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Everything posted by afrodziak

  1. YES! I would take that in a heartbeat. But I doubt SD would let him go that easily...
  2. NO WAY - the best run from that clip was CLEARLY the one against the Bears...
  3. Look, the dude is still very young and averages over 6 YPC in this league, I would be ECSTATIC to get him for a first next year and a third this year...in fact for over 6 weeks now I have been wishing the Bills could get him, but I thought it was a pipe dream - sort of like my wishing the Bills could get Briggs from Chicago. I hope they do the deal, get him and draft Willis, Okoye, Timmons or Posluszny in the first round.
  4. Mike, I agree with you - a lot of people on here (heck, myself included as I'm only 36!) are pretty young and they dont really have a good frame of reference for the greatness of OJ or Jim Brown's total DOMINANCE, and with Jim it was more than simply a physical dominance, though that was a big part of it, he was also overpowering from a psychological standpoint and unlike any other back I've ever seen run or even heard about he could truly take over the game and in fact, he usually did. One thing I am mildly surprised about after reading all the posts so far is that no one else mentioned Bo Jackson - I mean I know his career was abbreviated, but if you just take into account the things he did before he got hurt, he is the only person that ever even remotely reminded me of Jim Brown - he was as big as most of the linebackers and as fast or faster than most of the DB's - he could run over you, put a move on you or just drag you to the end zone on any play.
  5. I should note that when I did my reply off the top of my head I purposely didnt read anyone else's list and now the only change I think I would make is add Marcus Allen above either Thurman or Marshall Faulk...somehow Allen slipped my mind but he is truly one of the top 10.
  6. 1. Jim Brown 2. Walter Payton 3. Barry Sanders 4. Emmitt Smith 5. OJ 6. Bo Jackson 7. Tony Dorsett 8. Gayle Sayers 9. Thurman Thomas 10. Marshall Faulk Lots of other honorable mention for guys like F. Harris, E. Dickerson, J. Riggins, H. Walker, C. Martin, etc.
  7. hey everyone, in light of the holiday spirit I wanted to notify everyone here of the Campbell's Chunky 'Click for Cans' site located here: http://www.chunky.com/clickforcans.aspx Right now the Bills clicks are somewhat low on the totem pole...
  8. Another thing i think that should be pointed out on this topic is the effect the lack of time has on a QB over the longer term. The fact is the Bills line is not so horrible as to be like Houston was early in David Carr's career when they ran that commercial with just him under an imaginary center, no visible OL and a box of 8 slobbering defensemen waiting for the snap... I mean they dont suck rocks on EVERY passing down. So what happens is when he has time, it seems like its often wasted when a. receivers cant separate b. DL bats pass down c. QB misses receiver or cant find the open guy. Of course conversely when the poor bastard gets just 2.1 seconds to get rid of it, there's two open receivers at the tail end of his progression, of course he'll be looking at the pretty cloud formations long before he sees those guys! Anyway im off my own topic already, which is that when the line is often a turnstile, the QB has no way to really know if he's gonna have 2 seconds or 5 back there, so naturally he is going to feel rushed even when he might actually have all day and this is why you sometimes get those errant throws because while we can see that no one is bearing down - he must be seeing 'grudge' like apparations of linemen bearing down on him from out of nowhere by now...
  9. That's a tough break, I know some people didnt dig this guy but I kind of liked him. Sad to see him go out like that at such a young age.
  10. So this largely comes down to OJ, Kelly or Smith it seems....here's what the so-called 'experts' think about the Juice: http://espn.go.com/nfl/s/2002/1021/1448989.html Does anyone seriously think Kelly would rank in the top 5 NFL quarterbacks of all time? I mean i loved the guy as much as the next man but i can name Elway, Montana, Young, Marino, Unitas, Bradshaw, Favre, Manning, etc off the top of my head without even thinking too hard. I think Smith is much closer to the tops at his position all-time than Kelly, so i think he and OJ are more reasonable on this best Bills to ever do it list. I just cant come up with that many defensive ends or running backs that are clearly better than our guys.
  11. OJ without a doubt. Kelly, B. Smith, T. Thomas follow him with Reed and a few others bringing it in after them.
  12. Ron Rivera is my vote. Bobby April and Haslett bring up the rear with Gray and Jauron somewhere in the middle. I think the most important thing is who the OC and DC are, to be honest....
  13. they also replay turnovers...cant recall if they replayed the sacks also or not, but definitely turnovers and touchdowns.
  14. I would have to say he is approaching that level, but not there just yet - another year or two of performing at this level though should about do it in my eyes. He is still chasing the legacy of guys like Spielman and Talley and maybe even about neck and neck with Fletcher in my estimation... When you talk linebackers, we are blessed to have had some solid ones on this team over the years - Biscuit, Conlan, Talley, Paup, Cowart, Fletch, Spikes, Spielman, etc.
  15. i was up too. i thought i was the only chump who gets THIS amped up before the opener! LOL
  16. Your idea sounds good, but i think another good way to look at it is to use 4 factors, in order of importance: Points allowed Points scored Turnovers forced Yards allowed I think if you factor in those four things, you really have an excellent formula for determining defensive dominance. i would even say you could make it three and remove the standard yards allowed from the bottom of that list with no ill effects...
  17. I didnt think anyone not in the Bush family watched Fox News?!!?
  18. Yeah, i mean Orton played with his first teamers against our backups. of COURSE he had more success... I am not convinced he will do better when the bullets are real against the real thing. I guess time will tell.
  19. Whatever the jokes, he certainly was a pioneer in ways many of us probably have no way to comprehend.
  20. I think it is a good move, hopefully it is not the kind of thing that would prevent us from keeping Clements. i am sure we will make every effort to keep him - BUT his price is liable to be VERY high, considering his position and his excellent play as of late. the other question that comes to mind is Ross Verba - i wonder if he is still out there. i know he is getting a little long in the tooth, but since he isnt getting the big contract offers he expected, i wonder if we could get him for a 1 or 2 year deal at 1 or 2 mil per year (from what i understand that would be better than the offers he has received so far). if we wound up with Verba AND Corey, then i think we would have a serious shot at greatness this year, young QB or not!
  21. NOT. My sons have an incredibly healthy and stable life and any disadvantages they may face in the future will definitely not be a result of the fact that their parents were not married. Grow up and move out of the 50's Beaver.
  22. This used to be what i thought until i came across several people (women) complaining that the father is sending the payments and they arent coming to her. and sometimes when they do they are months later. The husband shows the stubs where it is taken right out of his paycheck and they take months to figure out why she didnt get it - not just one person, this was on a site where they were saying it was a common occurrance. Actually it is the reason i decided to see if anyone on this board had similar experience. I didnt expect to be on here defending my very existance against a bunch of (probably) hypocritical Bill O'Reilly types! LOL Before anyone starts asking, i think this is the link http://issuesny.tripod.com/home/id53.html
  23. WOW! And i thought i just had a run of bad luck. i guess i should STFU when you are around! LOL
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