No no, don't say that. He' a better corner than Nate now. You didn't get the message?
They have stopped going after McGee and they now pick on Nate.
Nate is the #1 for a reason. He takes the #1 receiver the majority of the game., and usually does a very good job on him. He's a big corner and a good tackler.
You guys that don't want to pay Nate are gonna be bitching next year when teams are throwing all over this team. Remember their pass rush isn't the greatest on 3rd downs so that makes it even more difficult on the corners. McGee will move to the #1 if Clements leaves, and it's a whole new ballgame for him then. He is not very big and #1 receivers will give him problems. I don't even want to think about the #'s 2,3,@4 behind him.
Let's sign both of them.