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Everything posted by Cmdjr85

  1. Good kicker is one of the most important positions on the team. More often than not games are gonna come down to the kicking game.
  2. Well they demolished houston in week 1
  3. 2018 is a new season, and playing buffalo = 2 easy wins every year
  4. You guys are obsessed. Its laughable at this point.
  5. Dont care this is none of your concern, youre a bills fan
  6. Lol your all salty because mcdaniels is staying in new england and that is bad news for you. Thats the only explanation for a 15 page thread ob a topic that has nothing to do with the bills. . Ahahaha good one. I know this much Pats are winning at least 2 games in 2018
  7. Thata incorrect you dont know if he did that or ballard did that
  8. Did they also ignore the face mask on atlanta? Or do you only see things one way? And they got sacked, then the holding penalty. Not the other way around.
  9. I dont use pats message boards, only use the book.
  10. Miss Russini is know to tweet stuff thats garbage, no truth and no sources. I dont believe a word she says
  11. I encourage you all to go 1 full day without talking about the patriots
  12. Lol trust the lady that put some bs out on sunday
  13. The best part is hearing reggie wayne say what he did was wrong and he hoodwinked the team. Well reggie josh didnt take 450k signing bonus and ride off into the sunset.
  14. Belichick is staying for 2018. Mcdaniels will be next coach after belichick
  15. Wrong. Never Cheated, bills=2 easy wins for pats this year. McDaniels is staying.. Belichick tooo and your hopes and dreams crushed
  16. Never cheated. McDaniels and belichick are staying.
  17. Belichick ia not leaving and just because it dosent suit bills fans McDaniels is not a scumbag.
  18. They let them play they didnt call the holds. There could have been a few on philly. The refs let the game play out. They called the ones they had too. But other than that they did it how they should
  19. Butler cleary did something, but i think if it was that bad he should have been made inactive. Gilmore was the only player on defense who did his job. Allowed a 17.4 passer rating.
  20. Belichick is not leaving. Thry asked him today if hes coming back and he already addressed that and will not kerp ansnwering the same question.
  21. No my head is not gonna be in any toilet. You dont win them all, and in your case you dont win any. It was still nice to be in the game and have a chance to win the game. And that goes to the greatness of brady. Hes the sole reason they even had any chance. Maybe one day your team will enjoy a championship. Philadelphia earned it. No my head is not gonna be in any toilet. You dont win them all, and in your case you dont win any. It was still nice to be in the game and have a chance to win the game. And that goes to the greatness of brady. Hes the sole reason they even had any chance. Maybe one day your team will enjoy a championship. Philadelphia earned it.
  22. Butler was not good this season. He gave up over 115 passer rating when targeted this season
  23. Mcdaniels hasnt left yet. Rumor is that he may not go to indy Also butlers play was not that good this season.
  24. Rumors that he missed team curfew
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