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Everything posted by DCOrange

  1. It's really odd because it seems like some sources believe the remaining votes are election day votes while others are saying it's mail in votes. I don't know how we can't at least know that information. The Associated Press for example (who called Arizona for Biden already) said they did so because the remaining Maricopa votes are mail-in ballots that are expected to skew heavily towards Biden. Not sure what the delay in Arizona is or when we'll start getting results, but if we can get the remaining Maricopa votes in, that should tell us whether or not Trump really might pull it out there.
  2. FWIW, Fox and AP have had it at 86% reporting this whole time and obviously they're the ones that (pretty aggressively) called the race already.
  3. Not sure if anyone on the next page answered you, but the outstanding votes are later-arriving early votes. So whether it leans red or blue could theoretically go either way, but the general belief is Biden will end up winning there. If Biden does hang on to Nevada, he hits 270 regardless of what happens in PA, NC, and GA. We'll almost certainly have recounts in at least 2 or 3 states but the odds are in Biden's favor at this point though the margins are still very narrow.
  4. We don't really know this for sure but that's the CW on how the independents are expected to break this year.
  5. For those that want to latch on to the earliest results possible:
  6. Florida, Nevada, and Arizona are the only states I'm aware of that are reporting party registration of voters right now so people are trying to extrapolate from there. Unfortunately there's no real way to do it effectively because for example, close to 1/3 of the voters in Florida are not affiliated with either party and it will certainly boil down to who ultimately wins that group of voters. Nevada appears to be in the bag for Biden. Doesn't seem like there's much of a reason to think Arizona and Florida are leaning one way or the other right now. Edit: The only other significant update is that North Carolina (which is one of the swing states we were hoping to have results from quickest) will be delaying their results up to an hour due to some polling locations opening late.
  7. The lead up to actual results on E-Day is always entertaining. Half the people looking at the Florida "numbers" so far think it points to a win for Trump and half think it points to a win for Biden. We'll see once they start reporting the actual votes.
  8. I keep bouncing between 321 and 350 for Biden depending on Florida. This is the version where Biden wins FL.
  9. Essentially election night will be all about determining if Trump has a chance to win later in the week. The states that are likely to have declared winners on election night are states that are locks that aren't really worth discussing and the southern battlegrounds (Florida, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, and Texas) where if Biden wins one of them, it likely means he has it in the bag and if Trump wins all of them, we turn our eyes to the Midwest + PA later in the week. Edit: Particularly, Florida, Arizona and North Carolina are the ones to watch. Texas and Georgia could lag into the next day or two if it's too close to call but those first 3 should give us a winner on election night and if any of them go for Biden it'll be nearly impossible for Trump to win.
  10. Not sure I'd bother but I'd understand if Beane did.
  11. After scoring when they could have just run the clock out for the win too
  12. Lol at anyone questioning that penalty. That's a penalty every single time. Probably a fine too.
  13. They don't have one either. The defense just makes it look that way. He's a 4.6 guy just like our RBs.
  14. Two near INTs for Allen so far. Not a good start for the team overall.
  15. I went to the Bills training camp in Rochester pretty regularly as a kid, but I grew up a Tampa Bay Buccaneers fan (short story there is a work friend of my dad's gave me a binder of football cards that basically covered every Bucs player ever and I just got attached to them from that). I'd root for the Bills whenever they weren't playing Tampa, but Tampa came first. It wasn't until I actually left Rochester that the Bills became my favorite team. When I moved down to the DC area, following the Bills became an easy way to stay connected to my family and I just gradually started caring more about Buffalo than Tampa.
  16. He's undoubtedly slow. That was the case in college too. Speed shouldn't matter too much at the RB position, particularly with his running style. He's just not bouncing off/making tacklers whiff the way he showed in college. He showed tremendous contact balance at Utah, much like Singletary did at FAU and that is probably the most important trait in a RB IMO. It hasn't really carried over to the NFL for Moss so far the way it has for Singletary. Hopefully he regains that as he gets healthier.
  17. I like the Desmond King mention. I think a corner would probably be ideal if we're only getting one player. I'd settle for a depth LB or DT as well. I liked the Tomlinson idea as a realistic DT option. I would absolutely love to get Quinnen Williams but I'm guessing the Jets would just keep him before they trade him to us.
  18. I don't think this schedule looks all that daunting but maybe I'm wrong. I'm not saying the Bills are great, but all of those games are winnable to me.
  19. Been pretty disappointed in Moss to this point though I admittedly had high expectations of him. Singletary has been pretty good though IMO. The run blocking has been atrocious. I would tend to agree the OP's reasoning of "Why would you carry a vet RB for two years just to make him inactive the whole time", but I would point to that as the logic for simply moving on rather than activating him to give him more time. Yeldon is not good. Singletary is good IMO. Moss might be in time.
  20. Not sure if anyone responded to this, but Football Outsiders’ metrics for example had Tampa as a top 10 defense last year. They were just on the field a ton because of the absurd number of turnovers.
  21. We just went away on a big vacation with 3 other groups where we all took turns making dinner and the chicken in here is what we ended up making when it was my turn. Big hit. Unfortunately the potato recipe isn't included there. I can't remember if we follow this potato recipe exactly or if we just loosely follow it, but I think this is the one that we based our lemon potatoes off of:
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