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Everything posted by Britbillsfan

  1. Why do they do that with the adverts. I mean I have already paid the damn money, I am quite happy to live with totally inappropriate ads for me. If you are paying for FieldPass then chances are you are not local in any case, so the ads mean sod all. Stupid NFL.... Today was certainly one of their worse outings. Grrrrrrrrrrr.
  2. Another nice little cult is Aum Shinrikyo, the lunatics who used Sarin on the Tokyo underground system. Definitely a terrorist group and a cult. The Branch Davidians were certainly nasty pieces of work. Koresh used force to gain control of the cult (shooting the former leader - after a mistrial he was able to establish control). It was a doomsday cult under Koresh, with the brutal use of violence against the children there widely reported from those who left the cult. IMHO they were not terrorists as such, but most likely would have tried something to provoke the authorities further to get their doomsday scenario running, and that could quite easily have been use of terror on the local populace.
  3. 100% WRONG Talk about not having a clue about what you are talking about. Some side effects caused by medical use of steroids (not a complete list, but the more dangerous ones) Diabetes (good start there) Screwing your immune system (kind of important in fighting off disease and cancers, but hey, not a problem for you guys). Serious psychiatric disorders (mania, psychosis) heart attacks and strokes high blood pressure Steroids are VERY closely monitored by the medical profession when they are provided to patients - they are recognised as very dangerous drugs (hence the great care in handing the stuff out). The side effects are multiple and bad, but they are very effective in treating some medical problems, hence their use. Now if you take into account the morals of someone willing to give such a dangerous drug to an athlete who does not need the sh-- for any medical reason then they will not really give a monkey's about the dangers, so, no, a professional athlete is not going to get 'good' advice from a medical professional if he takes this stuff. Just a different kind of drug dealer. To go back to the original line on the first post - I'd say 50.3% of people in the survey were idiots or ignorant (or both). But no real surprise in that, I suppose.
  4. Might be able to get the #2 ranking, but the Steelers are pretty damn good and I can't see them losing their #1 spot.
  5. Draft looks pretty naff for really good prospects, why get over excited about trying to get a 1st in what looks to be a fairly poor draft class. Going for a 1st in the following draft would appear to be a better idea. Used our 1st already with Losman, am happy enough with that consdiering what looks to be available this year. As for trading Travis, sure if we can get something worthwhile - 2nd/3rd rounder. But don't bust a gut trying to package him with some of our picks in order to get a first rounder, at least not in this year's draft.
  6. The Ukraine election was a total fraud from start to finish. The media only 'backed' the party candidate, 95% turnout in areas loyal to the party where over 95% of the electorate voted for the party man, lost ballots, phantom voters, the fraud was huge. The US election was reasonably fair (there are ALWAYS some discrepencies even in the best run elections in the most democratic of elections) and the man with the most votes won (well this time around). No matter whether you (or I for that matter) like the end result or not. Elections were not alike at all.
  7. Saudi Arabia is Sunni, overwhelmingly. The large majority of Pakistanis are Sunnis (77%), with about 20% being Shi'as. Al-Qaeda is a Sunni fundamentalist terrorist group. The difference between Sunni and Shi'a fundamentalists is not 'political differences'. Shi'a is (in the minds of many Sunnis) a heretical sect. Think of the European Inquisitions when bearing in mind the fundamentalists' attitudes towards Shi'as. One of the aims of al-Qaeda is to get rid of the 'heresy', if necessary by killing them all. The bombs at the Shi'a Ashura festival a while back were a direct manifestation of the attitude of getting rid of the heretics (271 Shi'as were killed and they were the sole target), also there have been numerous attacks on the Shi'a minority in Pakistan over the last few years. Al Qaeda and Shi'a are totally incompatable, in the same way as Al Qaeda and the USA being totally incompatable.
