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Everything posted by Britbillsfan

  1. Liver, kidney. Blurgh, I don't care how good they are supposed to be for me. Marmite/Vegemite. Farmed mushrooms. The wild ones I pick myself are awesome (no, I'm not referring to the magical variety). Ones you get in shops are so bland. Zucchini Mild cheeses. What is the point? Salmon. Like just about every other fish going but Salmon, for some reason, I hate. Processed foods generally I find pretty awful, give me fresh ingredients every day in almost every case. Cider.
  2. Depends. If you actually take out health insurance guess what? You go to private hospitals with (normally) great care. Private medicine is not banned in the UK, like you would expect it to be when reading/listening to American commentators describe Helath Care in the UK. If you have no health insurance you can get treatment. Sometimes very good and sometimes pretty bad. But again the examples tend to be cherry-picked according to the motivations of the person giving the example. ((And for the record several members of my family have been treated for various cancers by the NHS and overall the treatment was very good and without any six month wait or 'mandatory health care boards' getting involved)).
  3. Ugh. Really ugh. Eyebleach time. But then again I could take pictures of cute girls in UK bars and then ugly ones in Sweden (they do exist in Sweden too!) and then compare on a website. Those pics really look like they were taken in some real ugly dives. Literally.
  4. Killed people in dreams? Sure. Died myself? Loads of times. Weirdest? I was an ostrich. But not your average ostrich but an intelligent, philosopher ostrich. So famous David Attenborough (does the serious wildlife programs on the BBC, also the dude who commissioned the original Monty Python series) interviewed me on the savannah about my thoughts on all kinds of stuff. This made me really famous and I moved to NY or Chicago to become a talk radio host, working out of a 30s office in the style of Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer. With a voiceover. Whilst still an ostrich. I then woke up and said WTF out loud. I also had not been drinking, taking drugs or eating cheese prior to the dream.
  5. It was diverted to the Bermuda Triangle in a deal with the UFOs so they could conduct some long term anal probe experiments.
  6. Thanks for the link. Some of this stuff is pure comedic genius. Made my day.
  7. I may have missed it among all that but what is the over/under on wardrobe malfunctions?
  8. They appear to have used a REALLY bad rendition of the cookabura song to compare tunes. Properly performed the original is much closer.
  9. 3%. Enjoy your flower arranging guys!
  10. Although your choice of avatar is to be commended.
  11. Case in point. Laws of physics - as dictated by those who have little or no understanding on how those buildings were constructed. I remember seeing one of the architects bemoaning the fact that he could never foresee how constructing the towers in the way that he did would contribute to them collapsing like that and feeling guilty over it. And he did state that they collapsed the way they did largely because of the construction methods.
  12. Yeah, conspiracy nuts. Gotta love the idiots who claim all sorts of things when they have no idea what they are talking about... sigh...
  13. took me a couple of views. the head is around the corner and is jerked away when the operator moves towards it.Not a bad illusionist trick, not great, but not bad either.
  14. I think you miss the point entirely. Who cares if it is a good marketing move? Why is Lombardi criticizing the hire as a bad marketing move? Where he criticizes the move for being a bad FOOTBALL move, and gave reasons, then that is okay. I may or may not agree with him, but at least it is relevant to what I care about - football. Pretty much everybody who saw the Bills this year has seen the Bills O as the big problem. No, the HUGE problem and a lodestone around the necks of the rest of the team. So we get someone who is recognised as a talented O guy. Is he the right, bright O guy, we will see. But an argument about marketing, which is the first half of the article, it seems, is a non-argument. If he wins, who cares. If he loses, hell, we're used to it by now. I think this is the point our robotic friend was alluding to. I do not think he thought (or even cares) it is a good marketing move.
  15. The only thing ironic about that song was that it was a song about irony with nothing ironic in it.
  16. The real reason many Iranians do not like us (the West) is the scheme by Churchill, Eisenhower and Kermit Roosevelt to replace a democratically elected, polpular leader with a real piece of work who for a large part of WWII was a prisoner because of his pro-Nazi views and black-marketeering. Most Iranians would that conspiracy as the reason they soured on the west (and the US in particular, we were already somewhat unpopular). Without that there would probably never would have been an Islamic revolution in Iran and a lot of the subsequent problems would have been avoided. As for what I would do in history? I have no idea. There are so many evil people in history that bumping off a few dozen will still leave an awful lot of evil to go around. Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Pal Pot, Tojo, Marx, Genghis Khan, Attila, a few of the choicest Roman Emperors, a few British (and other) kings, a president or two, numerous 'holy' men and generals. The list is far too extensive. If I had to go for one I would go for Stalin. He hung around longer, was just as evil as Hitler and killed more people (a pretty astounding feat).
  17. Why can't **** like that happen to Wilfork?
  18. Looked it up. Apparently he had just stolen her drink prior to the incident, so a classy chap. Ended up being taken away in handcuffs.
  19. Yes. Yes it can.
  21. I'm only 'watching' it via nfl.com and it's bally brilliant!
  22. How would you stop it? Once discovered it will soon be out of the bag and people will ignore any laws trying to prevent them getting it (the same as every other attempt at prohibition of any substance, the only thing prohibition guarentees is greater demand, richer criminals and corruption in law enforcement).
  23. The only thing worse than dying is living forever. Mind you, I wouldn't mind an extra millenia or two... Oh, and gov't population control mixed in with having to make a choice. Want to have kids? Fine, but no anti-aging treatments for you. Bad luck...
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