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Everything posted by 1stgm1993

  1. Yeah and we get called after a good play or to take us out of trying another play arghhh
  2. Yes but we want kc to lose so the game can be in Buffalo and not Atlanta
  3. they went after kelly's bad knee bad such bs no calls or nothing hated that team ever since as well.
  4. BS ticketmaster ticket in cart then nope sorry gone oy
  5. account seniority is bs season tickets over 15 years wed 12pm know a club seat person only 2 years they have wed 10 am
  6. I think that was a makeup call for us hitting the qb at the sideline (didn't need a penalty there either since he was in bounds)
  7. Didn’t see a post anywhere else anyone else glad the giants knocked out the Vikings so we don’t have to hear about them wining all the close games and beating Buffalo this year anymore?
  8. Kind of my hope they finally let us win one too since we got new one coming if it is a fix entertainment etc
  9. Better question how did the pentacle flag never come out against Miami until they had no more time outs to give plenty of times that ball was snapped after 0 and another 1-2 secs they give plus they are warned not to keep getting that close
  10. Would like jags to avenge the lone playoff home loss we have to them
  11. Pats winning *** after 9/11
  12. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/sports/nfl/lions/2017/12/22/breathing-reggie-brown-relives-injury/108850952/ I am hoping he is stable and able to love a normal life if no longer football but I did find this online about another injury
  13. Yeah though had to hit inside pylon as well didn’t mention on replays about that
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