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Posts posted by e-dog

  1. I agree with your assesment on Winston. The reason I was asking is I see some draft pundits saying he might be a right tackle in the NFL.

    I know he got off to a slow start this season due to his knee injury{Fla. St. game} but the games I've seen over the last month or so he looks damn good.

    I would be happy if the Bills get any of those three guys.

  2. All this other bullschitt aside, the fact of the matter is that out pattern was the most moronic call one could possibly imagine. Why in the name of all that is holy would you throw an out pattern when you have a lead, there are three minutes in the game, and you've successfully run on the Cowboys all freakin' night.


    This was only made worse by suddenly deciding to stack the line against Bledsoe and send the whole world after him, but not account for the one receiver he was able to hit for the first touchdown to bring them within six.


    Andy Reid and Philly deserved to lose that game last night. And if you think about it, Las Vegas got turned on that one interception. Not only did the Cowboys cover, but that touchdown hit the over by half a point.



    Damn a real football post.


    I agree LA. We were talking about that series today.

    He runs for 3yds. on 1st down, Dallas burns their first timeout. Two left. Why not run on 2nd and 3rd ? They burn both the remaining to's and if they happen to pick up the seven yards and 1st down the game is over. If not you punt and make Bledsoe go 70-80 yds with no to's and under two minutes. They were shutting them down all night and it wasn't like they need 3 pts to tie/win.

    If you absolutely have to throw, how about a screen or shuttle pass. Those are easily completed, thus clock is running. Even if that out pattern doesn't get picked, if it goes incomplete you are stopping the clock for them. That is the only pass they can pick and return. I want to know if that was Reids call or McNabb changed into it. Terrible.

    Vegas must have been crazy. As you said it also decide the o/u. :rolleyes:

  3. Explain yourself. I'm not quite clear.



    It doesn't need explaining. Chiefs should have kept pounding the ball on the ground. In case you've missed it this defense doesn't stop the run to well. He had around 100yds in the first half.


    Did you even watch last nights game ? I don't think I need to explain that too.

  4. I'm still waiting for either one of you two to add something in regards to football instead of your stupid one-liners.


    If you watched the game Philly dominated for 56 minutes, they couldn't finish, they lose. Thats the way it goes sometimes.


    And if Vermeil doesn't get stupid and start throwing unstead of feeding Larry Johnson the Bills probably would have lost that game. But I'll take the win anyway.

  5. The way I see it is you get Clements locked up with McGee and they have their corners for the next 5-6 years, and damn good ones.

    The holes on the O@D lines are gonna be filled through the draft, so they won't be making big, big money. I honestly don't believe they will bringing any bigtime fa's into Buffalo like a Hutchinson, so imo use the money on a real player who is still young and coming into his best football.

  6. We're not in cap hell at all. Just because you have difficult decisions to make, like whether you want to pay a player 10 million a year, doesn't mean you're in cap hell. We're actually in very good shape overall as far as the cap goes. We just have tough decisions to make on a couple players, one good, two not so good, that are in tricky salary years.



    Thats good to know. That being the case it really isn't too tricky then.

    You pay the players that are players and you get rid of the bums that are getting paid and can't play.

    I really don't care what it takes as for as dumping any or all of Vincent, Milloy, Posey, Fletcher, Adams, Moulds, mikey, Teague, and B. Anderson.

    There has to be a way and enough money there to get Nate signed.

  7. I bet Indy last week.....


    I also bet Dallas this week....(I went to bed with 5 mins left)  What a surprise I got this morning!!!



    You missed the best part of the game considering you were on Dallas. Bledsoe made a couple of quick strikes and they were within six, then Reid and McNabb went brain dead and threw an out pattern, ball game.

  8. Dan G., I'm not a big stat guy when handicapping beforehand, some are some aren't. After the game though they will give you an idea if you were on in your view of that game.


    If Philly gets blownout by three td's then I obviously would have misread the game.



    Crap Throw, since you haven't read or comprehended.


    Who the F eats Ramen Noodles ?

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