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Cheektowaga Chad

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Everything posted by Cheektowaga Chad

  1. The 1 team has already changed 3 teams schedule (theirs, Pitts, and balt) with the potential to get 2 more teams plus if they can't play next week Stopping the league for a week and reset a schedule with a league wide bye every 4 or 5 weeks will allow for things like teams needing to make up games easier in my opinion
  2. Wentz really hasn't improved from his rookie season or is his offensive line that bad
  3. I wouldn't be surprised if the league as a whole, takes a week off and reconfigures the remaining schedule. Maybe with league wide byes built in every 4 or 5 weeks here on out
  4. It sounds like these players shouldn't be able to play, the nfl just fined some coaches large amounts of money for not wearing a mask at all times. This is a big moment that the NFL can show they care about player safety
  5. I feel like they are missing a personality like Jordan phillips or shaq especially with no crowd to help them get amped up
  6. If there is an NFL player that could its him I mean he played offensive line and defensive tackle before switching to linebacker in the NFL
  7. Kind of an out there idea, but how would pausing league wide activities go? So lots of positives even if contained to 1 or 2 teams the league doesn't play this week picks up the following week, current week 4 gets added to the end of the season?
  8. I don't think any defense that plays majority man coverage vs the Chiefs is gonna fair well
  9. When teams play "playoff" football he struggles Right now he is a regular season QB and the ravens are a regular season team
  10. Is it me or have the ravens wr's been getting away with offensive pass interference a lot
  11. It reminded me of bass first miss week 1. Would have liked to see a secomd look
  12. I don't understand the people that try to say they'd rather have what the bills ended up with in that trade It was a trade that worked out for both teams but mahomes is all time
  13. Mahomes was the start of changing the perception of big arm very athletic but raw qbs being drafted in the early first and not being a bust
  14. I actually believe the zone the bills play will help in defending the Chiefs. The bills defensively match up well compared to the rest of the NFL vs the Chiefs The Rams probably pose the biggest challenge to the bills defensively, no one person to stop or key on and every player is fast and quick
  15. Before the season Baker said that what has been shown with those commercials isnt even half of what they filmed
  16. Yeah they look like they are adjusting to the speed the ravens play at. Which is the biggest thing when facing lamar jackson
  17. This start is reminding me of the trent edwards bills 5 and 1 start, win games against lesser opponents but in kind of flukey lucky or weird ways This team is obviously better than that team (and a legit playoff contender) but there are signs of the 3 and 0 start being fools gold. They really shouldn't be mentioned with the leagues elite just yet
  18. I could see them being better with flacco only because I think he will do his own thing and not listen to gase
  19. yes and yes The level of dirtiness is very debatable but is dirty I think it all depends on milano and edmunds. With them in we match up fairly well with the rams just about everywhere in my opinion. With them out see fitz and the tight end over the middle last week and multiply it by 20
  20. Remember he is a second rounder not a first Also this is how you develop talent and keep winning for years and years not just have one or 2 good years. Defensive end is a key position and it will be pretty nice having an in house replacement for a couple of our older vets when we need the cap space
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