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Everything posted by DCOrange

  1. Probably, but at least they didn't actually have the choice of Burrow like they did Herbert. And Tua has been legitimately good the last couple games, granted against two very bad teams. Obviously not nearly at an MVP level like Herbert has demonstrated though.
  2. I think he's probably worse than Tyrod was for us.
  3. Certainly possible but it'll depend on if Carlton Davis, Winfield, and potentially Murphy-Bunting are able to come back and stay healthy. If everyone is healthy, their secondary should be quite good. Unfortunately pretty much everyone is injured right now.
  4. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/28100383/going-2-8-points-why-nfl-teams-keep-doing-why-analytics-backs-up Basically, going for 2 the first try increases your chances of winning. If you get it, you kick the PAT on the next score and win. If you don't get it, you go for 2 the next time and have a pretty decent chance of tying. If you kick the PAT the first time and miss it, you're in the same boat as if you had missed the 2 point conversion; going for 2 on the second try to tie it. If you kick the PAT the first time and make it, you still have to go for 2 the next time (if you're going for the win), only this time failing to convert means you lost while converting doesn't increase your odds anymore than the going for 2 the first time around does. Put simpler, assuming you're going to score two TDs while your opponent scores 0, you're left with the following odds: 2 Point conversion --> PAT = 59% win probability PAT --> PAT = 45.5% win probability PAT --> 2 Point conversion = 45% win probability
  5. Passer rating has always been bad but particularly now that QBs do so much that wouldn't show up in passer rating. QBR is probably as good as it gets in terms of trying to put a number on a QB's performance, but QB performance is obviously a very difficult thing to quantify either way.
  6. Obviously buoyed by last night's monster game, but Lamar is currently on pace for just under 5,200 passing yards and 1,200 rushing yards this season.
  7. I think at least part of it is that when they were both in the draft, there was a very vocal community arguing that Lamar was an elite prospect and Allen sucked, and then Lamar came out and won MVP in his first season as a full-time starter while Allen was still being ripped apart by most people at the time. I viewed Lamar as the best prospect in the class that year but I was also high on Allen and I think the similarities between the two made it weird that it turned into such a polarizing argument.
  8. I definitely disagree with nobody else being close. I think Dak, Kyler, and Lamar all have a case to be made ahead of Henry. I think if the season ended today, Brady would probably win MVP, but it's a really muddled group at the top right now.
  9. Agreed but I think the rule is essentially if a QB’s knee touches the ground, they’re down. Doesn’t matter if they slide or dive anymore.
  10. It went forwards nearly a full yard before hitting the guy’s face mask.
  11. It’s like Giannis in the NBA. Sure, he has a few major holes in his game, but the things he does well he does so damn well that he can still be one of the best QBs in the league even with those holes.
  12. It’s not really complicated. It was lateraled at the 24 and caught at the 25. Pretty easy call.
  13. Obviously Parasite as well was fantastic, though that's not on Netflix.
  14. I'd say arguably my best friend is a kid I grew up with. Went to elementary, middle, and high school together. We went our separate ways for college; we'd occasionally play video games online together but that was it. We reconnected towards the end of college and became really close again. I live in DC and he lives in Atlanta so we don't see each other all that often, but we talk a pretty decent amount and try to go on a couples vacation together every year or two. Outside of him, I have a few other friends from high school but it's mostly just guys that were in the same friend circle and play video games together. We've all spread out at this point and most of them are the types of people that will just go radio silent for weeks at a time so it's tough to see each other in person. I have a few friends from college that I talk to pretty regularly but don't really see in person (most of them live in NYC or Boston) and a couple friends in DC. But the people I'm really close with are mostly family or people that are essentially adopted family.
  15. I know a ton of Cowboys fans are pumped about this. He signed his big extension and then basically stopped trying. Was out of shape and bad.
  16. Squid Game was excellent. One of the best debut seasons of a show I've seen in years.
  17. My favorite moments of the game: Collinsworth questioning if Tom Brady is capable of winning against crowds after doing it for 22 years. Collinsworth hyping up Barmore on a replay where he got pushed backwards 5 yards before being one of 6 players to join in on a tackle. Michaels saying New England can take advantage of the two minute warning when there was 2:02 left and Tampa still had to kick their field goal.
  18. I disagree but Miami does seem like the most likely landing spot to me. I know Schefter was saying a month or so ago that Philly was the front runner though.
  19. One of my friends goes down to the stadium to tailgate pretty much every week but isn't a Bills fan and never actually goes to the games. He just likes the atmosphere.
  20. We're at a luxury at this point where we can probably be good enough while he plays through this rut of his that we'll still be a playoff team. He has plenty of time to figure it out. We just have to hope that he does.
  21. I think the pair that we had for the Bills game this week is my favorite in the business right now. The Manning's were pretty cool though; I've always enjoyed when ESPN gives us telecasts like that or the NCAA Championship game where it's just a room of the coaches breaking it down.
  22. Very fun game. And that was the largest point spread of the week; we’re hopefully in for an entertaining Sunday.
  23. It’s for sure intentional but as long as there’s a WR along the sideline there’s really nothing to call there. Kinda lame though.
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