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  1. A surprise to no one who actually pays attention
  2. Im happy as well. But let's be clear, they were projected to finish 3rd in the division by clowns on TV. No Bills fan should have expected that. The team is where it should be. Anything short of a trip to the Superbowl is a failed season.
  3. Who knows, it could have happened earlier and they are just saying it was the last play since he never got evaluated in game.
  4. That's when it happened, per coach
  5. Lions fans have to be sick. To lose the way they did and now lose both of their coordinators. This year was their shot.
  6. Who were we missing the first game? I know Coleman and Kincaid, in sure there were others but I can't recall.
  7. Kincaid is by far the biggest disappointment this season. Not saying it's all on him. Maybe it's some on Josh, maybe some on Brady. But for whatever reason the connection is not there. Not the guy we thought he was going to be.
  8. As long as we are healthy, yes, of course. We almost beat them last year missing half our defense. Rapp didn't look good, but hopefully Taron is okay. Saw a random post saying Greg didn't play the last drive? Hopefully he is not hurt.
  9. Don't forget "Lamar was the best player in the field"
  10. Compare to when Josh loss last year
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