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Everything posted by DCOrange

  1. Just playing devil's advocate because I think you're probably right, but there were reports coming out of the Senior Bowl that teams thought Mayfield came across as entitled and that Allen wanted it more than him
  2. That's what we've always believed, but the numbers suggest otherwise. There's nearly zero correlation between running effectiveness and play-action success or between running volume and play-action success.
  3. You're misunderstanding it. 1. Running the ball has no impact on play-action passing. 2. Play-action passing > regular passing and with it being used only 20% of the time, it is underutilized.
  4. Football Outsiders published an article that came across my twitter timeline today. It basically suggests that a team's ability to run the ball has no impact on its success in play-action. It also suggests that play-action passing is super underutilized and points out that teams like Jacksonville and Philly ran it twice as often as the rest of the league during their playoff games against Pittsburgh and New England and obviously it worked out pretty amazingly for them. https://www.footballoutsiders.com/stat-analysis/2018/rushing-success-and-play-action-passing
  5. I'm taking the same stance as Kirby. I can't say for sure that this is his reasoning, but I foresee a tumble back down to Earth for the Bills next season and a pick around the 8-12 range. I'm not really interested in giving that up, especially because I think the QB that Buffalo can get at #12 is better than the ones that would be taken in a trade-up.
  6. This team went 17 years without making the playoffs. Why are we suddenly in a rush to try to be a fringe playoff team? In all likelihood, this team is going to be pretty bad regardless of who the QB is next season; if the Bills believe that Lamar can become a great QB, waiting one more season to unleash him really isn't that big of a deal.
  7. If you take "drop-back" to mean from under-center, which it seems like you are, none of this year's QB crop are particularly experienced there. Rosen and Allen probably took snaps under-center more than anyone else, and even with them, we're talking roughly 20% of their snaps. But McDermott didn't even really say anything. He basically said it's a passing league (which is a fact) and that the ability to throw is important (which nobody would ever disagree with). And he didn't even say that it's the most important or that it's a priority or anything; he just said it's important.
  8. The thing is that you can apply any of these statements to any of the QBs you want and pretend that they're describing your guy. All of the QBs in this draft are capable of dropping back and throwing; and saying that the ability to do so is important is something that literally every coach, scout, and fan would agree with.
  9. You’re not even including #96, which Miller also includes in the trade to get to #6. This is a no-go for me personally. I don’t really want to trade for Rosen anyways, but even beyond that, this trade is a little rich for my blood personally.
  10. And this guy isn't even in the 2018 draft, but I doubt he'll be a 1st rounder next year but he's stuck out to me on film every time I watch Chase Litton:
  11. Not necessarily the best post-first round guys, but some of the guys that I like to watch: QBs: Kyle Lauletta: Luis Perez: RBs: Nyheim Hines: Ronald Jones: Martez Carter: WRs: Trey Quinn: J'Mon Moore:
  12. The bolded would have been ruled an incomplete pass in the past due to "not completing the process of going to the ground"
  13. The little blurb about teams saying Mayfield came across as entitled at the Senior Bowl was interesting too.
  14. Perhaps I'll be wrong, but I don't see him reaching for a LT that high either; this draft just doesn't have one remotely worth a top 5 pick. He can get a LT with one of his 2nd round picks that's just as likely to be good as whoever ends up going in the 1st round. I agree re: Barkley though. I think Cleveland takes Chubb at 4 if they stay there (assuming they take a QB with their first pick).
  15. I'm guessing he's around a 4.4-4.45 but we'll see. He's my #1 QB in the draft regardless of what he runs.
  16. Wow, this seems pretty nuts that they'd give Pauline their actual big board. I'm just not sure what they really have to gain from doing so unless maybe they're a team that's already set at QB and they're giving it out to try to get other teams to take those QBs ahead of them.
  17. I prefer Lauletta by a significant margin. I think his best case scenario is probably Alex Smith level player and I don’t really see that kind of ceiling for Rudolph. I’d take Lauletta in the 2nd round and take Rudolph in like the 4th. I would definitely prefer one of the 5 first round guys though.
  18. I’m a big fan of Lock but it looks like a shallow class right now. There’s some intriguing small school guys though, like Easton Stick. Definitely prefer this year’s class but next year should be interesting too.
  19. I don’t think Cleveland should take Barkley honestly. Hyde/Duke is a good RB duo as is and with all their Day 2 picks, they can add another very good RB without having to use the #4 pick to do so. I dont think they’ll hit 8 wins this season but I don’t think buffalo will either. It’ll be close between the two teams this year but I like how Cleveland is building their team.
  20. I'm torn because Rosen is my least favorite of the 1st round QBs (excluding Rudolph who I don't view as a 1st rounder at all) but I also don't like the Rudolph or Penny picks.
  21. Not that he'll basically ever be asked to do it, but the effortless looking 80 yard passes that he made were absolutely insane lol.
  22. I understand what some of the reports say. I’m skeptical that it’s true. Edit: I hope that report is true. Rosen is the one I want the Jets to take personally.
  23. I wouldn’t be surprised if they take a QB, but I don’t think it’ll be in the first round
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