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Everything posted by DCOrange

  1. I mean, they were basically a .500 team during his tenure there despite only having his starting QB for literally half their games. The fact that they decided to blow everything up after firing him isn't really on him.
  2. Obviously we're working with tiny sample sizes for the most part, but I think Darnold and Lamar both looked pretty good last night. Haskins still struggling a bit, though he had a nice TD pass, and Kyler definitely looked a little off in his limited play after looking great the week prior.
  3. He's had plenty that have proven to be right. Still someone you should take with a grain of salt though. I believe he has actual sources, especially when it comes to NYC based rumors. But I also believe he's less picky about tweeting out rumors than the national media is, so it'll lead to more cases where the rumors either aren't true or didn't end up happening. I would tend to think he's legitimately hearing something is afoot with the Bills; might just be the Nsekhe thing, might be the recent McCoy stuff, might be Clowney. And it all might amount to nothing. We'll see.
  4. What does that clip in the original tweet mean? I'm not familiar with the movie and couldn't really follow what it would mean in this case. For whatever it's worth (which might be nothing), Bob replies to a bunch of tweets to basically BS with people but he'll sometimes tweet a response so that it actually shows up on his tweets profile (rather than the tweets & replies page) and in this case, the only one he did that with was a guy saying that it's McCoy getting cut. He did also retweet one of the Clowney quotes from O'Brien shortly after the Bills tweet though and that's usually another one of his hints. But then when someone replied about it being Clowney to the Bills, he responded and said he hasn't mentioned any names yet and that's his prerogative if he wants to assume it's Clowney or assume that it's even good news.
  5. Yeah, I've seen both of those. Gridiron Champions seems like a scam at this point or at least they've made little to no progress towards actually making a game. I think NCAA 14 looked better than Maximum Football 2018 did; we'll see with 2019 but I don't have much faith. Either way it wouldn't be a licensed college game but if it's good enough, I wouldn't care that much.
  6. I think OP is being a little oversensitive in this particular case. Plenty of people have defended Allen's throw on the play in question. Compared to Baker's throw, there's two major differences IMO: 1. Baker's WR got hit from behind rather than getting led into the hit like Allen's throw did. 2. I think Allen's pass was more accurate. He hit Zay nearly perfectly on that pass. If Baker had properly led his man, he wouldn't have been hit at all; it would have been a nice easy catch. Instead, he caused the WR to slow down and allow the trailing defender to hit him at the end.
  7. Same. I had left it at my parent's house for a few years and then got the itch and brought it back to my apartment. Haven't played it in a little while now, but the college games were my obsession growing up. I'd do terrible things for a College Hoops 2K20.
  8. Oliver looked okay against Nelson, which is a huge compliment. He was always my realistic hope at #9; definitely excited to see him in the regular season because most teams don't have a Nelson. Having said that, definitely some signs of a lack of counter moves in this game; Nelson completely stonewalled him multiple times and Oliver pretty much just accepted it or just tried to continue pushing rather than countering at all.
  9. I don't think this is a defenseless receiver penalty personally. Zay is basically on the ground; it's not as if the defender could have aimed any lower for his hit and he certainly didn't lead with his helmet at all. Just unfortunate that Zay fell in such a way that his head lined up with the guys arm.
  10. I mean, sure he could have led him a little more than that, but it pretty much hit him dead on. He didn't have to reach back for it or anything. Ignoring the incoming tackler that might have been able to knock it loose, this is a very easy catch.
  11. I barely remember the game and have no idea when exactly it was. I remember it was against the San Francisco 49ers. Buffalo got off to what felt like a big lead and Steve Young/Jerry Rice came back to make it close but Buffalo ultimately held on to win.
  12. Week 1 has all the makings of being one of those games that feels like a statement game in the moment but might not actually be one. Seems like both fan bases expect their respective team to be competing for a playoff spot this year (and I don't necessarily blame either group), but the reality is that both were bottom 10 teams last season. Could easily be one of those games where the winning team feels like it was a huge week 1 win only to find that neither team is actually good and it was just one blah team beating another blah team.
  13. For context, he's done this the past couple years and mentions that of the 11 teams he's predicted to improve in the past two years, 9 of them have improved and they've improved by an average of 4 wins. His choices are generally based on advanced metrics such as Pythagorean wins, record in close games, etc. This year's teams: San Francisco 49ers Carolina Panthers Tampa Bay Buccaneers New York Jets New York Giants https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/27296131/barnwell-picking-five-nfl-teams-most-likely-improve-2019
  14. Are we all assuming 6 WRs are ultimately kept? We'll see how it translates to the preseason games, but it sounds like Ray Ray is making a decently strong push to be the backup slot man behind Beasley (unless Daboll views Zay as the backup slot). If we only kept 5 for whatever reason, I'd guess it would be Brown, Beasley, Roberts, Ray-Ray, and one of Zay/Foster.
  15. Rumor is not PEDs but again, grain of salt. We’ll see if it actually ends up happening.
  16. The rumor is drugs, but I haven't seen anyone super reputable reporting it. Just some whispers from some of the less reputable types like IncarceratedBob.
  17. Rumor floating around that Golden Tate might be on the verge of getting suspended too. Man that would be a crazy start to the preseason for the Giants lol.
  18. https://theathletic.com/980870/2019/07/26/teams-dont-have-to-establish-the-run-to-win-games-and-the-analytics-proves-it-but-the-run-isnt-dead-either/ It's unfortunately behind a pay wall, but this is a really in-depth look at the run game, featuring analytics, player/coach testimonies, etc. Some of the conclusions: Recommendations from the analytics community: 1. Don’t invest heavily in your run game because it doesn’t correlate with winning 2. Use more play action because it’s more effective than drop-back passing and it has proved to work without having to “establish the run” 3. Don’t run the ball into eight-man boxes 4. Test the limits of passing, don’t force the run “unnecessarily” 5. Use the pass to set up the run (run when defenses start to adjust to pass) 6. Deception in all its forms is the most important element in offense 7. The run game is valuable in short-yardage situations, in the red zone and for running out the clock. Players/Coach Testimony (with some math involved too) 1. The run game is less risky (duh), so it has value in situations due to that. 2. Defensive players felt that when they're getting gashed on the ground, they're more likely to bite on play-action even if the math doesn't support that 3. Offensive linemen feel that the running game is basically necessary just to get pass-rushers to think about it instead of just going for the sack every single play. 4. One coach of a team that uses analytics believes that some of the analytics are flawed due to using averages. His argument is that averages are skewed in favor of the passing game because the passing game produces more big plays; he would be in support of studies that use the median results rather than average and believes the median result might show that the run game produces more consistent yardage than the passing game does. 5. The run game impacts the types of pass coverage you see (duh). 6. You can repeat the same run play over and over and still have success, but that may not be the case with running the same pass play over and over. If the defense figures out the pass concept, they have an opportunity to jump the pass and create turnovers.
  19. The talk about all the pre-snap motion, RBs/TEs lining up out wide, WRs lining up in the backfield, etc. has me feeling hopeful about the direction this offense is headed in for the first time maybe in my life (I was too young to really know what was going on during the Kelly years).
  20. I voted Beasley but I would guess it'll be him or Zay. I think Foster and Brown will eat into each other's snaps/targets too much to lead the team. Beasley has the most ironclad role on the team so I'd lean towards him but we'll see. I don't expect any of them to be particularly productive volume wise but think they could be a decent unit regardless.
  21. Yeah, he only had 6 catches all year so I believe it works out to 6 catches and 4 drops. I believe he was dead last among the 83 draft-eligible RBs in terms of drops and yards per route run.
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