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Everything posted by Batman1876

  1. Josh is at 211 gotta be close to the record.
  2. I was looking at the broadcast maps and noticed that thanks to Josh Wyoming is now a Bills market. Given the Buffalo Bill Cody connection this is a match made in heaven what can we do to further build that connection? I have a few ideas. 1) alternate logo of josh riding a Buffalo that mimics the Wyoming logo 2) alternate yellow and brown jerseys 3) at least use the awesome western wear font they use 4) Billy Buffalo gets a new Buffalo Bill Cody mascot pal 5) a Buffalo bill cody looking guy rides out firing guns in the air, one shot for each point. 6) new team fight song set to the guy on a Buffalo song/tune. I know each of these ideas is a license to print money. What ideas do you have? Also any graphic designers what to mock up that josh riding a Buffalo logo?
  3. Its not the name I was questioning it was the narrative, that the Eagles turned around quickly, they didn't. They had been a consistently good team for 15 years before Pederson got there, before Roseman got there.
  4. I think that though his impact was.. minimal it may have helped win a single game. No KB no Playoffs?!?
  5. My bad, I thought your point was Pederson turned the organization around quickly.
  6. Pederson had little control of the team. That’s why he was out the door so quickly. Chip had a good team (10-6 twice then 7-9) Roseman saw he was ruining it so ran him out and took full control.
  7. McVay and Peterson’s turn around did not require a roster turn over. Plus I’m not sure Pederson had much to do with the turn around.
  8. They don't talk about the Bills but the charts show the success that we've had. Riske: A new look at historical draft success for all 32 NFL teams | NFL News, Rankings and Statistics | PFF
  9. I agree, I can't imagine that Whaley was anything more than a scouting department for the draft. No way did he have full control over the draft and then get fired the next day.
  10. I'm enjoying the 2021 ride, best team in football, playing well on all sides, and fun to watch on top of it. But when I think of the job that leadership has done its really unbelievable. At the end of the 2016 season we were one of the most hopeless teams in football. Our record was 7-9 but the situation was worse. We had drafted poorly, over paid talent, chased over priced free agents all to build a team that was a poor fit for the modern game. Rex Ryan built a "bully" that scared no one and lost games. The team had been more concerned with the circus than being a pro football team. Our rebuild from that was quick, relatively painless (in terms of record) and seems sustainable moving forward. The first notable thing done was... wait. There was no big roster churn during free agency. We picked up valuable players (Hyde, Poyer) but for the most part no big changes... until training camp. Once they started assessing what they had they started making moves, the goal seems clear now, ditch overpriced contracts, and gain draft capitol in the process. So they made a few big trades which accrued dead cap and draft picks. They were also purging players that did not fit the mindset they wanted, discipline, accountability, teamwork. On paper many would have thought the 2016 roster was better than the 2017 roster, but with an actual coach we broke the drought. I don't know if they expected that success but it certainly paid off, now they new team they built wouldn't have to deal with the albatross of the drought anymore. The 2018 draft was the culmination of much of that work, the Bills could move almost anywhere in that draft to get their guy, they Got him at #7 and even had a first round pick left. Its here that I'll note that since 2017 we have been one of the best teams in the draft, we have found at least 3 quality starters in each, a complete 180 from the years prior. At the beginning of the 2018 season McBeane were a joke in they eyes of the national press. We had picked the wrong Josh, we had the most ever dead cap, we "blew up" a playoff team, we should have kept Tyrod, and we looked awful after 2 weeks. When Vontae retired at halftime the punchline was that the bills were so bad, so lost as a franchise, that it was a wonder more players didn't leave too. But at the end of the season we had fixed our busted cap situation, had a QB that gave plenty of reason for optimism, and a developing roster. All it cost us was a 6-10 year. The lowest point of the rebuild was just 1 game worse than Rex's "playoff run" team. From there it has only gone up, wild card team, division champ, and now hopefully more. On top of that the roster is constructed in a far better way (built to win not "be a bully"), players that fit the scheme and no big stupid contracts anywhere in sight. The team is in position for their championship window to be open for years to come. Today Jerry Hughes is the last player standing who was On Rex's team. Yet despite that total roster turn over, we fixed the cap, and have a winning percentage of .609 and a poised to have our best football ahead of us. I don't know that any coach/GM pair has ever turned around a team so toughly so quickly but its truly amazing.
  11. I agree he wasn’t targeted on either of the pass attempts he was in the game for. Cut him.
  12. Sunflower seeds and Grandmas floppy beach hat! That’s my Quarterback
  13. Perhaps this new burger venture will negatively impact mahomes’ play. Are you thinking he’s going to look like peterman year?
  14. If Mahomes can bring the Texas burger joint to KC I’m sure Allen could use his clout to bring the California burger icon to Buffalo.
  15. Your callous disregard for human life and suffering is disagreeable, someone getting upset at you for proudly stating such disagreeable opinions is reasonable. You are essentially Ivan Drago “if he dies, he dies”.
  16. So those that carry guns for self protection are unfree? Seems wrong.
  17. I get your free will and free choice argument, I agree with it. I don’t get your argument when it comes to being free from the consequences of our actions.
  18. A year of pandemic has shown that if anything testing and reporting is understating the problem.
  19. He seems to be under the faulty impression that an individual choosing not to get vaccinated has no effect of the community.
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