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Everything posted by Britbillsfan

  1. So what you are saying is Buffalo has managed to get pretty good production from WRs who have turned out to be crap elsewhere later in their careers (Reed, Moulds, Lofton, Chandler)? Way to go Buffalo coaches. Silk purses from sow ears and all that. Never knew you to be so positive skoob
  2. US/UK influence on each other's TV has been going on for fifty years. Most notable with cop shows and how they have developed over the years. We do get to see a lot more of your better stuff these days (and a lot more of our home produced carp) thanks to satellite/cable. Cracker/The Office/Life on Mars are just continuing a long tradition. With the good American shows we just buy and show them, and then continue producing our own stuff, rather than remaking American shows (I am sure there have been some exceptions to this rule). I guess with Holywood dominating cinema for so long it is a lot easier for us to understand US cultural references than vice versa. (BTW I like Family Guy... )
  3. The original Life on Mars lasted two series (16 episodes) in the UK before the main character's storyline was over. Another series with a new main character (but all the old time cops reappearing) set in a different time (the 80s) followed, called Ashes to Ashes. Has finished its first (8 run) series and is due for a second this year. Might be worth looking into if you want more (and especially if you have any familiarity with the Sweeney, a 70s cop show in the UK), but I think LoM US is very similar but with different cultural references (I can not foresee Football (soccer) violence playing a major part in the US show somehow... Great shows. Might have a look at the US one at some point.
  4. Sometimes the only way to cope with how grim life can be is to joke about it. The jihadists (or at a decent portion of them) think cricket distracts people from what they should be doing in their spare time - worshipping Allah, Fuggin' nutjobs.
  5. The jihadists really disapprove of cricket.
  6. In modern terms Afghanistan is 'Central Asia', not the 'Middle East'. It has not been included as part of the Middle East since the fall of the Ottoman Empire.
  7. We HAVE/HAD a blocking scheme? (Sometimes hard to tell...)
  8. http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol...icle5791888.ece This one is positive. I think mixed reviews on Watchmen will be par for the course. The reviews in the UK are mostly positive, though. I'll probably love it...
  9. Well the number of main characters are being reduced, one or two at a time... I wonder if their will be any left at the end of the series? Could it end when they all end?
  10. Mexico's manager used to be England's. Sven Gormless-Ericsson makes a US victory all the more likely...
  11. Because the pilot initially asked about using Teterboro first, when he realised the other airport was not feasible. The pilot then saw Teterboro was equally out of the equation and chose the Hudson instead. (Reading the transcript of the radio conversations published in this country, at least)
  12. I have a theory that will work and makes sense. I think. This would explain the enigmatic prophesies, Kara, the actions of Baltar and so on. It is only a theory.
  13. There was a show in the UK called Blake's Seven, which I watched as a kid. Kind of an anti-Star Trek, where the Federation was nasty, evil and corrupt and the heroes were a bunch of ex-convicts trying to just survive, most of the time, with vague hopes of bringing down the big bad. Well, the finale approached, Blake reappeared (having been out of the show for a series of two) and the bad guys turned up and killed them all. As a kid I hated the ending, feeling it a terrible ending for a great show. Now, as an adult, I think it was a superb ending to an average show. I wish I had not read this thread, though, as I am currently working my way through my Sopranos DVDs, ah well...
  14. Rourke's background was as a boxer, and he was a pro-fighter for a time (not that good though). So he has always has some muscles...
  15. The fight for independence was about the right to control your own destiny. No taxation without representation, something the American leadership would have had the right to had their ancestors not moved to the colonies. The reason for the increase in taxes at that time was to help pay for the (very large) costs of the war which had ended the threat to the American colonies from the French. So the taxation was for something that had ALREADY benefitted the American colonies. The excessive bit is not really accurate as well (the tax burden on Americans was comparatively pretty small, a merchant in Boston would pay about one twentieth the amount in taxes as a merchant in Liverpool, with the only difference between them being their location).
  16. Germany wanted Japan to declare war on the Soviet Union and the Nazis saw the way to do this was to declare war on the US. Nazi Germany had previously shown no qualms about ignoring treaties signed earlier, after all. The Japanese, having had their arses handed to them by the Soviets some years earlier, though 'Bugger that!' and went their own way.
  17. Taken has been out in Europe for a while and has had a generally positive reception as a very good action flick. Not seen it myself (do not get to go to the cinema much), but a few of my friends thought it kicked the proverbial.
  18. This is great news. Now we can get back to hating the guy.
  19. At the time of the American Revolution many (and probably most) of the British Army's officers fighting them thought the American cause was just and right.
  20. Just three and a bit hours to go here.... Mind you I will have to wait until Saturday.
  21. In this case the embryo's genetic structure was not altered, from my understanding. It was screened in a lab to ensure it was free of the genes causing cancer before it was placed within the womb in order to continue to full term.
  22. Seconded. My concern with Schoebel is that he is not getting any younger and who knows if he can ever regain his previous form. Having said this, we do need a good pass-rushing DE desperately, prefably to replace Kelsay who has regressed since he signed that contract.
  23. Nah, despite what is commonly and mistakenly stated it was the British who called Sherman's Ronsons (the Ronson lighter was a very popular lighter used in Britain at the time - Germans had their own brands). The preferred German term was 'Tommy Cooker' (Tommy being the common slang term used to describe a British soldier, like a jarhead is a US marine). Either way it was grim for the poor lads caught in one of them when they brewed up...
  24. I concur. Captain Jammie Dodger would be far better. hmmmmm...jammie dodger....
  25. Not just the Indians going after them. French commandos took out a group after they had been paid a ransom for going after French nationals. Also the Royal Navy captured a pirate vessel (possibly a dhow), killing a couple of those on board in the process. Piracy are a reaql problem for trade, and a lot of countries have ships there to try and ensure safety. But it is a big ocean...
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