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Posts posted by Batman1876

  1. 2 hours ago, HappyDays said:

    I hate how complicated everything has become. This is a really simple case. Jerry Sullivan publicly stated "women are the worst fans" in an era when more women watch football than ever before. He has female colleagues at every media outlet that employs him. Those media outlets have female readers. And it's not like Jerry Sullivan the lifelong troll is doing his part to bring in a train of new subscribers. So his employers have made the rather easy decision to part ways with him. No cancel culture or free speech violations here. This is basic capitalism in action.

    Not to mention a big part of his job involves covering the Bills and Sabers , probably not a good idea to employ a guy to cover the teams who thinks their owner/ president is the worst. 

  2. Just now, The Wiz said:

    I don't know how hospitals work.   Is 1 considered high or low in this case?


    Serious question.  Like a 5 alarm fire is the worst for firefighters a level 1 could be the same in terms of head trauma. 



    Level 1 is the most serious. But they said it’s near the stadium so he might not be a level 1 trauma. 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  3. 7 hours ago, GunnerBill said:


    Which is even more reason why the NFL should have been proactive last year. Because they could have suspended him, said he would remain suspended until completion of all legal matters and then at that point instigated their own disciplinary process. It would be odd now to suspend him for the duration of the civil proceedings when a grand jury has declined to indict. 


    On whether being found liable in civil law would change my view, I don't think so. We have had a similar case in the UK with a mid ranking Scottish footballer, the unfortunately named David Goodwillie, who was not charged with rape by the CPS because of insufficient evidence but was held to be liable for tresspass to the person by a civil court and ordered to pay damages. He re-started his soccer career at a much lower level but was successful and signed by a higher up club only for them to reverse that decision under public pressure. I understand why people were so angry but again I feel instinctively nervous about restricting someone's right to employment on the basis of a civil court decision. It isn't just the standard of proof which us different it is the evidenciary standards, and the purpose of the court that is different too. I speak to judges all the time in my profession and I know senior judges in the UK who sit in the civil jurisdiction who would feel intensely uncomfortable about their decisions being relied on in that way. As one described it to me - the criminal law is about the offense and the alleged perpatrator, the civil law is primarily about restitution to the claimant. Once you start mixing those concepts up you are really getring away from what the system is designed to do. 


    I would certainly be more understanding of a decision to ban him for life on the basis of a finding against him in civil court. It might ease my discomfort in the sense that there is some sort of legal finding against him (though would not change the fact that in the eyes of the law he would be innocent because innocence is for the criminal courts) but no, I have to be honest it would not totally remove it. 


    My standard has not changed. I was just pointing out that there were important differences. If I was running the league office my policy would be indefinite suspension while under criminal investigation for any tier 1 offense (not sure what the equivalent American term is) and a life ban if convicted. 

    The UK has the best example of why this sort of tolerance for celebrities is so awful, the UK has Jimmy Savile. Accusations first came out 50 years before he died and were ignored for the rest of his life. After his death investigations started and hundreds of people have co e forward to share their stories of being harmed by him.  

  4. 1 minute ago, ArtVandalay said:

    Right but how many didn't directly because of awful blunders? The 13 seconds is inexcusable. 


    He has been horrible in the playoffs all 4 of the years, need growth at minimum. 

    Right but how many didn't directly because of awful blunders? The 13 seconds is inexcusable. 


    He has been horrible in the playoffs all 4 of the years, need growth at minimum. 

    Right but how many didn't directly because of awful blunders? The 13 seconds is inexcusable. 


    He has been horrible in the playoffs all 4 of the years, need growth at minimum. 

    Right but how many didn't directly because of awful blunders? The 13 seconds is inexcusable. 


    He has been horrible in the playoffs all 4 of the years, need growth at minimum. 

    Right but how many didn't directly because of awful blunders? The 13 seconds is inexcusable. 


    He has been horrible in the playoffs all 4 of the years, need growth at minimum. 

    Right but how many didn't directly because of awful blunders? The 13 seconds is inexcusable. 


    He has been horrible in the playoffs all 4 of the years, need growth at minimum. 

    Right but how many didn't directly because of awful blunders? The 13 seconds is inexcusable. 


    He has been horrible in the playoffs all 4 of the years, need growth at minimum. 

    Right but how many didn't directly because of awful blunders? The 13 seconds is inexcusable. 


    He has been horrible in the playoffs all 4 of the years, need growth at minimum. 

    Right but how many didn't directly because of awful blunders? The 13 seconds is inexcusable. 


    He has been horrible in the playoffs all 4 of the years, need growth at minimum. 

    Right but how many didn't directly because of awful blunders? The 13 seconds is inexcusable. 


    He has been horrible in the playoffs all 4 of the years, need growth at minimum. 

    I didn’t get it the first 6 times but the 6th really clarified things. 😀

    • Haha (+1) 2
  5. 13 minutes ago, Alphadawg7 said:

    I mean, if I’m being honest, this was a pretty good and respectable statement by Baker.  I’m sure he’s getting bombarded right now with the news Browns are meeting with Watson.  

    So this came across respectable, professional, and well spoken in my book.  

    I think a change of scenery could be good for him and there are some places he can go, if he is traded, where he can maybe bounce back as well.  Like Niners, Saints, or Colts.  

    With all the Brees comparisons he drew at the draft the Saints would love him   

    • Like (+1) 2
  6. 1 minute ago, BigDingus said:


    Just saw some headline the past couple days involving him, but couldn't be bothered to click the article...


    Is he some college line coach now? What a fall from grace...

    He turned water into wine. It was pretty impressive. 

  7. This thread is insanity. He has made the playoffs 3/4 years soon to be 4/5. That alone is reason to keep him. But lets look at it a different way. Since he took over the team the Bills are 10th in terms of most wins, and as he has had time to develop his team and work with Beane they have gotten better 

    8th most wins over the past 4 years

    4th most wins over the past 3 years

    Tied for 3rd over the last 2 years

    Sure we took a step back this year with our record, losing 1 score games but that is hardly a reason to fire a guy. We wouldn't find a coach with that kind of recent success on the market, so we'd be hoping that some untested 1st time coach could do even better than a guy who has turned the Bills from a joke to a year in and year out contender. 

    • Like (+1) 3
    • Agree 2
  8. 6 minutes ago, Big Turk said:

    Pretty clear Mahomes would be #1 by a fairly wide margin if he didn't play 13 fewer games than Marino and Allen...even Watson may have passed Allen with an additional 5 games...


    The better metric would be per game statistics to even things out.

    Its hard to tell how many TD's per game Mahomes would have gotten as a rookie, would he have really done better that 24? I'm not sure. Perhaps he benefitted from sitting for that year. 

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