  8. Not weirder, just entirely consistant with a country run by Soviet era corrupt scumbags and ex-KGB. Quite a few of the old Soviet republics are run by even worse men than these, but these are bad enough (murder and beheading of a journalist too critical of government corruption quickly made sure all the media pretty much followed the party line). Cracks do seem to be appearing (the media is using the protests to now start getting critical of the government after years of propaganda) and it appears the military can not be trusted by the current regime to simply put down the demonstrations, so things may at last be getting better for the Ukrainians, one can hope.
  9. Stuff Monday!!!! Live Bills football......woohoo......can't imagine why your wife would complain...
  10. What I miss is the Bills winning more often than not....
  11. Hmmm. From afar I would say it has been pretty much a wash as far as 'intolerance' towards opposing political views are concerned. Bush and the neo-con outlook is loathed generally outside the US, but not the GOP. Rudolph Guilliani, Powell, McCain are all figures that people would be happy with, it is Bush, specifically, that people (including the Grauniad) have a problem with. But being pragmatists they will just B word about it and get on with their lives more or less as normal. The part of the original post you quoted was about the readership in any case, not the paper. And they are genuinely very nice people.
  12. Desert Storm, I believe, was one of the most brilliant wars in political terms that America's fought post-WWII. Militarily...I can take it or leave it. Lots of stupidity in the prosecution of that particular campaign. 105071[/snapback] Desert Storm was not so badly run considering the enormous amount of diplomatic and political baggage that went with having such a wide ranging coalition. In the end the military got the job done that was asked of them fairly smoothly (as smoothly as wars go....)
  13. An argument could be made for Iraq II, not that I would agree with it as I see it more as a pretyt much inevitable result of Iraq I not really ending conclusively (ie: getting rid of Saddam). However the argument is not one I would consider to be totally outside the bounds of reason. Iraq I on the other hand could only be argued as such by idiots, the KzooMike (who I would have time and would argue with for if there was valid reason for the ignorance) or those who wish to put the US despite inconvenient facts.
  14. Of course Iraq I was American Imperialism. They just tricked the rest of the world into thinking Kuwait had been invaded and Syria, France, Egypt, Oz, UK, UAE, etc, etc all fell for the vile lies of Bush the Elder. I have heard a couple of people voice the America is imperialist opinion on that war and they were nuts. And in the true manner of a PPP poster I told them they were none too politely to their face (something like.....'You are f@$£@ng nuts. I need another beer.'). I have no time for utter idiots.......
  15. The Grauniad has a readership of very 'nice' people. Very tolerant of others, generally, liberal (which I do not consider a dirty word, BTW) and would like everyone to get along. Unfortunately they can also often be total pratts when it comes to dealing with the real world. What on earth did they expect? Sheesh. I doubt that they made any kind of difference one way or other in the end (other than pissing a few people off), an exercise in dumb futility.
  16. Whilst Christianity has certainly progressed in recent times it is not THAT long ago that 'good' Christians were using their religion to defend the indefensible (For example: Apartheid in South Africa was largely based on the major Africaaner church teachings / interpretations of the Bible as much as anything else). Islam is some way to go yet, but a lot of the problems are caused in areas which up until the last half of the 20th century were based on tribal traditions that long re-date Islam, Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan being prime examples of this still continuing. The Turks and Bosnians, in comparison, are pretty much secular on the whole. The other problem is the unholy alliance between govenments with no true popular backing and fundamentalists. One keen to hold onto power, the other to have free reign with their teachings. Saudi Arabia and Pakistan immediately come to mind here.
  17. Apparently there is more than one internet. Honest.
  18. What caused the dramatic shift in the Spanish election was more due to the fact the electorate felt lied to by the then government (rather than the attacks in themselves) which lost all credibility with the electors when they immediately placed the blame on ETA terrorists rather than the real culprits. The electorate saw this largely as an attempt to hide the truth because the truth might be damaging to the campaign to get back in power, so there was a massive shift in the votes to the opposition. If the electorate thinks they have caught an administration in a bare faced lie (especially just days before an election) then there will be payback at the ballot box. If the administration had waited until it was sure of the facts prior to pointing fingers the government may not have changed, as it is we will never know for sure. As to the tape and its effect whilst it is obvious bin Laden is trying to affect the election (probably, but by no means certainly, trying to get rid of GWB) whatever the end result he could say - 'See, I got the result I wanted'. If Kerry wins - the evil Americans removed the stupid Bush. If Bush wins - The stupid Americans kept the evil Bush. (Iraq at this point in time is a good recruiting tool and cranks up the general anti-western feeling amongst Muslims (and Arabs in particular) and with the daily attacks he can claim "See we are still fighting and hurting the Americans" to those that might listen to his poisonous ideas.
