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Everything posted by Zebrastripes

  1. Ya his lack of effort makes me puke in my mouth multiple times a game.
  2. KB is a free agent though. No need to dump him. Just don't resign him.
  3. It must. No qb in the league makes that play routinely. None.
  4. Yes because all QBs avoid that rush and have a strong enough arm to throw acrossed their body on the run as far as he did
  5. Zero chance Brady evades that rush though. Even in his prime he gets sacked.
  6. Exactly my point. He made a great play to give his team a chance.
  7. McDermott actually stuck up for Shaq and said he had no problem with what he did. There is a difference between being a dbag and sticking up for yourself. But hey if you want someone else to fight your fight that's on you.
  8. Ya because shaq was suspended for his actions right.
  9. So you're blaming McDermott then for Shaq getting sucker punched and being upset after and Hughes being called a B word and reacting to that as well?
  10. He called a guy out that's it. He never touched him or went after him. He did nothing wrong IMHO. He obviously isn't a guy that's gonna let someone walk all over him. I have no problem with him standing up for himself. If he laid his hands on him, now that's another story but just to yell back that's different.
  11. So you want Hughes to just walk away without saying anything?
  12. Doubt it. Mahomes threw for 295 and 4 tds and 0 ints.
  13. I personally have no problem with Hughes calling a grown man out for saying what he said to him. Let's be honest, if the ref and Hughes were on the street would he have said what he did to Hughes? The ref needs to be held accountable for his actions. Hughes has done a great job of reducing his dumb penalties on the field but when a ref says what he says I have no problem with Hughes calling him out.
  14. You need to relax bro. You're way to high after wins and way to low after losses. Just relax a bit and enjoy the ride. This team is far from the finished product they want on the field. When that team is assembled you can then be going after the coach and gm.
  15. Fair enough everybody is entitled to their own opinion that's what's great about this country. Just saying you're not proud to be an American struck a nerve with me because being an American goes much further then just who our president is. I would have never said anything if you said you were not proud of our president because that is your right as an American. Not being proud to be an American is a completely different idea then not being proud of our president.
  16. So this is the first time you have ever said this before?
  17. No one said you must love the president. That's the great thing about this country. We get to vote on who we want in office. To say you're not proud to be an American though is extreme. No matter who our president is I will always be proud to be a citizen of the greatest nation on earth. To me your reaction to our president is the same as a toddler throwing a temper tantrum because you didn't get your way. Suck it up and quit whining about the fact.
  18. If you're not proud to be an American then why not move? So many people claim B.S. like this but will never actually do anything about it. Bottom line is the U.S.A is still the greatest country on the planet and everyone that says things like this knows it. If not people would actually be moving out of the country.
  19. You're right. Just stupid people who ask questions.
  20. The radio shuts off with 15 seconds left on the play clock.
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