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Everything posted by Bruce_Stools

  1. Is that Duke Williams Sr?
  3. Maybe Wade will play a lot in the last preseason game, get hit hard and become “injured”. The team then throws him on IR with designation to return status and he’ll finish out the other half of the season with a couple good games
  4. My understanding of all of this is that we can keep Wade on the practice squad in an 11th spot only allowed to be filled by an international player. If we keep him in that 11th spot, we cannot call him up the entire year, but no other team could pick him up either. If we stored him on the practice squad without designating him to that specific 11th spot, he would be fair game to any team. Please correct me if I’m wrong
  5. We are cut from the same cloth my friend...the very same cloth lol
  6. Aaaaand I’m a Cole Beasley fan
  7. Normally, this sort of a post is a colossal flop and worth a big “f*** you”, but ***** that was worth it! Thank you for the icing on the cake
  8. Whoa! I somehow missed that rule! NOT a fan of that at all. That makes me a little more skeptical of the success of the league. Wonder if we see a lot of teams week in and week out putting up 50 pts, with rules holding back the defenses.
  9. The bills have been more like Barry Horowitz in the past lol
  10. He must’ve had the “avoid tolls” box clicked
  11. We definitely can agree they are douchebags!
  12. Ok, so what I meant by my whole post was this. If you think throwing a can is such an inexcusable offense, how can you sit there and say you’d advocate a fist fight between a midget and a mountain. That was my point. I just didn’t think the guy should be arrested. That’s it. It was just a bunch of jerks doing jerk things. 2 wrongs don’t make a right, but he had that coming and a whole lot more. I didn’t throw the can, I don’t know who did. Youve questioned my intelligence with this big crazy argument, you’ve decided I was something that would be comparable to a “Bruce Kardashian”, when all I was getting at was how ridiculous it was to say the beer thrower should be arrested. That to me seems soft and possibly said by a person who would resemble “Bruce Kardashian” more than I would. Goid day sir
  13. First off, Bruce Kardashian? You got the wrong type of feel off of my response. Btw, I identify as an attack helicopter so....use the proper pronouns, jerk. And to think I was speaking with any emotion other than thinking you sounded like an ass by saying someone who throws a can of beer should be arrested, but we’re all about him being in a cage against his will to get beaten. If you don’t see the irony in that, then you are dumb. It wasn’t really a personal attack, I just was dumbfounded at your views on throwing a beer vs a one sided brawl that would likely half kill someone. He was also antogonizing the crowd as he was heading up the tunnel, after he ran from the sideline across the field to assault someone. You ever been to a bar and there’s that one loud mouth that everyone wishes somebody would just shut up? He was running his mouth like a tough guy and deserves what he has coming. Edit. Look dude, I have no interest in bickering with you. I had an opinion, on your opinion, have a good day.
  14. Haha. While I AM an idiot, I’m not THAT idiot.
  15. Criminal? Arrests? How about the animal who ran across the field from the sidelines to fight someone. Did you want him arrested? It was a non football play and he assaulted someone with over 80,000 witnesses. The day Gronk dropped a big bow on Ted debiase from the top rope.......o wait....that was Tre White, was on a non football play as well. In front of 80,000+ fans, he assaulted another person. If these idiots don’t get arrested, why should the drunken fool? In my opinion, He should have been booed off the field and had a ton of garbage thrown at him while he tucked his tail between his legs and ducked for cover sprinting up the tunnel! I think it’s lame to say how terrible it is that a fan threw a beer and did no damage, while insinuating he get beaten to a bloody pulp by the “animal” that couldn’t contain his anger and assaulted another player outside of the field of play! Violence bad!!!!! Must be eradicated!! Put the average joe in a cage with a very large and powerful man!!! That’ll do the trick!!
  16. This^^^^^^ x1000! Possibly the single greatest post in the history of the internet! Well done, sir!
  17. The real garbage time this year is whenever the Bills O takes the field!
  18. Hey, remember when we had a receiver that had 1000yds recieving in one season?? No? Pryor had one in 2016 with.........The Browns How that can sound like a low level backup to me is baffling! Give the guy a chance, the jets basically acknowledged they messed up releasing him. His numbers were better than anything anyone here was doing before his injury this year.
  19. I’m at work and can’t contribute right now, but can we please get this pinned to the top of the list for at least a week or so?? Should be amazing! Lets shoot for more pages than Mario Williams!!
  20. Pomme means Apple in French. Pomme de terre literally translates to Apple of the earth. It’s potato
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