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Everything posted by DCOrange

  1. I think it all boils down to cost. If the market for Funchess is relatively bearish, I wouldn't be surprised at all if Buffalo makes an offer to take a chance on him and see if things click. It's possible that we're transitioning towards more of a preference for speed, but we'll see. It's just as likely IMO that they simply recognized Benjamin sucks and that Foster and McKenzie were worth giving a chance to.
  2. I know he's not the most popular FA target around here, but seems like his price might end up being lower than anyone expected after a poor end of the year and given his age, generally solid level of play each year (been graded around the #50ish WR in the league each of his 4 years by PFF), and McBeane's familiarity with him, seems like he's a guy we should continue to keep an eye out for. Granted we may have seen the beginning of a shift towards preferring speed WRs over big targets, but it could have also simply been that we recognized Benjamin sucks and that Foster/McKenzie were worth taking a chance on. At any rate, the article here mentions that Carolina declined to make any sort of extension offer to Funchess so he will be hitting the open market.
  3. Yeah, his production dropped off a bit this season and I haven't paid close enough attention to Wake Forest to know why, but that's a potential red flag with him and I think it's probably pushed him down to UDFA status. But his tape in college reminds me a bit of Doug Martin back when he played for Boise State.
  4. One guy I really like that seems destined for UDFA status is Matt Colburn from Wake Forest.
  5. I never actually watched Sports Night, but Newsroom is another of Aaron Sorkin's shows. Basically the gist of it is that this news studio is trying to do news "the right way" and it covers real news stories (ex: one of the episodes covers where they were when 9/11 happened, how crazy it was covering the story, etc.) It's a fictional show but covers real stories; it was really cool to watch.
  6. On this same wavelength, The Newsroom. I can only imagine what that show would look like if it were airing during the Trump presidency. My main show that I wish hadn't been cancelled so soon was Leverage. I absolutely adore it and am still hoping they come back for a movie at some point like shows like Psych have done. I also vaguely remember the acting being pretty poor, but I was intrigued by Flashforward and was pretty disappointed when it got cancelled.
  7. The Music City Miracle was a legal lateral and it's blatantly obvious IMO.
  8. Yep, I concur. Think he might be an option for Buffalo if he tests well.
  9. Yeah, exactly. The only way I see other teams offering is if they get bored with chasing other free agents and decide to try to be cute with the Jets to get them to pay a little more, but I could also totally see the Jets just being like "Alright, we'll take the 2nd round pick. Enjoy!" I'd guess Robby simply ends up playing on the tender for $3 million or whatever it is.
  10. This was the obvious move for the Jets to make to ensure that they can keep Robby at a cheap price. I don't envision anyone coughing up a 2nd round pick for the opportunity to overpay him.
  11. While stuff like this (and Hakeem Butler's chart that I've seen going around) are interesting, I don't think it really tells you all that much until you can pair it with their athletic testing. If Irv is just average athletically on top of being relatively tiny, that's probably a massive red flag, but it might not be a big deal that he's undersized if he has elite athleticism.
  12. My issue with him is he's probably too small to be a feature back and he hasn't really shown anything as a receiver, so best case scenario, what are you really getting with him? Seems like he's at best a change-of-pace guy unless he suddenly turns into a receiver, but you can get a much better receiving back late on Day 3 or off the trash heap in free agency.
  13. I don't think that's really true re: Darnold to be honest. People had been saying in the lead up that Allen was basically right there with Darnold. It's true that Baker beat them out in the end but I don't think Darnold was ever viewed as easily the #1 QB. And those guys weren't taken in the first round because they decided to throw at the combine. Throwing at the combine doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things at all; their actual film and their workouts are far more important. Kyler isn't going to run, likely because of the weight he put on for today. And I agree, Wilson is plenty quick and fast, which makes Kyler's superior athleticism that much more impressive.
  14. Murray is expected to run in the 4.3's whenever he ends up running his 40. He's an elite athlete for any position, whereas Wilson is an elite athlete for a QB.
  15. At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter. In all likelihood, he put on weight for the measurement and doesn't want to do the athletic testing while he's weighed down. And any team that has interest in him will likely have him in for a private workout anyways so there's no sense in throwing at the combine really. And it's never really held anyone back in the past. Obviously Darnold didn't do it last year and he still went #3 or whatever it was; guys hold out every year from throwing at the combine.
  16. That has nothing to do with the the true catch rate though. The true catch rate is only considering the percentage of those 76.5% and the percentage of those 63.5% of passes that he caught. So for example, he had 74 targets in 2017. 27 were deemed uncatchable, leaving 47 that were catchable. He caught 27 of those 47, for a pathetic percentage of 57.4%. That improved to 71.8% this year (which is still bad, but at least not ungodly terrible).
  17. Oh, the uncatchable was brutal in 2017 lol. So in 2018, 76.5% of Zay's targets were catchable. In 2017, it was 63.5%. But that doesn't change the fact that Zay was pathetic on the catchable ones.
  18. Not that it's a significant difference, but it's 4th biggest hands; Jamal Custis measured out even bigger in this year's class to push him down a spot ?
  19. A couple other WRs that I think are either interesting or notable:
  20. I have basically zero interest in AJ personally. Don't think he's what this team needs at all and don't think he's anything special as a prospect even for a team that could use someone like him.
  21. It's slightly heavier than expected actually lol. NFL teams thought he was 160 at the beginning of the year (also had him pegged like 1.5" taller than he is)
  22. Basically identical to Wilson size-wise though and far more athletic. Like half an inch shorter and a few pounds heavier (if that's actually his real weight and he didn't just put some weight on for the Combine). Edit: I personally don't think it's a big deal; I think Kyler is a really good QB prospect regardless of how he measured today. But this definitely matters to people in the NFL.
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