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Cheektowaga Chad

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Everything posted by Cheektowaga Chad

  1. Why send the cowboys anything unless they think another team is? Lets be honest with them being former panthers we are the top landing spot if they are cut lol
  2. Congratulations, you now have the most billsy comment I've read or heard But I feel where you're coming from lol
  3. This will be a huge game, a win would move us to 4-0 in the division and put a strangle hold on the AFC east title
  4. Think he is referring to Josh allens first career start afyer week one in baltimore was a clown show with Peterman
  5. Frazier has spoken about getting chemistry along the defensive line and the defense in general. Hopefully between the last 3 games the coaches also have some chemistry in calling plays too Ie. Bringing additional pressure
  6. Ive honestly never thought of it like that, but it might be. How many routes does he actually run each week would be interesting to look into
  7. I hate the amount we actually run those jet sweeps. Like the motion and running them every now and then does the trick
  8. Will we continue to see left hash tyler bass vs right hash tyler bass?
  9. As soon as they didnt call one there I knew they were playing for a fg
  10. After the rams game I jokingly compared this team to the trent edwards led 5-1 team but dear lord this is looking like it
  11. Might have to go with a heavy blitzing defense o help mask the putrid run defense
  12. Y'all realize that the game plan versus the chiefs will not be the game plan for every game?
  13. I found this comment funny by aikman, it was an incredible throw that mahomes only makes. He made it sound as if mahomes screwed the throw up. To the rest of your comment, I didn't mind the game plan for the most part. The defensive line needs to be better. If you are gonna play this style vs them you need to average under 5 yards a carry My biggest issue would have been 3rd and longs and on first downs. They never seemed to throw a blitz or even run blitz all game. They made it too easy
  14. He looks to be protecting it on some plays, which would/could throw off mechanics He had a lot more throws these past 2 weeks flat footed or falling away than he did the first 4 games
  15. Its the right game plan, need better execution. Even when protecting against the deep ball allowing 8 yards a carry is bad
  16. Probably. They are the better team, anyone with the thought the bills are better than the super bowl champs is out to lunch
  17. We played a lot of 7 men in the box. Sometimes even 6. We need a big body for sure but the pass rush is more alarming. We have struggled to get to the QB even when blitzing. And its more embarrassing
  18. I think the point of the game plan was to bet that Andy reid doesn't stay with the run His history shows he won't. Strangely did for once today
  19. They desperately need a pass rusher that can get to the passer. I really didnt mind the defensive game plan but they need someone to get to the QB so that on the last drive or 2 mahomes doesn't make those 3rd and longs The game plan almost worked to perfection. Keep it close and let Allen win it on the last drive
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