  19. To get a serious contender for the play-offs with a rookie head coach and the shambles left behind by GW/KG on the O would have been a minor miracle. So far this season the Bills could easily have has a 3-0 record but for bad calls/plays. Game 1 - running out time and get a hold on a 3rd down conversion, and then Clements goes for the int instead of knocking the ball down Game 2 - Bad calls cost the Bills enough points to win the game Game 3 - The non-fumble call takes off 7 patsy points. We therefore do not go for 4th and short but instead kick a field goal. And certainly no freakin fumble return for a TD on a blown play...... The Bills are without doubt an extremely frustrating franchise as things stand, but they are suffering from some abyssmal luck as well. It does make you wish to smack somebody, but they are not a laughing stock, just can not get the ball to bounce in their direction and have an awful tendancy to shoot themselves in the foot when no one else is doing it for them. There are a number of posters who go on about how the Patriots are a lucky team. They are, and a good team. Put that together and you win championships. The Bills are an average (not poor, just average) team with play off possibilities who's luck plain sucks at the moment, so they are 0-3. And the sodding injuries don't help either when you are playing a genuinely good team like the Patriots.....
  20. I don't think the vast majority of Iraqis would have a problem with the deaths of, say, Al-Qaeda fighters within their country (after all Al-Qaeda wants to wipe out the Shias as heretics and most Iraqis are Shias). On the other hand the deaths of tens of thousands of women and children, not to mention innocent men as well, by using the 'flatten the city' approach would piss them off no end. And not just the Iraqis either. Deliberately targetting civilian areas in the vague hope of killing the relatively few insurgents within that population would be widely viewed as nothing other than a war crime, and not in just the anti-American portion of the world. Pissing off Americas friends and allies and enraging its enemies would be plain stupid. Fortunately for everyone that is one policy I can not see any American administration taking.
  21. The Jags are an extremely good team vs the run, and pretty poor as far as pass rush is concerned, judging from last year. However it may be a little early to judge, but it did seem that the O-line is on the mend (albeit by degrees)
  22. The reason Russia is suddenly 'backing' (more or less) the US position is solely due to Putin trying to use the war on international terror for his own agenda and so there will be less vocal opposition from where it ultimately counts (the US) as he slowly turns the screw in making Russia the personal fiefdom of himself and his ex-KGB cabal. Latest plans to fight 'international terror' in Russia - Putin has the right to veto those running for democratic office. Putin's government makes it own plays for its own purpose. Still no evidence that any of the scum in Beslan were arabs, plenty of hostages have reportedly refuted the govenment's line on this...... As for bin Laden being dead. Quite possibly. Was ill before the war in Afghanistan and was hurt during it, however he will not be living 'in a cave' but somewhere with at least basic facilities so can not be certain (could be very ill / on his last legs and therefore not able to produce the 'heroic image' his followers would wish to see). al Zawaheri is not really much of the 'brains' either, that role has been filled in by a number of individuals (Mohammed Atef, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Abu Zubaydah being three caught or killed) that plan and organise al Qaeda operations. Such is the structure of al Qaeda that there appears that various 'field commanders' are responsible for the planning of terrorist attacks (so there are, effectively, many brains).
  23. 35
  24. The Detroit game could be described as basically positive but for penalties and fumbles. Ran well. Passed well. Detroit 'O' pretty much stopped (good field position helped them out a bit). Couple of big returns and the onside kick called back due to penalties on ST, although the O and D both were guilty of lapses that hurt. Coverage units were not good (actually pretty piss poor). If the Bills can sort out the penalty problem should easily be competitive this year.
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