump out of their chair after 14 terrible years and two good weeks. As a brilliant man once said, "These things take time."
  7. I like optimism, but this is downright homerism. Our defense is good, but we're not Doomsday. Chicago is stacked offensively, and we'll have our usual struggles to put the ball in the endzone. Bears 23, Bills 10
  8. Jeez, talk about taking a potato light bulb and turning it into a nuclear reactor. Too much holiday spirits for some of you. Bottom line: Would the Bills have had a bigger advantage playing at the Ralph or in Toronto? If you're being honest with yourself, you know the answer. And that is the essence of the OP's point. Not to dissect 14 other games. We're talking about that one game. We'd most likely beat Atlanta in our true element and, at 7-8, we'd still have a playoff pulse. Period, end of story, stop being purposely dense!
  9. Even our most recent trips to the playoffs have been Washington General moments... 1999 Season: Wild Card loss @ Tenn (we lost on a trick play fer God's sake!) 1998 Season: Wild Card loss @ Miami (opening play fumble by Moulds/Reed ejected/Flutie sacked to end the game) 1996 Season: First ever playoff loss at Rich Stadium PLUS our Hall of Fame QB is carted off the field in what would be his final game 1995 Season: Bruce Smith misses the divisional round at Pittsburgh b/c he got the flu (did he not get his flu shot? you tell me...) No need to rehash the Super Bowls, right?
  10. All this out-of-town updating and no mention of Willis McGahee's TD run??
  11. Kiko was the least painful/awkward part of that whole clip (thank you for posting the link, by the way). The host of the show couldn't have been a bigger herb. And, Jeff Garcia? Yikes. Kiko speaks softly and carries a big stick. More power to 'im.
  12. I hope everyone enjoyed the Vikings game last night, because not only are they on Sunday Night Football this week, but they're on Thursday Night in Week 10. Thank you, NFL!
  13. I agree with most of your list, but you can't put Coughlin on there. Yeah, it's deplorable that the Giants are winless this year. But it's not like the guy forgot how to coach. He's got two Super Bowl rings, and each time his team won the NFC title game on the road. I think he can be exempt for this list of clowns.
  14. Good grief, thank you for setting the record straight. If the Giants have "no receivers", I wish the Bills also had "no receivers" like that.
  15. Kiko Alonso can make WGR an informative and entertaining sports radio station #LegendofKikoAlonso (Oops, wrong thread...)
  16. You're planning on getting plastered while playing ball with your son, yet it's the guy who doesn't have $40 (for each ticket, mind you, plus parking and concessions, etc.) to spend on football tickets who has issues?
  17. I try my best (not really) to be open minded when I listen to their morning and afternoon shows, but they sound so sophomoric and uninformed, it's tough to find something nice to say. No clue how this Howard Simon guy got his own show; he's neither uber-knowledgeable about sports nor interesting, entertaining or endearing. In short, he's as exciting as a wet rag. Jeremy White is O.K., but he's got a snootiness about him that being a hot shot in a small marker can create. I think the Joe Buscaglia spots are good, however, and are the only redeeming aspect of the whole morning program. Oh and Howard Simon ought to listen to real talk show hosts from time to time and he might learn how to do an interview without sounding like a novice. The over-aged frat boys in the afternoon...well, don't even get me started. First, the name of the show: Is this supposed to be a rip-off of Mike and Mad Dog? Just terrible, regardless. And the two hosts sound too much alike--they could probably eliminate one of them and nobody would notice. You listen to these guys and you can just tell they think their crap doesn't stink. Again, the big fish-small pond complex. A dash of humility and a non-douchey sense of humor aren't against FCC regulations, fellas. Much like their morning counterparts, this show is bereft of any entertainment value. If PBS had a sports talk program, it would look like a rock concert compared to this dreck. In closing, no, you're not the only one.
  18. How big is that bonehead decision by Mike Smith at the end of the 1st half looking right about now?
  19. So then stop torturing yourself and go paint seashells on Sundays.
  20. I guess if every NFL GM were as prescient as some of the all-knowing 'fans' on this board, there would have been 31 teams banging on Kurt Warner's door in the summer of 1999. I'm not saying a Kurt Warner-type story is within any of the named FA quarterbacks out there, but I'll take my chances with talent and fate rather than the foolproof proclamations of the usual yahoos on this board who claim to be picking apples or hanging up laundry on Sundays to avoid having to watch the Bills. Those folks are the ones who have already given up on the season four times since September 8. If you're not mature enough to make it through the peaks and valleys of an NFL season without jumping off a cliff at every sign of trouble, maybe you oughta join a book club or take up yoga instead. This is football, guys and gals.
  21. I don't necessarily think you're wrong, but did not Marrone already say that they'd be going outside the organization for a QB solution?
  22. Jonathan Paul Losman. I kid, I kid... Hell, if Trent is on the list, might as well include this joker for laughs. I think Freeman would be a good fit. Has some of EJ's faults, and some of his strengths. Plenty of potential in the right system with the right coach. Whoever it is, though, it better happen sooner than later. I'd like this person to have some idea about the offense before he steps on the field next Sunday.
  23. What genius at NFL Network decided to run these NFL Replays in the middle of the day during the week? If they moved a couple hours of Andrew Siciliano cleaning his ears or angry ex-cornerbacks-turned-ministers screaming at each other, they might be able to show these in primetime as they previously did. What gives?
  24. Good Lord. Bills fans are such a sensitive lot. If you couldn't tell from the onset that this was going to be a farce of a post, I think you need to take a step back and reevaluate life and your place in it. The title of the post alone was so over the top, it was a dead giveaway, but that's just me. Then again, I haven't been sitting in my Zubaz watching All-22 video of EJ for the past 36 hours straight and puking into a Bills hardhat either. Pick yourselves up and have a sense of humor. There are only 16 weekends of Bills football in a normal year, might as well do you best to enjoy them every so often. And cut the OP some slack.
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