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Cheektowaga Chad

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Everything posted by Cheektowaga Chad

  1. Also why so much hate for Allen today. Maybe I'm just reading it more today but geez its been 1 quarter and has thrown like 3 passes
  2. Allen has been feeling pressure since the ravens put him under constant duress He has to get past that game.
  3. I do think you'll see the play book emptied so to speak. With the playoffs and seed pretty much locked up, the coaching staff may want to put some games and tricks on tape for teams to prepare for
  4. I actually like the show highly questionable, think it's entertaining. Key word being entertaining, if you're watching the show for actual sports knowledge you're in the wrong place Its a show that is hot takes, the host is a modern day shock jock
  5. I personally think the ravens will flame out in the playoffs. Reasoning being, they likely play a team that has played them already. A big advantage the ravens have on teams is the speed jackson plays at. A second game gives a good defense opportunity to be better prepared Also playoff time comes and teams play harder, I believe we are seeing the best of the ravens right now. I think teams like the chiefs and patriots have one more gear they can get to
  6. Was? Shouldn't that read 'is' Come on bills twitter
  7. Regarding the blitz vs the ravens, the bills missed the plays they had when protection held up. If they hit on those plays or even one of them the blitzes will slow. One play in particular was a dropped pass by singletary that would have went for a very large gain. A key to beat the blitz, hit a big play. They had the opportunities yesterday just didn't convert
  8. The twelve men in the huddle was corrected by an official instead of a penalty flag being thrown. A ref litterly watched as the ravens brought 12 in and then rushed 1 out after realizing it. It was horrendous with a ref standing and watching the huddle and not to make that call
  9. They also played a QB by the name Bryan st. Pierre in the game
  10. Well since we played the Steelers and their third string QB, a third string rb.......feels like deja vu
  11. Without looking, I imagine it's because the Texans and Titans play each other, thus making sure one of those 2 will have 6 losses Edit: already answered should have kept reading the thread, Go Bill's
  12. Under rated play by Baltimore was the intentional offside. The bills were scoring on that play with the personnel the ravens had on the field Could have been a huge play but we still ended up scoring so it didnt matter
  13. I can't see McDermott leaving or wanting to leave. Beane I could see especially since I think he grew up there. With that said money always talks and pegula isn't going to let them walk. So unless each of there families is absolutely miserable in buffalo. They ain't going anywhere
  14. I was there and that game might have been the most miserable game I have ever been to. Between the weather and the fact the bills didn't get a first down until mid third quarter. The players on this bills team and coaches on staff come across as guys who remember games like the one last year and fully expect the team to be fired up more than usual.
  15. Strange timing to fire him after he has been with the organization for so long. Almost makes me wonder if it was more of a quit, than a fire (Quit after learning he was going to be let go in the off season)
  16. I keep seeing that the flexed game will deter game planning for the Saturday pats game. We are literally talking about a 6 hour difference. Plus I can't imagine too much prep gets done between 4pm Sunday to 7am monday
  17. Their defense is starting to look defeated For the first time I saw Gilmore give the I don't care look he did so much when he played here
  18. We lose tie breaks with new England so they would have to drop another game They do play the Chiefs and andy reid seems to own the pats in the regular season
  19. Was that game on NBC? Or was it still espn Sunday night football?
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