I like this video
[mod notes:
I love much of the graphic presentation - clear, catchy, and easy for a layperson to understand.
Areas where the info it presents has been filled in:
1) There's enough data from countries that have contained the epidemic at this point to say with some confidence that the death rate is >4% in areas/countries where the health care system is overwhelmed, and <1% in areas/countries where the spread is slowed enough that the health care system can handle it
2) The info about the primary spread being through person to person aerosol transmission (breathing or coughing) is likely correct but transmission from touching surfaces then touching face is also thought to occur. A new study has shown the virus can live on porous surfaces (paper, cardboard, hair, cloth) for ~3 hrs, and hard surfaces for 1-2 days.
3) The video presents secondary bacterial pneumonia/sepsis as a cause of death in serious cases. Increasing evidence suggests that cytokine storm may be involved - the immune system gets excessively triggered by the virus and goes into overdrive. [Remember this phrase when speaking to the physician of a loved one with high fever/difficulty breathing: "did you request a serum ferritin test to screen for cytokine storm?"]. If known to be occurring, there are specific pharmaceutical treatments for cytokine storm.