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Cheektowaga Chad

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Everything posted by Cheektowaga Chad

  1. Bieniemy in new York makes sense Assume douglas has a connection to reid if has connections to Philly and Pederson
  2. The jets should hire him and keep Darnold. He already fixed 1 QB that gase attempted to end their career
  3. Id rather play Pittsburgh but thats mostly because I hate both the ravens and titans with a passion and really don't want to lose to either lol
  4. This Also you make this call in the 1st qtr everytime - imagine what they can get away with in the 4th now
  5. If the first move you make as a GM is trading a young franchise QB to a team in the same conference - the owner should fire him on the spot and hire the next guy because there is no way he succeeds if thats his thought process On top of that Tua????? Lol
  6. The third down defense was putrid But overall the defense on downs 1 and 2 were ok/average/what they have been They just couldn't get off the field Its not like all of the 3rd down conversions were 3rd and 1, it seemed they were always 3rd and 5ish. Which made it even more frustrating to watch
  7. The 12th man actually belongs to Texas A&M. I believe both the seahawks and the bills pay the school to use the phrase
  8. Was it the cigarette smoking man from the x files making a call?
  9. People forget he is/was a very good receiving back before signing with the bills If it's known he will play and we game plan a few plays for him, I think he would be an asset to play
  10. The Colts are as solid of a football team as they come this year - they just weren't flashy With that said they executed their game plan to a tee and the bills still won I think that shows just how good these bills can be
  11. I agree But I need closure or reasoning because this play will eat me a live!!!!!!!
  12. Earlier this season there was a 2 or 3 week stretch where guys were being ruled down or in bounds because of the shin - ill try to find the games
  13. The only thing I can think of as to why it was ruled down, the shin. The knee is definitely off the ground, but hiw much of the shin is still on the ground nd how much of a shin is needed to = down But then I think why wouldn't the NFL just explain this in the tweet rather than say the call stood
  14. Moss - when the colts come out with 6 defensive backs we are gonna need to be able to run the ball
  15. Duke active because he can fill in at multiple positions if guys can't go Big enough body to run some tight end and wide receiver or full back even
  16. How so? Theres no way the colts game plan changes with duke on the active roster or still on the practice squad
  17. I do think it helped him progress more than what he would have been able to with the crowd Its provided the perfect atmosphere to train a young QB
  18. Initial reaction was good hire, I liked the coaching tree he was from and who he learned from But when he had the intro press conference I thought he sounded kinda out there and thought maybe thats why he has never had a head coach job for so long. He always seemed to interview each year and never landed any until then
  19. Got to imagine the name will at least leak today or tomorrow before the game for max publicity Kind of off topic - the bills and Tim Horton's usually have a special where you get a free coffee if the bills score 2 touchdowns - the savings from not having fans this season for Tim hortons alone might have been enough to purchase naming rights
  20. Allen is more stereotypical QB so a lot of executives will prefer him over mahomes just because what mahomes does has never been seen He plays the game as if he is playing baseball or basketball
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