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Cheektowaga Chad

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Everything posted by Cheektowaga Chad

  1. Like the 4th and 1 wasn't the game. Even if Allen picks it up we still need the end zone
  2. Even if Allen got the one yard.....we still needed 2 (or 3) to win the game with what 20 seconds left and one time out
  3. I think it was a Brendan Staley interview in the off season that I listened to, his over all thoughts were that you need to trust analytics a lot but then there will be times you go against it and should have no issue doing so. Because each game has different flow and each game has different teams and situations. Mentioned that when you are moving the ball at will take a more conservative approach. When you are out matched take an aggressive approach Coaches need to read the game
  4. I honestly believe every team besides the ravens kick the fg
  5. Red zone offense has been bad all year Needs to be fixed. Teams play zone as soon as the bills get inside the red zone and Allen starts to struggle or at least get confused
  6. If I was a titans fan I wanted no part of ot. Its not even a td we would have scored. Its just a 1st down
  7. If I was in their shoes yes I would be happy. As a bills fan ive been and you have been in these situations The thing is you win with a stop, you know they are better than you so you want the game to end as quick as possible. The bills going for it ends it as quick as possible
  8. I'm a big believer in playing in how the opposing team doesn't want you to play, ie going for it on 4th and kicking fg. The titans thier fans and thier team loved that we went for it. They wanted no part of over time
  9. I still had faith but you extend this game every time. The bills are a class above the titans and should act as so
  10. I agree they didn't look like a great defense tonight. In my opinion they looked better and out played the Titans all night minus a couple plays. Extend the game continue to out play the titans and win
  11. No not at all. Part of that is on coaching. Obda and phillips??? But still all year they have been number one so mayne trust them?
  12. Going for at the end there is a play you do against a team you think is better than you I happen to think we are a lot better than these titans
  13. People can continue to hate my thoughts but you have the "number 1 defense" chance to take the game to ot with an offense that was driving the ball into the red zone at will tonight. Take it to it and win in ot
  14. Between the non fg and the weird defensive line choices tonight. Coaching was an issue
  15. Coaching after a brilliant game against KC.....one of the worst games ive seen coached since dick jauron
  16. This is some of the dumb coaching ive seen since red Ryan maybe dick jauron. Thus was stupid You go out there try to draw them off side. When they dont jump you kick the fg. You have dominated this game. Their defense had no answer for our offense and our defense has only broken down on a couple plays. You take it to ot and tale the win easy. Wtf was McDermott thinking
  17. You have been out playing them all night minus a couple big plays......take it to over time and win in or
  18. You out coached kc and out coached them bad. Then you show up tonight and ask vrabel for a plate of food
  19. Yeah they over thought the d line. I'll continue to harp on that
  20. I'll say it all day and night. Absolute terrible decisions on the defensive line tonight
  21. Sadly we shouldn't take it. This should be a win
  22. Defense will need to make a stop for the first time since the first drive
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