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Cheektowaga Chad

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Everything posted by Cheektowaga Chad

  1. Bills have been money in 4th quarters this year, lets hope it continues!
  2. Well one positive is we were only out scored by 1 point that 3rd quarter
  3. We always seem to have poor 3rd quarters, hoping that changes today!
  4. Do not understand the reluctance to feed singletary the ball at least a but more
  5. Gotta make that throw, gotta make the catch too Not a good start
  6. Think the reason they havent tried it is because are you taking hughes Murphy Lawson or Alexander off the field to try this? I'm not
  7. Pretty sure the first half. Noticed on the one drive where Peterson broke back to back long runs haskins audibled at the line and ran to side oliver was lined up on. Was noticeable because oliver kept switching between the 2 tackle postions
  8. Only reason to trade for bell or Gordon is to get an actual player other defenses have to be worried about at all times, a guy teams will game plan to contain or stop. And they are the only ones that could be had at this deadline Maybe aj green but he has been injured
  9. Remember where those teams were when they hired each coach? Both the Rams and 49ers were at least a year or 2 ahead in their re builds. 49ers were almost completely torn down while the Rams were heading into year 2 with a number 1 overall pick at QB The bills started the tear down with McDermott and finished the tear down just last season.
  10. Coaching cost us this game in my opinion. The eagles are weak at corner on the outside so we attack the middle of their defense. They struggle with blitzes so we sit back and try to cover Someone please convince me I'm wrong Also is this being blown out in the middle of the season becoming a pattern for McDermott? Its only one game but very similar to the past 2 years mid season games where we got absolutely killed
  11. Also true. If McDaniel takes over after the season it will be interesting to see what Brady does. Maybe it will finally be the end of the Patriots
  12. When I heard belicheck was going to be running the defense this year I thought his time in new england is almost up If you planned on staying you would have hired a DC I didn't think it would be Brady first to leave
  13. Yes. That is widely known I just imagine that teams have scripts for 4th quarter drives depending on the situation Admittedly script is probably a poor word choice Ie they practice these plays more often, and know which series of plays they will go to in the fourth depending on the situation.
  14. I'm guessing one of the reasons he does better in the fourth while behind is that the plays are more "scripted" or practiced throughout the week
  15. I agree, the bills have done it a few times this year already which is becoming a habit. Thought it cost them in the games they have done it. I wonder if it is a game plan/coach specific strategy or if McDermott is going with his gut ach time?
  16. I'd normally agree but today in this game I thought it was the right call The first half was absolutely putrid and were lucky to be down only 5 points
  17. Probably what happened but found it odd that zero replays and the refs didnt even stop to review. Not to mention the ball is moving a lot and he is near the side line Ive seen less get stopped for a 5 minute replay review
  18. Am I the only one that thought the wr was down at the 1?
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