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Everything posted by DCOrange

  1. The run game hasn't really regressed, at least not in any meaningful way from last year. Singletary's numbers are up across the board this season. Moss' YPC is lower but his DVOA is up. Our rushing stats as a team are up across the board as well. Allen's numbers are down pretty much across the board: TD%, INT%, YPG, YPA, NY/A, QBR, passer rating, etc. Everything is at least slightly trending down compared to last year despite a much easier slate of games this year. Is it as simple as Allen playing worse? Maybe a little bit, but there's plenty of blame to go around and even if he is playing a bit worse than he did a year ago, he certainly isn't our weakness or anything. Fact of the matter is, we rely on our QB moreso than most teams in the league, so any slight regression in his play will be felt more than a lot of other teams would.
  2. The line about the Bills ranking 1st in the league in success rate on man runs vs. near the bottom of the league on zone runs was interesting to me. Also chuckled at the line about teams trying to turn Allen into a pocket passer. Any time there's discussion of a QB struggling, you'll almost always find that line.
  3. Oh I saw it. Scary stuff. Outside of Edwards and Girard, it seemed as if the rest of the players were deliberately trying to avoid getting rebounds. And with Edwards, he just doesn't know how to catch the ball well so there were a lot of instances where Colgate's guards and big man were able to just take the ball out of his hands to get another possession. Benny had a really nice finish at the rim that showed off his athleticism, but outside of that, he was a total liability on the offensive end of the floor. Symir continues to show that we probably need Girard to give us a good 35 minutes every game; Symir can't shoot and can't finish at the rim. Colgate was pretty much double teaming anyone they wanted by abandoning Symir whenever he was in the game and the only way he was able to score was to rebound his own misses. Swider got in foul trouble and his shooting slump has continued, but I think he was mostly fine and seems like it's just a matter of time before his shots start dropping again. Girard was once again great. Buddy was pretty much his usual self (not the NCAA Tournament version of himself, but just the pretty good version). We eventually tried to play Jimmy at C due to Edwards/Ansalem's struggles and it didn't help in any way; he's just too soft to play in the middle of the zone. I suspect this team will still be pretty solid this year, but the C play and backup PG minutes will likely decide if we're just a bubble team again or something more.
  4. Ultimately, he's a RB and therefore expendable. But, regarding the bolded, he's currently 5th in the league in tackles avoided per attempt and tied for 17th in total tackles avoided per PFF. Also slightly above average in terms of yards after contact per attempt.
  5. This response nails it IMO. Mac is playing well right now. People are treating it like it's a hot take to say he's playing better than Brady did his first year with the Patriots when it shouldn't be. But that doesn't mean he'll follow the same development arc that Brady did. At any rate, New England is going to be a tough out with their defense, run game, and competent QB play and Mac has been more than competent at times this season.
  6. I agree with the first sentence. I think saying Edmunds is completely expendable might be doing a disservice to him, but I do tend to think he was overrated up until this season when he's taken a pretty significant step forwards. Having said that, we probably can't afford everyone and I think we can probably get by letting him leave. I expect Beane to lock him up though.
  7. Very promising start, especially from Girard who is finally playing like the shooter that he was billed as coming out of high school. I'll be more of a believer when we start doing it against better teams, but I think any reasonable person would be very happy with the start we've had so far. I don't know when I'll get around to really doing my deep dives on the incoming recruits, but now that they've signed their letters of intent, I'll probably start trying to dive in when I have time.
  8. Eh, Tampa is obviously having some serious injury issues. Fully healthy, I think they’re the team to beat but they might just not get there this year. Rams and Cards are both beatable.
  9. The truth is there is no real tiger this year. Buffalo is arguably the rightful favorites right now, but there isn’t a team that looks like your usual contender IMO.
  10. I feel like the Chargers could be a sleeper destination. Good team, good location, good QB, and thin at WR.
  11. I tend to think he'll clear waivers and be able to negotiate with a new team freely, but I guess we'll see soon enough.
  12. I feel like an idiot for asking, why is he subject to waivers? The rule at least used to be you were only subject to waivers in your first few years in the League. Did they change the rule recently? Edit: I see this was answered.
  13. He should arguably be suspended for the Covid violations, not for being dishonest with the press. The NFL's Covid policy states that first-time offenders are subject to a $14k fine and further violations are subject to being fined their full salary and suspensions. He's been violating the policy every week, so if the NFL actually cared about applying their own policies, he'd be potentially up for suspension.
  14. I mean, at least 90% of us have probably also driven at 150+ MPH when we were drunk though, right?
  15. DCOrange


    I saw Dune last night. I don't know anything of the source material so I can't say for sure where the movie is going. But Part 1 on it's own was pretty lame IMO. I understand it's just Part 1, and maybe the pay off in Part 2 will be great, but aside from the cool visuals and sound editing, there wasn't much there. It seemed like the entire Part 1 essentially existed just to build up the characters for Part 2, but I left feeling like none of the characters were really worth caring about. I'll still see Part 2 because I like the genre in general and I'm curious to see how it all ends, but I feel like Part 2 will have to really blow me away to ever have interest in seeing Part 1 again.
  16. This doesn't make it any better, but I believe NFL players have access to ride share services free of charge anyways so he doesn't even need money for an Uber.
  17. Like I said, it's possible, but probably very unlikely. The QBs to generate a 3rd or 4th round comp pick the last few years are Tom Brady, Philip Rivers, and Teddy Bridgewater (after he had a 5-0 record with New Orleans).
  18. He'd need to get at least $15 mil per year, maybe $20 mil per year to net us a 3rd round pick. I don't really see it unless Allen gets hurt and Trubisky steps in and flourishes. Not impossible, but I think it's probably more likely that whatever contract he signs positions us for a 5th or 6th round comp pick (and maybe doesn't generate a pick at all depending on what we do in the offseason). Having said that, I think he's probably worth keeping around unless we're offered a 1st or 2nd round pick which would shock the hell out of me.
  19. I guess I'd be kinda surprised if we actually trade Trubisky. Feel like we'd get a 4th, maybe a 3rd if we're lucky. And I'm not sure that's worth not having him around in case of an Allen absence.
  20. Been a lot of buzz that they're trying to stockpile to make a run at Aaron Rodgers in the offseason too
  21. I would imagine Tennessee will be trading for/signing a new RB. Their backups are pretty dreadful and just have no capability to remotely replace him. Wouldn't be surprised if Tampa sends them a RB; those two teams have had a pretty close relationship in the past and Tampa can afford to give up one of theirs (Vaughn most likely probably).
  22. I think it was also that Watson just flat out hates the Texans owner, president, GM, etc. Beyond just the moves they make, he hates them as people. And he likely also likes the idea of living in Miami. It has gone from "Miami is just a QB away" to "Tua is one of the only reasons they have a chance in games right now" though which you'd think would give him some pause (but it doesn't sound like it has).
  23. If Lamar had landed short of the end zone, this would be true. No, because Heinicke didn't come up short against Buffalo on his dive like he did against Green Bay.
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