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Everything posted by DCOrange

  1. Is Symir a ray of sunshine? He's been terrible his two years in college so far; there's a reason we're talking about beating the likes of Albany for him while our beloved Kadary is contemplating a bunch of good offers. I also think think things have changed since the Dion/MCW years. For starters, MCW was the unquestioned starter and star of the team his second year so that already is different from Boeheim potentially bringing Kadary off the bench as a sophomore. Dion came off the bench behind two good starters on an absolutely stacked Syracuse team. Kadary would be coming off the bench behind a bad starter on a top 30ish team. But also, with the free transfer rule, I'm not sure we would have even gotten a second year out of Dion and MCW if they were here today.
  2. FWIW, Jim is saying that he told Kadary the best player would start, but I'm sure that's what he told him before the year began too and that's obviously not how it played out.
  3. I'd be shocked if he doesn't end up starting next year for a better school than we currently are. From what I've seen, it sounds like Florida, Florida State, Kentucky, and Memphis are among the most interested right now.
  4. We'll have a team but the best case scenario will probably be bubble watch again. I would tend to bet on us taking a step back again.
  5. Sounds like Frank Anselem will likely be transferring as well. I think Jim undershot his 4-6 players forecast. At this point it sounds like: Kadary Guerrier Dolezaj Braswell Jon Bol Ajak Anselem Woody Griffin Sidibe all could likely be gone.
  6. Haven't heard anything from my sources about Kadary transferring since the initial fear that he's not a lock to return, but there's now a buzz among Kentucky fans that Kadary Richmond will be transferring there to be their new star PG.
  7. Eh, if he waits another year he'll be 23 by the time of the draft. 2nd round is almost certainly the best he can hope for, and even that will require significant improvement IMO.
  8. I don't think he'll be drafted but I suspect he'll be told he's a 2nd round pick. Not sure where it'll go from there; he might just be ready to get paid even if it isn't an NBA team.
  9. Quincy Guerrier officially testing the NBA Draft waters as I expected.
  10. Yes, his name rhymes with Shayheim.
  11. That would be a best case scenario for sure
  12. Robert Braswell and John Bol Ajak officially entering the transfer portal. Boeheim says he expects 4-6 players to leave, not sure if that's including Dolezaj and Sidibe in the math or not.
  13. His short arms and lack of leaping ability is gonna make finishing really difficult. Joe needs to develop a floater game IMO. I haven't watched Benny at all yet; I'll go through and watch some of his high school games in a few months probably.
  14. Of course he can grow and develop. And once he does develop into a good player, I'd happily give him minutes. But I don't think there's much of a chance of him ever being a plus as a defender or creator. The athletic limitations are just nearly impossible for him to overcome unfortunately. Shooting? I could see him becoming a good shooter. But even if he does I'm not sure he's a positive contributor unless we change how we use him (i.e. Kadary handling the ball and Girard running around screens like you mentioned). But with Buddy occupying that spot, we're talking about a 15ish minute role for Girard.
  15. I guess we'll see with Joe. I don't think he's going anywhere. To me, he shouldn't be anything more than a 10-15 minutes per game kinda guy. I don't really care about his assist numbers; he doesn't really create offense for his teammates (which is an issue for nearly the entire roster outside of Kadary and Dolezaj). He doesn't shoot the ball well from 3, he's okay at best from mid-range, and flat out terrible at the rim. And he is not a good defender; I don't care what Boeheim tries to convince the media. Someone mentioned Cooney below...Cooney was actually pretty good in the zone; almost always in the right spot and got his hands on a lot of passes. Girard is pretty good at jumping passing lanes but he's slow in his rotations and even if he is in the right spot, everybody can shoot over him without any trouble and get by him without any trouble because he's small and not very athletic. I'm not sure he's a positive contributor even if his 3 pointers are falling, and through two years, they generally are not falling. Kadary and Buddy should both be playing over 30 minutes a game next year and then Joe can have the leftovers if we don't get a better guard through the transfer portal.
  16. I think Jimmy shot like 29% from 3 this year so not sure he’s much of a shooter but he was very productive for Cornell this past year. Honestly don’t know much about him as a player. I think Joe can be good in a bench gunner role but it’s hard for me to ever see him being a greatly impactful player. Just an okay shooter and caretaker of the ball and he’s pretty much useless inside the 3 point line and a negative on defense. Unless they develop their games in unforeseen ways, I don’t think it makes sense to play Joe and Buddy together; just takes too much away from our defense IMO.
  17. I guess we’ll see with Sidibe. Maybe we already know he isn’t healthy, but multiple sources have made it known Sidibe is almost certainly gone. re: Kadary, idk if it’s all about playing time but I think it could boil down to the exit meetings. If Boeheim is saying it’ll be a platoon with Joe again next year, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Kadary go somewhere with more minutes available. There’s no reason he shouldn’t be playing over 30 minutes a game. Oh, and everyone I’ve spoken to thinks it’s a lock that Jimmy Boeheim transfers in to give us some help at the forward position.
  18. Yes, there’s definitely a risk of him leaving. The current sentiment seems to be that we aren’t really expecting him back but he isn’t a lock to leave. Dolezaj, Sidibe, Griffin, and Newton are pretty much considered locks. Other people are hearing Guerrier is likely out and Kadary might be; I personally haven’t heard anything about either.
  19. They both are in all likelihood. We’re going to have 4-6 guys to replace this offseason.
  20. You go to Syracuse for college and you’ll find half the campus are Jets fans lol. I live in DC now but most of my friends are Jets or Pats fans.
  21. Every Jets fan I know says it’s a lock that they’re taking Wilson so I guess we’re at an impasse lol
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