Enough people hate Thatcher enough to make it top 10, possibly even number 1. Many of those buying did not live through the Thatcher years (the street parties had plenty (in fact it looked a large majority) of people in their early 20s/teens).
There were elements of her premiership/policies/personality which I disliked (but there again I do not vote for people I like personally, I try to vote for those who I think will run the country best). Never voted for her myself (too young/out of the country) but probably would have done if I had been able.
She gets blamed for a lot of things in the UK, while completely ignoring the situation here when she took over.
For example, the collapse of industry and the rise in unemployment. Partly deserved as her macroeconomic policies did keep the £ strong, making it hard to compete. But there again UK industry was churning out substandard product that was unrelible, ugly, expensive and often not delivered on time. And was already collapsing when she took over.
Of course when she took over we had union leaders who (accurately) boasted they could overthrow governments (and had done), by going on strikes that paralysed the country (despite not having to hold ballots on strike action...). The IMF had to bail us out because the government was broke. Electricity power was unreliable - at times it was only on one hour a day. Sugar was rationed at times. No bread on shelves (baker strike), no rubbish collected (strikes), no bodies buried (more strikes!). Inflation was about 30%. There was even talk of a bloody military coup to overthrow the Labour Government a few years earlier. The UK was getting poorer all the time, by the end of Thatchers time in power this sorry state had been largely reversed.