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Posts posted by e-dog

  1. 2nd rd. is to high to take a fs on this team, much more greater needs. And Baker will be fine.


    1st - ot or dt

    2nd - whichever you didn't get in 1st

    3rd- best ol or dt available.

    3rd- best ol or dt available.


    First four picks in the three rounds, two o-line @ two d-line. no bs from TD, it's plain and simple.


    4th-7th rds - two lb's and two db's.

  2. Believe me, Tom Donahoe was questioning his own pick within a year or two after taking Mike Williams. The guys in charge change their minds, too. Donahoe rues the day he ever had to pay the guy the money.


    I found this in Sully's reply to be very interesting. According to these statements from Sully it appears TD knows Mikey is a stiff.


    Using strong statements like "Believe me" it sounds like Sully has some inside knowledge regarding TD and Mikey. Imo I don't think he is bs us. I could be wrong but for him to reply in an e-mail with that I tend to believe him.

  3. 8TH You put Southern Cal 8TH ???????


    I've come to the following conclusions;

    1. you don't watch college football.

    2. you do watch a little and don't understand what your watching.

    3. you hate them because they are good.


    And Ohio St. didn't give miami an "ass kicking". how can you possibly say that ? The game went to ot on a highly questionable flag.


    8th ???? That is a real good one.

  4. It's not very tough to believe what he said in his latest article. Or have you been sleeping for the last 3.5 years. It's so obvious they had to change his position. Wake up.


    As for TD the only thing I know is he still hasn't gotten this team in the play-offs since he's been here. That is the bottom line.


    Ok, now go tighten up those glasses and pour the drink.

  5. You have no idea what you're talking about.  McKinnie has underachieved, but he has rare talent, so it's relative.  He's been good, he's been out there EVERY

    game and is rounding into elite status at the critical left tackle position.  You had no idea how the guy was playing this year, you were just spouting BS to defend the MW pick.


      There WERE doubters of Williams.  He had a bad knee.  He had a weight problem.  His footwork in pass protection couldn't have been much worse.  He was NOT the dominant player in college McKinnie was.  Donahoe got paralyzed by overananlysis, and so did a lot of non-college football watchers like Sullivan.


      Your arguments on this subject have been pure nonsense, the only people who have thought that Williams was a better pick than McKinnie have been the kool aid drinking Bills fans who tried to dig up trash articles on McKinnie every time Williams managed to string a few starts together.


      Facts are facts.  McKinnie plays LT, Williams is a G or RT.  McKinnie plays every game, Williams watches from the tub.  McKinnie is going to Honolulu this February, Williams is going to the couch at his mama's house with a 50 gallon drum of dead animal slathered in barbecue sauce.  Williams is grossly overpaid,  McKinnie is a good value for a LT.  It is what it is.


    I actually like TD, but I'm not going to blow smoke.  I knew McKinnie was the best choice for the Bills, but I didn't HATE the Williams pick because I just placed my faith in Donahoe that he knew what he was doing and Williams would be a better pro than he was in college.  However, it was only a matter of months before it became clear he was not the LT of the future, but a lumbering RT.  He wasn't more than what he looked like on the field Texas, that's ALL he was.


      If Williams could have not lived up to being grossly out of shape and not had a series of leg injuries the pick would have at least been productive and I could live with that.  But he is what he is, and worst of all, it turns out that the Mike Williams they drafted was nothing like the gregarious pre-draft fellow he pretended to be.  Turns out, Donahoe got snookered in the interview room again(see Gregg Williams).  Time to face the facts, Williams was a bad pick.  Four years of mostly bad football and DNP's is a pretty fair indicator.  I hope he becomes a great guard and plays here for another decade, but the statute of limitiations is up on defending Donahoe for that cutesy pick.




    Good post and right on as usual. I agree but if I would have said this again it would have been another week in the big house.

    I do believe the move to guard is long overdue. We can only hope that his size and strength along with being protected inside will lead to Mikey to at least be a solid player at his new position.

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