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Dr Krentist

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Everything posted by Dr Krentist

  1. They should have replied with 3 weeks is longer than he was with the Patriots
  2. That's amazing. So what you're saying is all I need is a donkey and tools?
  3. Any woodworkers here? I'm thinking about getting started. I've made a couple of crude boxes and that's it. I use my dad's jig saw and drill from the 1970s. What tools should I start with? I'm not looking to seriously get into it like building tables or other furniture. Just probably going to be casual and stick with small things. I'm going to get a workbench. I'm going to upgrade the jig saw and drill. I'll might get a power sander. Haven't decided if I need a table saw or circular saw yet. Any recommendations on brands? Just like everyone, I want something affordable and reliable. This is the workbench I'm thinking of getting: https://www.amazon.com/Pegasus-Multi-Function-Sawhorse-Clamps-Holding/dp/B01HREBZ3M/ref=pd_ybh_a_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=WHM2BB1NM5NXQ3SGWJSY
  4. Who's down to send him chocolate chip pancakes?
  5. He was in the pool!
  6. So you can't use paper tickets anymore? It HAS to be mobile? When did this happen?
  7. Saints can't catch a break. Roughing the kicker.
  8. I hope he threw that because it's preseason. Hopefully he won't do that during regular season.
  9. Allen is playing for both teams?
  10. Wow. He is getting roasted. How long until he deletes his Twitter?
  11. Is anyone planning on starting a guild for the message board?
  12. I don't think they ever killed him off. If I remember correctly, the actor became ill or something. I guess they could have replaced him like the Mountain. I thought the finale was ok. Jon is definitely going to do his own thing. I think Bran sent him to the wall because he knows that's where he'll be the happiest besides Winterfell and to avoid conflict. Jon did seem to crack a slight smile when they were heading north. Nobody is going to enforce any rules Jon breaks and I don't think Greyworm is going to check up on him. Speaking of the Unsullied, won't they eventually die out since they can't reproduce?
  13. Ah we can dance if we want to, we can leave your friends behind Cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance Well they're are no friends of mine I say, we can go where we want to, a place where they will never find And we can act like we come from out of this world Leave the real one far behind, And we can dance
  14. Because the Earth is round! Checkmate flat earthers! And Jaime kills Cersei.
  15. Oh Tormund. How I love thee. "Is the big woman still here?" Hahaha.
  16. Yeah. I thought they were supposed to be around an hour and a half.
  17. Wow. Was this really that important to have to buy votes?
  18. That's not the moon. Those are balls.
  19. Probably a lot of cursing. These mic'd up videos are cool, but they can't use a lot of footage. My speculation is because they probably have to blank out a lot.
  20. Favorite : Winter Wonderland Least Favorite: That Paul McCartney song
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