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Everything posted by Zebrastripes

  1. You're not right about this. Ball wasn't tipped and the receiver was just beyond the LOS.
  2. What if the Bengals won that game by 10 and it wasn't on one of the last plays of the game? Would we still need to thank Dalton for that?
  3. To each their own I guess. I just couldn't imagine dwelling on something so minor.
  4. Life must suck for you if you always get worked up about stupid things like this.
  5. Tight end screen to Croom for 13 yards.
  6. Zero chance the jets trade him.
  7. Ya cause that will show them. They still get the ticket money from the ones already purchased to go along with the monster t.v. deals they have. Reality is the NFL would survive just fine without people in the stands as long as they watch on tv.
  8. 247sports.com/nfl/tampa-bay-buccaneers/ContentGallery/The-NFLs-biggest-single-season-turnarounds-118622347/Amp/
  9. First off he's not good. Secondly he's currently suing the NFL so no one is going to hire him. Third he hasn't even been on a field in 2 years. Fourth did I mention he's not good?
  10. That's a no from me dawg
  11. Robert Foster
  12. You said you're not a jets fan. You come to a Bills message board and just start bashing everyone involved with the team. Either you are a fan of another team or you are a troll.
  13. Just a troll then?
  14. Not angry just trying to help you quit making yourself look silly. Thinking A.J. is a stud shows lack of knowledge for the NFL game.
  15. Man you need to drop the whole A.J. is a God crap. If he was so good he would never have signed the deal he did with the Bills. He was the last of the free agent qbs to sign. There is a reason for that.
  16. Talent at every position means nothing if you do not have a QB that can play at a top level. As I stated the short term there will be suffering but trading away the guys they did allowed the Bills to go after their franchise QB with keeping their draft intact. If they hit on Allen trading away what they did means nothing.
  17. Man your just full of hot takes today. All of these trades were made for either clearing us out of cap jail or for the eventual trade up for a franchise qb. He knows short term there would be suffering but he is looking at a long term building approach which has been long overdue for this franchise. Slapping a band aid on the roster when he took over would have done nothing but garner more 8-8 type seasons. Beane is looking to build a top team for many years to come.
  18. What is stopping these guys from holding out prior to year 5? Say a team drafts a qb and he puts up monster numbers his first 3 years in the league. He then decicides to holdout for a new contract. Do you think a team is going to renegotiate with him or just let him sit? It's not a new thing that guys hold hold out with multiple years left on their contracts so what is stopping a player on the rookie wage scale from doing this? I know it hasn't happened yet, but the way players are holding out I can only imagine that it's a matter of time before this happens.
  19. All I am saying is that when the rookie wage scale came out players played through the 5th year option. Now players are holding out after year 4. With Donald holding out after year 3 it potentially creates a slippery slope where guys are either gonna get paid, trade, or just continue the holdout.
  20. Donald held out after his 3rd year as well.
  21. Are they really cost controlled for 5 years anymore? Just look at Mack and Donald. These guys are going to just start holding out earlier and earlier into their rookie deals. Soon enough the rookie wage scale is going to become irrelevant.
  22. You don't think Brady knows where he is going with the ball most of the time pre snap. Terrible point to make as an argument for someone sucking.
  23. How am I crapping on this thread? Please let me know. You have guys in here dropping Ryan Leaf comparisons but yet I'm crapping on the thread.
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