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Everything posted by Bruce_Stools

  1. This right here is the best the internet has to offer. Hats off to the genius that thought this up!
  2. I might be reading this theory wrong, but if we sit Allen this entire year and then attempt to spend a ton next year in free agency, what will convince any free agent that we no longer have a glaring hole at QB? If we sit Allen all year, people will be lining up for Mccaron? Are you saying go nuts next year in free agency and then the year after we will be a desirable spot? Thanks in advance
  3. Maybe a few million a year and retiring at 35-40?
  4. How on Earth have you been a football fan with all of these issues going on for so long?.....it's almost like you support it or something
  5. PrimeTime101 for Jesus?
  6. Look pal (since I'm not your buddy), you can't expect people to read every page in a thread. I was hoping that someone would have started a new one so I wouldn't have to sift through all 2 of these pages to see what's what. My bad though, just doing some amateur ball busting of my own. That "3rd man in" comment was gold. If nothing more, thanks for the chuckle.
  7. There shouldn't be a space between the last word of a sentence or question, and the punctuation mark, buddy. Also, capital letters should be used at the beginning of a sentence. And also concerning your last sentence or whatever it is, you need to put something at the end. I'm not sure if that's a sentence but surely I can't and won't assume what it's supposed to be. I figured if you were going to go all grammar Nazi on us, I'd help. Now, I'm no professor, and I may be quite uneducated, so if any other grammar Nazis out there can help me with my punctuation or grammatical errors, that would be swell. Thanks!
  8. No wonder this guy's screen name is censored. I'd post anonymously too if I had this idea. Yikes!
  9. Apparently not. If you don't agree with the majority, you're an idiot. Kyle Williams is a huge part of this defense, that is getting paid wayyyyyyyy too much. 6 million is ridiculous. When I heard we had re-signed him, I imagined no more than 3 million. What happened to a team friendly deal to keep him around and retire a bill. Guess he needed another in ground pool. That being said, welcome back meatball
  10. Yea, who needs all the data when you can exclude an amazing year so you can call him average?? Great analysis.... Aaron Rodgers sucks. If you exclude all of the touchdowns he's ever gotten, his TD/INT ratio is atrocious! See what I did there?
  11. Must've missed his take on the string theory, but his shoelace theory is wild
  12. Yea idiot, it's YORE. Get it right next time
  13. The earliest I can remember the use of Bills Mafia was when Stevie Johnson was in his last year in Buffalo. I fully embrace the name. I agree with an earlier post which stated how it was at least an original name for us collectively. Bills Mafia has been solid for years now. I suppose you oppose raider nation too??? I mean, pirates are bad. Do you oppose the 12th man???? That's just too many people on the field. Just my $.02. Either way, go Bills!
  14. He could win 37 super bowls and he would never be the goat. He's a lying, cheating, very good player. As far as I'm concerned, the asterisks next to his cheating seasons forever tarnish his name. Can't wait til he retires. No one will talk about him til he's inducted in the HOF.
  15. I generally won't stand up for anything in Boston, but most teams use that tactic. Not a dirty move. Things happen all the time down field. Take a risk and sling it out there
  16. They've earned nothing. #unknowngate.
  17. Never once? Watkins was never called a bust in your presence even once?
  18. Great post. Thanks for the info
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