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Everything posted by Zebrastripes

  1. Does it really matter who they sign if it comes down to these two guys? I mean they are both career backups that really don't offer much to a team other than just to be a place holder for the future QB.
  2. Ya great idea bring in a media circus so when the rookie eventually takes over for him the rookie has to deal with all of the Kaepernick questions that will be thrown at him.
  3. How many times are people going to start a thread on this exact topic. The overwhelming majority of this board has already said trade up and get the franchise guy.
  4. Glenn barely played last year as it is no loss there. Plus I can see Rosen being a day 1 starter.
  5. How much alcohol was consumed during the writing of this thread?
  6. Why would you trade McCoy when drafting a rookie QB? McCoy is the perfect security blanket for a young QB.
  7. What makes your opinion on this matter so high and mighty and ones against yours wrong?
  8. You were right just wanted to let you know
  9. The book was published you can buy it from wal mart right now.
  10. I think it has to do with o.j. not having to be paid for the interview now due to the amount of time that has passed. Not 100% on this though
  11. You said 5th to 10th QB taken not 5th to 10th pick very very very big difference. I mean that really changes everything. Foles Stanton and keenum were all backups who only played due to injuries. Cutler was out of the league until Tannehill blew out his knee. Wentz was the number 2 overall pick. Brees was the 2nd qb taken in his class Rodgers was also the 2nd Qb taken Big Ben was 3rd Carr was the 4th QB off the board Believe me I'm well aware of the abnormal situation like Brady panning out on the league. The odds are the more qbs you watch come off the board without taking one the worse your chances of finding a good one are.
  12. They may be backups or 3rd stringers but the majority of starters in this league were the top few guys chosen.
  13. Watkins, Woods, Shady, and Clay are not talent?
  14. I strongly believe this class is the most like 2004 where there were multiple guys that panned out. So yes I would still make a trade up to get 1 of the top guys.
  15. Exceptional! Thank you for pointing that out for me.
  16. I said this from the beginning. If a guy isn't ready let him sit. I never said all rookie qbs need to sit.
  17. No coaches just panic and try to catch lighting in a bottle to save their own job. Difference being you get 4 years in college learning about what you're going to be doing in your job. A college qb may be coming from a completely different system then he is going to be playing in at the NFL level. Therefore he basically needs to learn everything over again just like his first day of college.
  18. Difference is the NFL qb position has a lot more to take in then most other jobs out there so the training window may be larger. Training camp is a joke too.
  19. You have to follow the whole conversation from the beginning. I was only stating sit a rookie if he wasn't mentally ready for the game. Whether it be needing a little more time to diagnose a defense or learn the terminology of the offense. Let me ask you this. Have you ever started a job that you were not first trained how to do that job?
  20. The big difference is you cant ruin a guy by letting him learn as much as he can in a back up role. You most certainly can ruin a guy by starting him prematurely.
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