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Everything posted by Batman1876

  1. This will be looked at as a pivotal moment in our franchise. Either because we get our QB or because we miss and look at the QB's who weren't busts and say what if.
  2. I want to watch braveheart but I don’t want to Reach for the remote so I’ll just watch the blank screen until braveheart comes to me.
  3. I thought this would be a Palmer/Allen fanfic.
  4. Nope. He’s not a strong prospect. If he were the best QB in the draft then it would look like the 2013 draft.
  5. Losing his package leaves us with nothing to fill the gaping hole in our playbook.
  6. Would you be willing to make that trade to get a prospect of this quality in another year?
  7. Or any year. But at least this year we know there are worthwhile prospects. Are you ok waiting indefinitely for a QB?
  8. This was true 5 years ago but not anymore. The availability of top quality game film and platforms for talented scouts to share their knowledge has made things different.
  9. How good does a team need to be in order to win with a bad QB? If the QB has to sit for three years then your plan is 4 years from now our QB and team will be ready to compete, just in time for the salary cap to start pulling that team you carefully built apart.
  10. You left out coach gets fired players no longer fit scheme.
  11. You draft the QB when he’s available not when everything else is in place. Who was the last Elite QB prospect the bills had an opportunity at? It’s 4th and One your down by 5 Time running out do you punt and hope to get it back knowing the other team has a good chance to kill the clock or do you take your opportunity to win the game now? I take the opportunity I have not the opportunity I hope to get later.
  12. I'm saying that stat is representative of how bad our QB play has been during EJ. Orton, and Tyrod. Its a big reason why we are 7-28 against playoff teams over those 5 years. So we would get 1 first, one second and one third. In other words the normal amount, which you claim is essentially none. So by getting a QB we'll be left with the normal number of picks. I think we'll be better off with the most likely to succeed QB and fill in with other draft picks and FA next year. Remember any position can be filled in FA QB not so much.
  13. Strawman argument. No one is saying we can buy superman, they are saying we can buy our best chance at superman. Also we would not necessarily have very little for the next 2 drafts. we have 3 extra picks in the first 3 rounds so even if we trade 5 for one we still only are down 1 pick.
  14. So your argument is that no capable scouts publish scouting reports? Odd claim. Are you also saying that unless you are a paid pro scout then you are completely unable to breakdown game film and make meaningful assessments? also odd.
  15. I said or be a hypocrite not you are a hypocrite. And you are right I was being hyperbolic I said once every 4 games and I meant once every 3.5 forgive me.
  16. Fans can read scouting reports and decide to trust the scouts. Pundits are selling a story which has no value.
  17. Scouts know best. Pundits, even if they happen to be team owners don't. remember this if you consider drafting Allen.
  18. My sample size is 7 games played against playoff opponents last year. 5 of the 7 games we failed to throw a passing TD. We were 2 and 5 in those 7 games. How many deep playoff runs are you making with that kind of passing game? How good would the D have to be to cover that shortcoming? And yeah really if you want to claim it as a fact that I present false statements as fact then support your claim or be a hypocrite.
  19. Drafting QBs outside of the first round is so much of a crapshoot that its hard to hold it against a team for not picking the 1 in 30 who ends up being good.
  20. What demonstrably false things have I presented as facts? I'll also point out that one of those losses was this year in the first round of the playoffs where we put up three points, our D would have needed to pitch a shutout to make up for our lack of passing game.
  21. Our Offense was anemic against playoff teams mostly due to the fact that we had 1 passing TD every 4 games. So 2 20 year old examples. Not great odds.
  22. For the past 5 years we would have needed the '85 Bears to have had a real shot at a deep playoff run because we would have needed a D that could hold playoff teams to 3-7 points.
  23. When was the last time the Bills had a chance to draft a QB prospect that was considered an Elite prospect going into the draft? 2004? are you really ok with waiting another 14 years to get a good shot at one? No matter who that QB is as long as they play like a top 5 QB that year.
  24. So we are down by 6, 2:30 to go, on the opponents 40 with 4th and 1. Waiting till next year for a QB is like punting. You give up your chance to win now hoping you’ll get a chance later.
  25. So 1 team made the playoffs 50% of the time. Although some of those years they had one of the top QBs in the league that year.
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