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Everything posted by Batman1876

  1. His picture looks like his face was drawn onto a blank head.
  2. So a sixth round talent and a guy from the 1980's. I will note that Tyrod is the second most successful 6th round QB of the last 20 years. And Doug did alright for an 11th round pick
  3. They are small odds but not at draft time. Short QBs who make it to the draft have even or better odds than an average or tall QB. It’s because only trancendant talent can get a short QB to the draft.
  4. Trying to trick them into making a preposterously stupid choice. I like it.
  5. Cleveland has drafted 3 first round QBs since 2005. But all three were second tier prospects picked up as “value picks” in the 20s.
  6. I’ll say the most well known deep prospect, shaquem griffin.
  7. Someone put a Lamar highlight video together with this as the soundtrack.
  8. 10 guys out of hundreds drafted in those later rounds.
  9. Except you’re wrong. They can demonstrate the predictive accuracy of their metric.
  10. Who was the last QB drafted who failed because of being too short? How did being short affect their play?
  11. So either you have to pick a QB with faults or be the Colts.
  12. Peyton had his faults too, his arm was questioned and he had faltered in big games so people called him a choke artist.
  13. People point to those QBs as examples of how short QBs with talent can succeed in different ways. As for the Manziel comparisons being lazy see if you can spot the difference. Baker- Got Drunk and (poorly) attempted to run from police. Goes too far taunting the other team, crotch grab, flag plant, throwing a football at them. Johnny Football- Arrested for fighting and having a fake id, Kicked out of frat party for underage drinking and behavior with multiple video's surfacing, Kicked out of manning passing academy, tweeted about wanting to leave A&M as soon as possible, violated NCAA rules by selling autographs, got drunk and passed out on an inflatable swan, parents publicly stated they were concerned he would not be able to handle stardom. Baker- One time mistake with police, needs to better direct his competitive fire. Manziel- History of alcohol abuse, evidence that he puts his desire to drink ahead of rules and football, his own parents are concerned about him. So yes its lazy because the heart of Manziel's problems were his addiction, he was an addict in college, and it tanked him in the NFL.
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