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Everything posted by Britbillsfan

  1. He also forced an intentional grounding earlier in the game, so he is improving. Although I may be waiting a VERY long time to see evidence he was worth the pick...
  2. Many, many things died when the Bills 'ran' the No Huddle last year...
  3. The legend in the Book of Invasions is that Scota, a rebellious daughter of a pharoah, came to Ireland at the head of the invading peoples who would eventually become the Celts. Hence Scotland. So this is not news. Neither is the fact that Geller is a fraudualant, second-rate magician.
  4. I guess you have not been watching the Bills offence for the past few seasons then...
  5. I play games every week at a club (I almost make a living from games, so playing games almost counts as work). I hate Monopoly and Risk, there are so many other games out there. Settlers of Catan is good/great, but there are loads of great games out there, largely German in origin. Try games like Puerto Rico, Carcassonne, Agricola, Third Imperium, Pandemic (where players are against the game, noteach other), Alhambra or my favourite - Battlestar Galactica. For younger kids (well ages 8 to 80) I like Poo!, the game of monkeys and... well you get the idea.
  6. http://guyism.com/2010/08/the-yogi-bear-mo...ar-movie-poster You know, this poster is wrong on so many levels...
  7. You know, when I first saw the thread title I though t this would just be another of those Downfall videos from Youtube with Hitler ranting about the Bills/Raiders/Xbox/barbers/globalwarming/not being properly potty trained as a baby/or whatever.
  8. Meh. Early weaning is a modern phenomena. Historically the average age to stop breatfeeding has been two to four years, and depending on the culture you can often add a year or two to that upper figure.
  9. It might be that it is a private road, in which case if the law is similar to the UK then there would be not a lot the police can do about it.
  10. England has sucked in the group stages since I can remember, apart from the World Cup in Spain a long time ago. They were pretty awful even when they reached the QFs/Semis/won the thing. If the England from qualifying (who looked really, really good, hammering some good teams on the way (and in most of those games the scoreline flattered the defeated teams) with their only loss coming when they were reduced to 10-men) turn up then I suspect the Germans are going to find this difficult. If England play like they have, this tournament, then they are probably doomed. If they play like they have been doing for the rest of the last couple of years then Germany should be the ones catching the plane back to Europe. BTW I thought the US was crying out for a defender of the calibre of Lalas, he was a really class player when he was at his peak.
  11. In his day Klinsmann was infamous for his theatrics, as was the whole German team. He played in the EPL for a while and that whole aspect of his game disappeared, which was a relief as he was class to watch. You are right about him getting the whole diving aspect cut out when he was the German manager, which made them a nice outfit to watch. In fact in 2006 it seemed the whole German nation was against that sort of crap, considering the grief the Portugese got in their last game.
  12. Yeah, there was some at the end, I'll give you that. But overall they were a lot better than most of the South Americans/Africa/Europe. From what little I have seen of the Germans they seem to be going back to that way again. Which is a shame as I have a grudging respect for them otherwise. Ho hum. Tomorrow is another of our clashes. Looking forward to it.
  13. Overall it seems this game they go down only when hurt. I've seen three writhings so far, in the 50 or so minutes I have watched, one for a recklass tackle, deservedly USA player got booked. The second was a nasty and cynicle raking of a players leg by a US player who was deservedly booked. The third was an accidental kick to the chest, which Tim Howard saw and got the ball kicked out. Ghana are not really a team which goes in for theatrics, and the quality of the game as a viewer is much approved. (It is, BTW, one of the reasons I respect the US team. Pansies need not apply).
  14. No. Yellows stay throughout the tournament. Once you get a second you miss the next game. If your team is still in the tournament then you get the opportunity to play after the suspension is served.
  15. I always thought the sex pill for women was an aspirin.
  16. Balls. Bad calls are (sadly) part of sport. And every team has been on the wrong side of a call which has changed a game. England Argentina 1986 - The 'Hand of God' England Germany 1966 - The third England 'goal' South Korea Italy 2002 - Just about every call in the game (in fact possibly the one international which there could be a real case of calling foul, IMO - it was Italy's 11 vs S Korea's 11 + 3). Germany Serbia 2010 - How the hell were either of Klose's yellow cards warranted. Free kicks, sure, but that ref was a card happy jerk. It is part of sport. Always has been. And the point about not having the best refs is a valid one, BTW, for decades there have been a succession of refs which have utterly failed to make the grade because of FIFAs every country must be represented rule. The best teams deserve the best refs. End of.
  17. Because it was a direct shot. If he had passed it or the player in an offside position had collected a rebound or something then it would have been offside. Otherwise he clearly was not. The rule was changed years ago to cut down on irrelevant offside calls.
  18. Favourties: Carrots, Parsnips (love either of them roasted) Least: Courgettes (Zuchini) I tend to grow my own veg in the garden and pretty much anything I do grow would make it onto my favourite list. At the moment I am eating young sprout and broccoli plants I have thinned out as greens. Lovely.
  19. Greeks were awful 11 on 11. Pitiable even. As soon as they had the extra man they stopped being so terribly negative and actually attacked with more than one player in the box. Horrid team.
  20. SLovenia are not a bad side. Not a great one, by any means, but they are more than capable of putting in a performance or two to shock supposedly better teams.
  21. I live in hope. (And fear. A fear of comedy goalkeepers... (a long English tradition).)
  22. It has historical roots from the early days of football when the only countries playing were England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. Other football nations can find it annoying but it is part of the history of the game. In most years only a few players from Scotland/N Ireland/Wales would make the squad (after all England has nearly 90% of the population of the UK) except for rare individuals (the amazing George Best and Ryan Giggs, for example). The one major exception would be the Scots team in the late 70's, which had some real depth and class, even if they underperformed at the World Cup. The rivalry is pretty intense between the 'Home Nations'. I imagine a few Scotsmen (in particular) would feel pretty murderous towards any who tried to force them to combine their team with England's.
  23. St George's Cross is the national flag of England. I think US States have their own flags, just this one predates the UK (since the Union Jack did not come into being until after the union between England and Scotland).
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