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Kyle and freddy

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  1. Heard from a reliable source that Chris Jones may re-aggravate his calf on the first series …
  2. After cellphone incident at Penn st wouldn’t be surprised that Jason cuts back on that type of stuff…why deal with it
  3. Could be something more than performance on field??? He was a starter for them … half way through their bye week …why wait …
  4. Doesn’t letting teams run on you let them control more clock and take ball out of Josh hands …
  5. Tom Telesco the GM is a native Buffalonian and Bills fan growing up. Interned during Super Bowl years … c’mon Tom for old times sake … you can be in parade if it works out …
  6. All gamesmanship by McDermott …can’t let on to Chiefs who is out , severity of injuries etc till end of week. He probably has a good idea at this point , but will not show his hand …
  7. NFL Points scored to date: 1. Dolphins 223 2. San Fran 183 3. Bills 173 Point Differential: 1. San Fran 94 2. Bills 84 3. Dolphins 67 Yea …Let’s fire Bills coaching staff this morning … you people for real ?
  8. I forgot …how many playoff games /Super Bowls has he won ? Must be several to ask for that …
  9. Jason McCourty on GMFB made a point that many of these guys have dealt with adversity their whole lives and sports/football have been an outlet /escape from friends getting killed, poverty, broken families , parental drug abuse, crime ridden neighborhoods…they reached the top of their profession through hard work , having supportive teammates … I think it will be positive to get back to doing what they do best and where they thrive
  10. It was to get the backups in for a couple plays … they showed McD on sidelines making it happen
  11. Less fans , better Josh will play - genius move… see 2020
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